Words have power. A simple but deep truth learned well by but a few, be they a simple bard singing in a town corner or a mighty king speaking to his court, the right words spoken in the right ears can change the world. But these are words that were created by mere mortals, vague ideas given crude form. But there are other words, older words, words that helped shape Creation when it was first wrought into being. This is the language of the gods themselves, and even knowing just a few words of it can grant great power. One who walks this path is the Word Witch, and when they speak, Creation itself listens.
Casting Ability Modifier: A word witch uses Intelligence as his casting ability modifier and for all class features instead of Charisma.
Creation Magic:
At 1st level a word witch gains the Creation sphere as a bonus magic talent. If he already has the Creation sphere, then he may select a Creation bonus talent instead. This ability replaces fey magic.
Creation Mastery:
Whenever a word witch ceases concentration on an object he has created and is maintaining through concentration or if he decides not to maintain the object at all after its creation, that object remains for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his word witch level (minimum 1) before disappearing. This ability replaces master illusionist.
Words of Creation:
Word witches gain a limited ability to utilize words of creation. With this power, the word witch can create effects by conjuring forth physical manifestations of the words that describe them. The word witch gains a pool of word points equal to his Intelligence modifier + 1/2 his word witch level (minimum 1). Unless otherwise noted, words of creation have a range of Close and use his caster level in the Creation sphere, and the saving throw DC for a word of power is equal to 10 + 1/2 the word witch’s level + his Intelligence modifier. A word witch may spend word points to create any of the following effects as a standard action.
Fire: The word witch may spend a word point to create a set of flaming letters at 1st level and an additional set for every two caster levels he has beyond 1st, whose size and damage grow as he gains more levels. These letters may be launched altogether at a single target as a ranged touch attack at close range that deals 1d6 points of fire damage, plus an additional 1d6 points of fire damage for every 2 caster levels beyond 1st. If the attack is successful, the target must attempt a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire. Alternatively, you may fire each set at a separate target, each requiring a ranged touch attack to hit and dealing 1d3 points of fire damage, plus an additional 1d3 points of fire damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st. When used in this way, targets are not at risk of catching fire and never take damage from more than one letter.
Ice: The word witch may conjure frozen pillars which quickly fly toward the target and attempt to trap them. The word witch must make a grapple combat maneuver check against the target, using his Intelligence modifier in place of his Strength modifier and his caster level in place of his base attack bonus, additionally, he uses the maximum size he may create in place of his size for determining his size bonus on this attack. If successful, the target becomes grappled and must make a Fortitude save each round or take 1 point of Dexterity damage as long as they remain grappled. The ice maintains the grapple every round (but never makes any action other than to maintain the grapple) for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier plus 1/2 your caster level. At 7th level the word witch gains the benefits of Improved Grapple when using this ability. At 13th level he gains the benefits of Greater Grapple and may make a single attempt to pin the target as a free action if the initial grapple is successful.
Iron: The word witch conjures 1 metal bar for every 3 caster levels he possesses (minimum 1) that launch themselves at enemies or objects. Each bar may be hurled at a target as a ranged touch attack and each deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage at 1st level and an additional 1d6 damage at 5th and every 4 caster levels thereafter. When striking a creature, he makes a bull rush attempt using his caster level as his base attack bonus, his Intelligence modifier in place of his Strength modifier, and gaining a size bonus fitting for the maximum size he can create with the Creation sphere. When striking an object, iron may make a Strength check using the word witch’s Intelligence modifier and gaining a size bonus fitting for the maximum size he can create with the Creation sphere at his caster level to break that object. Regardless of whether he is targeting a creature or object, every bar beyond the first that targets the same entity grants a +3 bonus to the combat maneuver check or Strength check instead of an additional combat maneuver or Strength check.
Earth: The word witch creates a series of stone shapes which slam into the ground at a target location within close range. All creatures within a 10 ft. radius of the target location must make a Reflex save or fall prone as the stones smash into the ground with enough force to cause it to shake.
Wind: The word witch conjures a whirlwind burst of air. This word creates a severe blast of air (approximately 50 mph) that originates from the word witch, affecting all creatures in a 60 ft. line and persists for a number of rounds equal to his caster level. This wind is of severity level 4, + 1 severity level per 7 levels the word witch possesses..
Lightning: At 3rd level, the word witch gains access to a new Word. He may create arcing letters that dance with electricity before shooting out. All creatures within a 30 ft. cone take 2d6 points of electricity damage (Reflex half), and an additional 1d6 for every odd caster level beyond 3rd. Targets wearing metal armor or who are primarily made of metal take a -3 penalty to this Reflex save.
Life: At 6th level, the word witch can imbue his creations with a semblance of life. By spending a word point in conjunction with any create effect, the object is affected as if by Animate Object, using his caster level in the Enhancement sphere. This effect lasts for as long as the word witch concentrates to maintain the object or for up to 1 minute per level if he spends an additional spell point.
Silver: At 6th level, the word witch’s magical vocabulary grows. He may now conjure sharp, silvery characters that seem fluid before they
break apart into a barrage of needles. This deals 1d6 piercing damage for every odd caster level in a 30 ft. cone (Reflex half). This
damage is considered silver for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, the word witch may instead target up to 6 creatures. These creatures take on a silvery, metallic sheen and their natural and manufactured weapons are treated as silver for up to 1 minute per level. -
Adamantine: At 12th level, the word witch learns how to call upon the ultimate metal. He may create adamantine by spending 1 word point in conjunction with any non-instantaneous duration create effect. In addition, he may spend two word points to turn a target creature into a dangerous living weapon. This grants the target a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, DR 10/adamantine, and a single simple or martial weapon of his choice made of adamantine with an enhancement bonus of +4 (this bonus increases to +5 at 15th level) for 1 round per caster level. While in this form, the target’s speed is reduced as if they were wearing full plate and suffers a -4 penalty to Dexterity.
This ability replaces shadowstuff.
Permanent Creation:
At level 20, the word witch can make one of his creations permanent. He may select any object he has conjured through the create ability and increase its duration to permanent. Only one creation can be made permanent in this way at one time. If another creation is designated as permanent, the previous creation expires. This ability replaces permanent illusion.