+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Kitsune are agile and companionable, but tend to be physically weak.
Kitsune: Kitsune are humanoids with the kitsune and shapechanger subtypes.
Medium: Kitsune are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Kitsune have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Kitsune can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Change Shape: A kitsune can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The kitsune always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A kitsune in human form does not need to make Disguise checks to appear human and can take 10 on Influence checks to convince others that she is human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the kitsune does not adjust her ability scores and can remain in this form indefinitely.
Agile: Kitsune receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Kitsune Magic: Kitsune add 1 to the DCs of any saving throws to resist enchantment spells that they cast. Kitsune with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like ability: 3/day — dancing lights.
Languages: Kitsune begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Kitsune with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: any human language, Aklo, Celestial, Elven, and Gnome.

Fox Guise: Some kitsune are able to take on the unassuming form of their bloodline. A kitsune with this alternate racial trait receives Transformation as a bonus feat at 1st level, choosing the form of a Tiny or Small fox with the Animalistic Transformation (transformation) talent, even if this size would be smaller than normally permitted. This replaces either change shape or kitsune magic.
Keen Kitsune: Although amiable, kitsune are notoriously clever and cunning, often far more than they seem. Such characters gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence instead of Dexterity and Charisma. This racial trait alters the kitsune’s ability score modifiers.
Ki Pool: Kitsune are naturally attuned to their life energy, or ki. A kitsune with this racial trait possesses a ki pool with a number of ki points equal to 1 + 1 additional point for every 4 character levels that the kitsune possesses. This ability functions like the monk class feature, except that the kitsune may only spend ki in the following way: by spending 1 point from her ki pool as an immediate action, the kitsune gains DR 5/cold iron until the end of its turn. If the kitsune gains the ki pool class feature from another source, she adds this ki pool to that ki pool when determining the number of ki points she possesses. She may spend these points on class abilities or on racial abilities. In addition, the kitsune may use her Charisma modifier in place of the usual ability score modifier to determine the number of points in her ki pool. This racial trait replaces the kitsune magic trait.
Magical Tails: Some kitsune are naturally gifted in magic and grow additional tails as their innate power increases. Legend says that the fur of such gifted kitsune will change to snow white upon growing their 9th and final tail. Gain the Witchmarked general drawback and use your character level in place of caster level for calculating its penalties; unless stated otherwise, the sign of this witchmark is the growth of additional tails. This general drawback does not count for gaining boons or calculating additional spell points based on your level in spherecasting classes. Gain a bonus spell point at first level plus an additional bonus spell point for every 3 character levels you possess. The bonus spell points granted by this racial trait may only be used for two spheres from the following list: Alteration, Dark, Destruction, Illusion, Light, Mind or Nature. These choices must be made at first level and cannot be changed later. You cannot select the Witchmarked general drawback if you ever gain a casting tradition. This replaces the ability to take 10 on Influence checks to convince others that you are human. In addition, you need to make Disguise checks to appear human, although you gain a +10 racial bonus while shifted
Kitsune Chakra
You can channel your ki to produce spell-like abilities.
Prerequisites: Magical Tail or any racial spell-like ability, ki pool, kitsune
Benefit: You can spend points from your ki pool in order to use any spell-like ability granted to you by a racial trait or the Magical Tail feat without expending one of your daily uses of that ability. Doing so requires that you expend a number of points from your ki pool equal to the spell level of the spell-like ability produced. If you possess a spell-like ability with a spell level of 0, this Kitsune Chakra allows you to use that spell-like ability at will as long as you have at least one point in your ki pool.
Magical Tail
You grow an extra tail that represents your growing magical powers.
Prerequisite: kitsune.
Benefit: You gain a new spell-like ability, each usable twice per day, from the following list, in order:
disguise self
charm person
dominate person.
Your caster level for these spells is equal to your Hit Dice. The DCs for these abilities are Charisma-based.
Special: You may select this feat up to eight times. Each time you take it, you gain an additional ability as described above.
Swift Kitsune Shapechanger
You can change shape more quickly than most kitsune.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +6, kitsune.
Benefit: You can assume human or kitsune form as a swift action. If you have the Fox Guise alternate racial ability, you can assume fox form as a swift action as well.
Normal: A kitsune’s change shape ability is a standard action.
Vulpine Pounce [Combat]
You can change shape mid-charge and pounce on an opponent in the same round.
Prerequisites: Swift Kitsune Shapechanger, base attack bonus +10, kitsune.
Benefit: When you change shape into your kitsune form and use the charge action in the same round, you can make a full attack against your opponent.
Alchemist: Gain 1/6th of an Alchemy sphere talent from the (poison) package.
Armorist: Gain a +1/5 racial bonus to the Influence skill.
Barbarian: Add +1/4 to the damage of a bite attack.
Bard: Add a +1/2 bonus on Influence checks to lie and a +1/2 bonus on checks to gather information.
Cleric: Add +1 to channel energy damage dealt to creatures denied their Dexterity bonus to AC.
Druid: Add a +1/2 bonus on Influence checks to change a creature’s attitude.
Elementalist: Add +1/2 to damage rolls the elementalist makes with elemental pulses against an opponent he is flanking or an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC.
Eliciter: Gain +1/6th of a bonus emotion.
Fey Adept: Increase the saving throw penalty bestowed by the fey adept’s shadowmark by +1/6.
Fighter: Add +1/3 to damage rolls the fighter makes with attacks against an opponent that he is flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC.
Investigator: Increase the total number of points in the investigator's inspiration pool by 1/2.
Magus: Gain +1/6th of a magic talent.
Malefactor: Gain 1/6 of a new Magical Tail feat.
Monk: Gain +1 foot to your movement speed.
Occultist: Gain a +1/2 bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify the properties of magic items and on Use Magic Device checks to emulate a race.
Oracle: Gain 1/6 of a new Magical Tail feat.
Ranger: Add a +1/4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against the Ranger's studied target.
Rogue: The rogue gains 1/6 of a new rogue talent.
Sentinel: Add +1/6 Sleight of Hand ranks when determining the effects of the Scoundrel sphere.
Shifter: Reduce the attack roll penalties for secondary natural attacks by 1/8, to a minimum of 0.
Sorcerer: Gain 1/6th of a Mind sphere talent.
Soul Weaver: Gain +1/6 of a channel feat.
Summoner: Add +1/4 to the eidolon's evolution pool.
Witch: Gain a +1/2 bonus to Influence checks made to ask favors or to convince a creature of the truthfulness of your words.
Wizard: Add +1/2 to your effective caster level for any enchantment (charm) spell you cast.