Brilliant warriors capable of combining martial and magic techniques into a seamless flow, prodigies bewilder allies and confound foes with their flashes of inspiration that grant them unforeseen capability.
A prodigy may string together actions in combat, building momentum, setting his position, and unbalancing enemies to be able to execute powerful offensive and defensive techniques. Sequences have three parts: openers, link components, and finishers. The maximum length of a sequence is 4 links plus 1 link per 3 class levels. Attempts to add additional links have no effect and anything that would cause the sequence to lose a link acts normally. A prodigy may only have one sequence active at a time; any actions affect the currently active sequence. Any time a prodigy begins his turn without having added a link to his sequence since the beginning of his last turn, his active sequence loses one link. Should this reduce the sequence to 0 links, the sequence ends and must be started again. If the prodigy becomes dazed, dead, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious, the sequence immediately ends.
A sequence requires the rush induced by real danger. As such, a sequence cannot be started prior to rolling initiative and ends automatically 1 round after there is no longer any apparent immediate threat (such as a hostile creature capable of making an attack or casting a spell or sphere effect). This replaces potential and all potential techniques.
A list of all openers, link components, and finishers can be found HERE
Inspired Sequence (Ex):
When the prodigy has an active sequence, he gains an insight bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and caster level equal to half the length of his sequence (min. 1). This replaces armaments of the magi.
Imbue Sequence (Su):
At 2nd level, as part of starting a sequence, the prodigy may infuse himself with mystic energy tied to one magic sphere she possesses. Only a single imbue ability may be applied at a time, though the imbuement may be changed as a swift action. If the sequence ends or the prodigy changes the imbuement, any benefits of the imbuement are lost immediately. Each imbuement also unlocks the (finish) ability or abilities tied to the same sphere. If an ability has a range or save DC, it is defined based on the prodigy’s caster level with that sphere. Imbuement effects do not cost spell points or require concentration unless noted. Beginning an imbuement or activating a finisher are sphere effects, though neither provokes attacks of opportunity. This replaces spell combat.
A list of all imbuement effects can be found HERE
Unbroken Sequence (Ex):
At 4th level, when the prodigy’s sequence would be ended by the dazed, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious conditions, he may expend martial focus to prevent the sequence from ending due to that condition for a number of rounds equal to his practitioner modifier. This replaces arcane potency.
Flawless Sequence (Ex):
At 14th level, the prodigy does not lose a link in his sequence if he fails to add a link since the beginning of his previous turn and no longer needs to expend martial focus to prevent his sequence ending from the dazed, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious conditions. Using a (finish) still ends the sequence as normal. This replaces greater spell combat.
Perfected Prodigy (Ex):
At 20th level, when the prodigy starts a sequence, it automatically begins with a number of links equal to half his casting ability modifier. This replaces true magus.