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An opener begins a new sequence. A newly started sequence is one link in length. The following are basic openers:

  • Attack: Dealing damage to one or more hostile creatures with an attack action, charge attack (performed as a standard or full-round action), with a sphere ability with a casting time of a standard action or greater, or with another ability with a standard action or greater activation time.

  • Critical Hit: Confirming a critical hit against a hostile creature.

  • Defeat: Reducing a hostile creature with a CR equal to or greater than half the prodigy’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points.

  • Heal: Restore hit points to an ally or remove ability drain, ability damage, or the blinded, dazed, frightened, nauseated, shaken, sickened, or stunned conditions with an ability that requires at least a standard action.

  • Maneuver: Succeeding on a combat maneuver check against a hostile creature.

  • Magic Save: A hostile creature failing a save against a magic sphere effect. This sphere effect must have a casting time of a standard action or greater. This opener may only be used the first time any hostile creature fails a save against that casting.

Some abilities, such as possessing certain spheres, may grant additional opener options. Such options have the (open) tag.


Successfully performing a link component increases the length of the prodigy’s active sequence by 1 link. A given action may not add more than 1 link even if it fulfills the conditions of more than one link component, such as dealing damage to a hostile creature and that hostile creature failing a save granted by that same effect. Bonus attacks granted by or made as part of a given action (such as the Barrage or Dual Wielding spheres or the Armiger’s rapid assault ability) count as part of the original action for this purpose, though attacks of opportunity do not. All openers function as link components if performed after a sequence has been started. No link component may grant a link more than once per turn. The following are your basic link components:

  • Abandon Focus: As a free action, the prodigy may expend martial focus.

  • Close the Gap: As a move action, the prodigy may move up to his speed, ending the movement with a hostile creature within his threatened area. He may sheath one weapon and draw another as a free action as part of this movement.

  • Counting Coup: As a swift action, a prodigy may make a touch attack against a creature using a wielded weapon. If successful, this attack deals no damage but completes this (link). Weapons that require ammunition expend one attack’s worth of ammunition when used with this ability. Such an attack is too glancing to deliver a held touch spell, trigger ammunition properties that function on hit, utilize a thrown splash weapon, or similar effects.

  • Disengage: As a move action, the prodigy may move up to half his speed. He does not provoke attacks of opportunity for leaving his starting squares. He may sheath one weapon and draw another as a free action as part of this movement.

  • Preparation: Whenever the prodigy would be granted an attack of opportunity against a hostile creature, he may choose to expend an attack of opportunity without making an attack to complete this (link). He must be capable of making the attack to use this ability.

  • Save: Succeed on a save against a non-harmless effect originating from a hostile creature.

  • Swift Heal: Restore hit points to an ally or remove ability drain, ability damage, or the blinded, dazed, frightened, nauseated, shaken, sickened, or stunned conditions with an ability that requires at least an immediate action.

  • Steel Mind: Pass a concentration check to maintain concentration on a sphere effect when taking damage.

Some abilities, such as possessing certain spheres, may grant additional link component options. Such options have the (link) tag.


A sequence may be ended to activate a finisher. Each finisher has a required activation action and some have a minimum sequence length. Once a finisher has been used, the prodigy’s sequence is ended. Actions taken as part of a finisher do not count toward the current sequence nor begin a new sequence. The following are your basic finishers:

  • Adroit Momentum: A prodigy may end his sequence as part of making a skill check to gain a competence bonus equal to the number of links in the sequence on that skill check.

  • Arcane Apocalypse: As a 5 link finisher, the prodigy may cast a sphere effect as a move action. As a 7 link finisher, the prodigy may cast a sphere effect as a swift action. As a 9 link finisher, the prodigy may cast up to three sphere effects, one as a standard, one as a move, and one as a swift action. Each sphere effect cast in this way must have a normal casting time of no more than 1 standard action.

  • Certain Strike: As a 3 link finisher, the prodigy may spend a swift action to resolve his next attack roll before the start of his next turn as a touch attack.

  • Doombringer: As a 3 link finisher, the prodigy may make a single attack as a swift action. If the sequence is at least 5 links, the prodigy may make an attack action in place of a move action. If the sequence is at least 7 links, this attack action may instead be done as a swift action. As a 9 link finisher, the prodigy may make up to three attack actions, one as a standard, one as a move, and one as a swift action. Each attack action must have an activation time of no more than a standard action.

  • Executioner: As a 5 link finisher, the prodigy may spend a move action to automatically threaten a critical on the next attack roll before the end of his turn. If this attack misses, the ability is wasted. If the sequence is at least 7 links, this may instead be done as a swift action. This effect may not be combined with any ability or effect that automatically confirms critical threats.

  • Focus: As a 3 link finisher, the prodigy may regain martial focus as a free action.

  • Ironhide: The prodigy may end his sequence as a immediate action to gain temporary hit points equal to his level that last for a number of rounds equal to the number of links in his sequence. This finisher may be used after the result of an attack is revealed and may keep the prodigy from dying.

  • Penetrating Magic: The prodigy may end his sequence as part of casting a sphere effect to gain a bonus equal to the length of his sequence on any MSB checks made to overcome spell resistance made as part of that effect.

  • Prodigy’s Reflexes: As a 3 link finisher, when targeted by an attack or forced to make a Reflex save, the prodigy may spend an immediate action to make an Acrobatics check and use the result in place of his AC or Reflex save. He must use the skill check result even if it is lower than his AC. If the sequence is at least 5 links, he may instead activate this ability as a free action usable even when it is not his turn.

  • Resilience: If the prodigy has a sequence of at least 5 links, when failing a saving throw, he may end the sequence as an immediate action to reroll the save. For every link beyond 5, you gain a +1 competence bonus on the reroll.

Some abilities, such as possessing certain spheres, may grant additional finisher options. Such options have the (finish) tag.


A prodigy gains additional sequence options if he possesses certain spheres:



  • Carpet Bombing (finish): As a standard action the prodigy may throw one formulae or dose of poison per link in his sequence. A creature cannot be affected by more than one of the formulae or dose of poison per use of this ability.

  • Opening Toss (opener): Deal damage to a creature or have a creature fail a save against or benefit from a formulae employed by the prodigy as a standard action or fail a save against a dose of poison thrown by the prodigy as a standard action.

  • Poisoner (link): The prodigy applies a dose of poison to a weapon.


  • Hard Target (link): Once per movement, if the prodigy is attacked as part of an attack of opportunity provoked by his movement and the attack fails to hit his AC or if he succeeds on an Acrobatics check (or other associated skill if possessing the Mobility talent) to move through a threatened square without provoking, he adds a link to his sequence.



  • Flurry (finish): As a standard action the prodigy may make one ranged attack per link in his sequence, but no one creature may be targeted by a number of attacks greater than half the length of the sequence. These attacks are made at the prodigy’s full base attack bonus.



  • Liquid Preparation (opener): The prodigy may draw (if required) and imbibe an alcoholic drink, elixir, extract, formulae, or potion as at least a standard action.

  • Quaff (link): The prodigy draws (if required) and imbibes an alcoholic drink, elixir, extract, formulae, or potion as at least a move action.

  • Stumbling Flow (link): While (drunk) the prodigy may fall prone as a free action.


  • Defend Mount (link): Negate an attack from a hostile creature using the defensive rider ability.

  • Leading the Pack (opener): Handle or push an animal ally as a move or greater action.

  • Pack Attack (finish): The prodigy may spend a standard action to grant an attack action to a number of animal allies within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 ranks in Handle Animal or Ride, whichever is higher) equal to half the length of his sequence (minimum 0).



  • Whirlwind (finish): As a standard action the prodigy may make one melee or thrown weapon attack per link in his sequence. No one creature may be targeted by a number of attacks greater than half the length of the sequence. These attacks are made at the prodigy’s full base attack bonus.



  • Ready for Action (opener): Ready a counter punch. Dealing damage with this readied attack action does not grant an additional link.



  • Clear the Field (finisher): As a standard action, the prodigy may make a bull-rush or reposition attempt against a number of creatures within reach equal to the length of his sequence. If he instead uses a full-round action, he may move up to half his speed as part of this ability, allowing additional creatures to be brought in range.

  • Shoving Combo (link): The prodigy deals damage to a creature using the shove ability.

  • Shoving Open (opener): The prodigy deals damage to a creature using the shove ability as a standard action.

Dual Wielding

  • Follow-through (link): When the prodigy deals damage with an off-hand attack, he may make an additional off-hand attack against a different creature as a swift action at the same base attack bonus as the triggering attack. Dealing damage with this attack completes this (link).



  • Surface Cut (opener): As a move action, the prodigy may make a touch attack with a wielded weapon. This attack does not deal any damage other than inflicting bleed damage per the Duelist sphere.


  • Feinting Set-up (link): A successful feint as a move action.


  • Braggadocio (link): Perform a boast.

  • Roar (opener): Use strike fear with a standard action or longer activation time.

  • Scare (link): Make a successful demoralization check.

  • Taunt (opener): Perform a boast as a standard action. Performing a boast in this way does not require the usual triggering conditions and may be combined with similar abilities such as the Self Confidence talent.


  • Deliberate Challenge (opener): Use challenge as a standard or move action.

  • Endurance (link): The prodigy fills his delayed damage pool to its maximum capacity.

  • Lockdown (opener): Use patrol.


  • Impale (link): The prodigy successfully impales a creature.

Open Hand

  • Focus (link): As a move action, the prodigy pauses to focus himself. If he possesses the Focusing Breath talent, he completes this link by using that talent.

  • Hit the Floor (finish): As a standard action the prodigy may make one trip combat maneuver per link in his sequence. No one creature may be targeted by a number of maneuvers greater than half the length of the sequence. If he instead uses a full-round action, he may move up to half his speed as part of this ability, allowing additional creatures to be brought in range.


  • Mark (link): The prodigy successfully uses marked target against a hostile creature.

  • Kleptomaniac (finish): As a standard action the prodigy may make one steal combat maneuver per link in his sequence. No one creature may be targeted by a number of maneuvers greater than half the length of the sequence. If he instead uses a full-round action, he may move up to half his speed as part of this ability, allowing additional creatures to be brought in range.


  • Battlefield Assessment (opener): The prodigy may scout a number of creatures equal to his casting ability modifier as a standard action. If the prodigy scouts less creatures that his casting ability modifier, he gains a an insight bonus on his check equal to the number of creatures he could have scouted but did not.

  • Perceptive (link): The prodigy successfully uses scout on a hostile creature with a swift action or greater activation time.

  • Vanish (link): The prodigy successfully attempts a Stealth check to hide during combat. If using the sniping function of the Stealth skill, the Stealth check to hide after attacking counts as a separate action from the attack itself for the purpose of adding links to an active sequence.


  • Defender (link): A creature misses an attack roll against a target benefiting from the prodigy’s active defense.


  • Deliberate Load (link): The prodigy reloads a weapon with a swift or move action.


  • Trapped (open): A hostile creature fails a save against or takes damage from a trap the prodigy set (or used with the Trap Wielder talent).


  • Battlefield Coordination (opener): Use a shout or activate a tactic with a standard action or longer activation time.

  • Continued Guidance (link): Maintain a tactic with a move or swift action.


  • Big Move (link): Succeed on a combat maneuver or deal damage as part of a slam.

  • Parting Shove (link): When the prodigy fails to maintain or initiate a grapple, as a swift action he may make an unarmed strike against the target that deals no damage and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If successful, the target creature is battered until the end of the prodigy’s next turn.




  • Minor Shapeshift (imbue): The prodigy gains one trait that he may apply to the blank form option of shapeshift. This is in addition to any traits otherwise granted by shapeshift. This is a polymorph effect.

  • Tentacle Swarm (finish): As a standard action, the prodigy sprouts tentacles, allowing him to make one trip combat maneuver per link in his sequence against creatures within close range. No one creature may be targeted by more than one trip attempt.



  • Bleeding Cuts (imbue): The prodigy’s attack actions deal additional bleed damage equal to half his class level. This bleed damage does not stack with itself or other sources of bleed damage unless noted.

  • Extract Minions (finish): As a standard action, the prodigy may extract blood constructs (as the Extract Blood Construct talent) from a number of creatures equal to the length of his  sequence. Multiple small constructs may be combined to form a larger one. These constructs disappear after a number of rounds equal to the length of his sequence.



  • Double Team (imbue): The prodigy adds half the length of his sequence (minimum 1) to any aid another or flanking bonuses granted by his Conjuration companion.

  • Conjure Army (finish): As a standard action, the prodigy may summon a number of copies of a Conjuration companion equal to the number of links in his sequence. Each copy appears within close range and makes a single attack. A single creature cannot be targeted by more than half the duplicates. After resolving the attack, the duplicates disappear. Damage dealt to and effects imposed on the duplicates have no effect on the base companion. These temporary copies do not grant flanking bonuses to other creatures, though may benefit from them.



  • Breaker (imbue) (requires alter): When dealing damage to an object, the prodigy may ignore a number of points of hardness equal to his class level. If you possess the ability that allows you to ignore hardness equal to levels in another class, the bonus from this imbue stacks.

  • Debris Field (imbue) (requires create): As a swift action, the prodigy may litter the ground with created objects, creating difficult terrain in a radius equal to 5 ft. per link in his active sequence within close range. These objects disappear when this (imbue) ends or when it is used again.

  • Sudden Arsenal (imbue) (requires create): The prodigy may create a weapon, armor, or shield, and up to 50 pieces of ammunition. These items follow the normal rules for the create ability. These items disappear when the imbuement ends.

  • Anvil Drop (finish) (requires create): As a standard action, the prodigy may create a number of objects equal to the length of his sequence within his create range. Each object is of the largest size he can create. If the prodigy possesses the Larger Creation talent, he may spend a spell point to be able to create larger objects per that talent. These objects disappear at the beginning of his next turn. No one creature may be targeted by a number of objects greater than half the length of the sequence.

  • Petrify (finish) (requires alter): As a full-round action, the prodigy may make an attack action. If this attack action deals damage to a creature or object, the prodigy may spend a spell point to force the target to succeed on a Fortitude save or be turned to stone for a number of rounds equal to half the length of the sequence. Creatures turned to stone by this ability may make a new save each round to end the effect early, but are staggered for the remainder of the effect.



  • Shadow (imbue): The prodigy becomes the center of a darkness and is unaffected by that darkness. He may spend a move action and any necessary spell points to add a single (darkness) talent to this darkness. This darkness may only benefit from a single (dark) talent at a time; adding one ends the previous talent.

  • Sunset (finish): As a standard action, the prodigy may create a darkness centered on himself that extends out to long range, applying (dark) talents as normal. This effect moves with him and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the length of his sequence. The prodigy is unaffected by this darkness.



  • Vampiric Blade (imbue): The prodigy adds half his class level to damage rolls as negative energy damage when making an attack action. When this damage is dealt, the prodigy gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the negative energy damage inflicted.These temporary hit points stack with themselves up to twice the prodigy’s class level.

  • Walking Dead (finish): As a move action, the prodigy may reanimate 1 valid target within close range for a number of rounds equal to the length of his sequence. He may instead reanimate a number of targets equal to the length of his sequence for a number of rounds equal to his casting ability modifier as a full-round action.



  • Destructive Edge (imbue): The prodigy adds his class level in damage when making an attack action. The type of this damage matches a blast type he possesses (or bludgeoning if he only possesses the base sphere) and does not stack with the corrosive, flaming, frost, or shock special abilities or similar abilities that add damage of the same type.

  • Explosive Finish (finish): As a standard action, the prodigy may create a burst centered on himself with a radius of up to 5 ft. per link in the sequence. This burst matches one (blast type) talent available to the prodigy, dealing one die of damage per class level as well as any additional effects of the (blast type) talent. If the selected (blast type) carries a spell point cost, the prodigy must pay this cost. The prodigy may exclude himself from this burst.



  • Clear Sighted (imbue): The prodigy gains a +1 insight bonus on Reflex saves and AC, +1 per 6 class levels.

  • Precognizant Save (finish): As an immediate action when making a saving throw, the prodigy may gain an insight bonus on the save equal to his sequence length.



  • Enhanced Combatant (imbue): The prodigy, a weapon he wields, or a piece of armor or shield that he has equipped gains the benefit of one (enhance) talent that he possesses.

  • Animate Ally (finish): As a move action, the prodigy can animate one object per the Animate Object talent for a number of rounds equal to the length of his sequence.


  • Lucky (imbue): The prodigy gains the benefits of a consecration. He may spend a move action and any necessary spell points to center a non-instantaneous consecration on himself. He may only have a single consecration active with this ability at a time; beginning one ends the previous talent.

  • Curse (finish): As a swift action, the prodigy may force a creature within close range to suffer a penalty on all d20 rolls equal to the length of his sequence until the start of the prodigy’s next turn.



  • Blurred (imbue): The prodigy gains a 20% miss chance against all attacks.

  • Vanish (finish): As a swift action, the prodigy may become invisible per the Invisibility talent for a number of rounds equal to the length of his sequence.



  • Regenerate (imbue): The prodigy gains fast healing equal to the length of his sequence.

  • Healing Burst (finish): As a move action, all allied creatures within close range heal a number of hit points equal to the prodigy’s casting ability modifier multiplied by the number of links in his sequence.



  • Sunrise (imbue): The prodigy sheds bright light per glow. He may spend a move action and any necessary spell points to add a single (light) talent to this glow. This glow may only benefit from a single (light) talent at a time; adding one ends the previous talent.

  • Nova (finish): As a move action, the prodigy can emit a blinding flash. All creatures within up to a 5 ft. plus 5 ft. per link in the prodigy’s active sequence radius must make a Reflex save or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to half the length of the sequence (minimum 0). The prodigy may exclude himself from this effect.



  • Mind Breaker (imbue): When the prodigy succeeds on a combat maneuver or deals damage with an attack action, the target takes a -1 penalty to saves against charm and compulsion effects until the end of the prodigy’s next turn. This penalty increases by 1 every 7 character levels.

  • Enslave (finish): As a standard action, the prodigy may attempt to dominate the mind of a creature within close range. This functions as the powerful charm ability of the Command talent. The prodigy need not concentrate on this effect and the duration is a number of rounds equal to half the length of the prodigy’s sequence (minimum 0 rounds).



  • Aura of Flame (imbue) (requires Fire Geomancing): All hostile creatures within a 5-ft. radius of the prodigy at the end of their turn takes fire damage equal to the number of links in the sequence and must make a Reflex save or catch on fire, taking 1d6 fire damage per round. This area increases by 5 ft. for every 2 additional links in the prodigy’s current sequence. If a creature is already on fire, each round it remains within this aura, the damage from being on fire increases by 1d6. Affected targets can use a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage with a successful Reflex save; rolling on the ground provides the target a +2 bonus on the save. Leaping into a large body of water or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.

  • Fog of War (imbue) (requires Water Geomancing): The prodigy is shrouded in heavy mist to a 5-ft. radius per link. This mist grants concealment (20% miss chance) from any creature further than 5 ft. away to any creature inside of it. The prodigy is not hindered by the mist.

  • Greenstep (imbue) (requires Plant Geomancing): The prodigy may ignore difficult terrain caused by plantlife (including magical plantlife) and may see unhindered through plantlife up to 30 feet.

  • Steel Skin (imbue) (requires Metal Geomancing): The prodigy reduces the ACP of any metal armor he is wearing and of metal shields he has equipped by a number equal to half his level. He also gains an insight bonus to CMD against sunder attempts and saves against effects that target such equipment equal to the length of his sequence.

  • Tunnel (imbue) (requires Earth Geomancing): The prodigy gains a burrow speed of 20 ft. + 5 ft. per 5 class levels.

  • Wind Barrier (imbue) (requires Air Geomancing) [Apoc]: The prodigy gains a bonus to armor class vs. ranged attacks equal to the length of his sequence.

  • Nature Surge (finish): The prodigy may cast a single geomancing effect with its normal action, gaining an insight bonus on the caster level equal to the length of his sequence. Additionally, the spell point cost is reduced by 1 (minimum 0).



  • Defended (imbue): The prodigy gains the benefit of one (aegis) talent he possesses and may use his class level in place of his caster level to determine its effects.

  • Adamantine Skin (finish): When taking damage, the prodigy may spend an immediate action to reduce the damage taken by his casting ability modifier times the length of his  sequence.



  • Air Step (imbue): The prodigy becomes immune to falling damage. If the prodigy is capable of using telekinesis on himself, whenever the prodigy adds a link to his sequence, he gains a fly speed as the Flight talent until the end of his next turn. Losing a link for any reason removes this fly speed.

  • Fling (finish): After dealing damage to or succeeding on a combat maneuver against a creature with an attack action, the prodigy may use the hostile lift function of the telekinesis ability on that creature as an immediate action. If successful, the prodigy may attempt to make a single attack using that creature as a bludgeon, moving it up to his telekinesis speed. The telekinesis ends after a number of rounds equal to half the length of the sequence (minimum 1 round). A creature is allowed to make Will saves to end the effect early as normal. The sequence must be at least one link long per size category of the target above Diminutive (1 link = Tiny, 2 links = Small, 3 links = Medium, etc.).



  • Time Slip (imbue): The prodigy’s personal time speeds up, allowing him to easily sidestep attacks. The prodigy gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 competence bonus to Reflex saves. This bonus increases by +1 per 6 class levels.

  • Timeless Duel (finish): If the prodigy has a sequence of at least three links, he may target a hostile creature within close range that he has dealt damage to or that has failed a save against a sphere effect cast as part of his active sequence as a swift action. All other creatures and objects are momentarily frozen in time. The prodigy and the targeted creature gain a number of rounds equal to the length of the sequence divided by 3. A successful Will save negates this effect, preventing either creature from gaining any rounds. During this time, they cannot affect any creature or object not subject to this effect, but may affect themselves and each other. Non-instantaneous effects cast during this time end when this effect ends. Creatures and attended objects other than the prodigy and the targeted creature may not in any way be affected by any actions taken during this apparent time. The prodigy cannot activate this finish while affected by another instance of it.



  • Inspiring (imbue): All allies within close range gain the benefits of the prodigy’s inspired sequence ability.

  • Motivate Cohort (finish): As a move action, the prodigy may grant a number of allies within close range equal to half the length of his sequence the ability to immediately make a bonus attack at their highest base attack bonus. If not used immediately, this bonus attack is lost.



  • Step Between (imbue) (requires teleport): Once per turn, as a move action the prodigy can choose to teleport up to 5ft. + 5 ft. per link in his current sequence.

  • Warping Presence (imbue) (requires bend space): The prodigy warps space around himself in a radius equal to 5 ft. per link in his active sequence. The first time each turn a hostile creature attempts to move into a square inside this radius, the creature must make a Will save or treat all squares within the effect as difficult terrain until the start of their next turn.

  • Private Battlefield (finish) (requires bend space): If the prodigy has a sequence of at least three links, he may target a hostile creature within close range that he has dealt damage to or that has failed a save against a sphere effect cast as part of his active sequence as a swift action. The prodigy and the targeted creature are shunted to a private, empty demiplane of normal characteristics (air, normal gravity, normal magic, normal time, and no alignment or magic traits) for a number of rounds equal to the length of the sequence divided by 3. This plane is featureless and loops in on itself, having a radius equal to the prodigy’s close range and cosmetic features of the prodigy’s choosing. The prodigy and the target appear a distance apart equal to their distance when this ability is activated. A successful Will save negates this effect. The prodigy cannot activate this finish while affected by another instance of it.

  • Sudden Shuffle (finish) (requires teleport): As a move action, the prodigy may target a number of willing creatures equal to the length of his sequence, freely swapping their places. Each target must end in a square that was previously occupied by one other target. All creatures must be within the prodigy’s teleport range.



  • Ignore Tempest (imbue): The prodigy may treat each weather category as 1 step lower, plus an additional step per 7 class levels, to a minimum category of 1.

  • Call Bolts (finish): As a standard action, the prodigy may call down one bolt of lightning per link, each targeting a creature or square within control weather range. No creature or square may be targeted by more than one bolt. Each bolt does 1d6 electricity damage per class level. A successful Reflex save negates this damage.

  • Pressure Front (finish): As a standard action, the prodigy may make a bull-rush attempt against all creatures in a line 10 ft. per link long and 5 ft. per link wide. The prodigy uses his caster level plus his casting ability modifier in place of his base attack bonus plus his Strength modifier for making this check.


Wild Magic
A prodigy that possesses the wild magic drawback, any wild magic feat, or another ability that imposes a wild magic chance on his casting abilities may select wild magic instead of a magic sphere when activating his imbue sequence ability. Doing so grants the following abilities:

  • Chaos Aura (imbue): Hostile creatures within 20 ft. of the prodigy increase their wild magic chance by 10% per link in his active sequence.

  • Swallow Surge (finish): As part of casting a sphere ability, the prodigy may end his current sequence to reduce his wild magic chance by 20% per link.

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