+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution: Stray spells are cosmically Intelligent and fluid of form, but only tenuously connected to this plane of existence.
Stray Spell: Stray spells have no type or subtype. They can be detected by detect magic and similar effects, and everywhere they've been for at least 5 minutes counts as if their spell had been cast there for the purpose of detecting residual magic.
Medium: Stray spells are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Stray spells have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Stray spells can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Magic Aura: Stray spells can emit an aura from themselves, shining light as a torch. This light can be activated or suppressed as a move action and does not function in areas of magical darkness.
School Resistance: Stray spells gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells of their school.
Spell Knowledge: Stray spells gain a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Spell-Form: A stray spell is the literal personification of a magical spell, selected at character creation. The chosen spell should be a 0th- or 1st-level spell, but a higher-level spell can be selected with GM approval. A stray spell automatically attempts an opposed caster level check against any attempt to dispel them, using their full character level as their caster level. If they lose this opposed check, they take 1d6 points of damage per caster level of the victor. If reduced to 0 hit points or below, they are transcribed to the caster. This grants their slayer an amount of temporary hit points equal to three times the highest spell the creature could cast or twice its HD (whichever is higher). These hit points allow the victor to go over its maximum hit points and last for 1 hour before the energy dissipates.

Stray Energy: Stray spells passively generate magical energy within their body while they rest, which can be used to cast their chosen spell or any of their transcribed spells using the stray spell's character level as its caster level and its highest mental ability score as its casting modifier. Casting their chosen spell costs one point of stray energy; casting a transcribed spell costs an amount of stray energy equal to the spell's level. The total amount of stray energy that can be stored is equal to the stray spell's character level + its spellcasting modifier and is replenished to maximum by getting 8 hours of rest.
Transcription: A stray spell can “transcribe” another stray spell. By striking the killing blow against such a creature, they can take a free action to absorb their essence. This allows them to learn the transcribed creature's chosen spell and permanently increases their stray energy pool by an amount equal to the level of the transcribed spell. In addition, transcription makes the stray spell as full as if they’d just eaten a feast. The body and soul of a transcribed stray spell is disintegrated.
Languages: Stray spells begin play speaking Common. Stray spells with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Spell Renewal: Instead of resisting magic, some stray spells gain sustenance from it. Stray spells with this racial trait can choose to gain fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they succeed at a saving throw against a spell of their school. They can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. This racial ability replaces school resistance.
Visible Aura: Some stray spells don't even try to hide their magical nature. Stray spells with this racial trait gain the Witchmarked general drawback and use their character level in place of caster level for calculating its penalties. This general drawback does not count for gaining boons or calculating additional spell points based on their levels in spherecasting classes. Instead, they gain a bonus spell point at first level plus an additional bonus spell point for every 4 character levels they possess. Stray spells with this trait cannot select the Witchmarked general drawback if they ever gain a casting tradition. This racial ability replaces magic aura and school knowledge.
Chosen School Immunity
Prerequisites: Chosen Spell Immunity, 9th level
Benefit: The spell resistance you gain from your chosen spell also applies against any spell from the same school as that chosen spell.
Chosen Spell Immunity
Prerequisites: stray spell, 5th level
Benefit: You gain spell resistance against your chosen spell equal to 10 + your character level + the modifier of your highest mental ability score.
Extra Stray Energy
Prerequisite: stray spell
Benefit: You gain an additional 3 points of stray energy.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Any: Gain a +1/6 bonus to the DC of your chosen spell.
Any: Gain a +1/4 bonus to attack rolls when making an attack of opportunity in response to a creature casting a spell.
Any: Gain a +1 bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify spells or magic item properties.
Any: Gain a +1/2 bonus to caster level checks to avoid being dispelled.
Any: Gain +1 temporary hit point when transcribing a creature, and the temporary hit points last +5 minutes.