The elementalist selects an elemental specialization at 5th and 10th levels.
The first time this element is selected, the elementalist learns to utilize electric energies to mix with his own magic and can deal electric damage with his elemental pulses if he cannot do so already. His electric elemental pulses have a range of Medium.
When using empowered electric elemental pulses, the potent kinetic energies allow the attack to instantly reach its destination rather than be flung as a projectile. Attacks made with empowered electric elemental pulses gain a +3 bonus on attack rolls when targeting creatures primarily made of metal or that are wearing metal armor.
The second time this element is selected, the elementalist’s inner electric powers begin to disperse in deadly ways on his target. Any creature struck by an empowered electric elemental pulse must succeed at a Fortitude save or become staggered for 1 round. A creature struck by multiple attacks in the same round only needs to attempt one saving throw.
Ascension Benefit: As long as the elementalist is ascended, his body becomes as fast as lightning. He constantly benefits from the effects of the Time sphere’s Improved Haste ability, and becomes immune to all electricity damage.
At 13th level, while ascended, the elementalist gains a flight speed equal to his base land speed with perfect maneuverability.
The first time this element is selected, the arcanopulser learns to coat his magical energy in corrosive elements to erode his enemies and can deal acid damage with his elemental pulses if he cannot do so already. His acidic elemental pulses always deal full damage to objects, rather than half for being energy attacks (or ranged attacks). An acidic elemental pulse may also be shot at a 5-foot square (against an armor class of 5), doing so causes that square to be considered difficult terrain for 24 hours. A mending spell or the Repair ability from the Creation sphere can restore it to normal before this time.
When using empowered acidic elemental pulses, their potent chemical erosion wears away at the enemy he strikes. When striking a creature that has an armor bonus or natural armor bonus to their armor class, he may apply a -2 penalty to that creature’s armor class for 1 round. Each extra hit with an empowered acidic elemental pulse increases the penalty by another -1, up to a maximum of half the elementalist’s class level (minimum -3) and refreshes the duration.
The second time this element is selected, the elementalist becomes an expert at destroying material. He ignores all hardness when attacking unattended objects with empowered acidic elemental pulses, and always deals maximum damage. When making a sunder attack with an empowered elemental pulse, he adds his Charisma modifier as a bonus to the attack roll.
Ascension Benefit: As long as the elementalist is ascended, his body becomes coated with a thick acid. He becomes immune to all acid damage, and any creature that strikes him with an unarmed attack, natural attack or melee weapon that does not possess reach suffers damage equal to his acidic elemental pulse (Reflex half).
At 13th level, while ascended, the elementalist gains a burrow speed equal to his base land speed.
The first time this element is selected, the elementalist learns to utilize the inner flames buried within to empower his attacks and can deal fire damage with his elemental pulses if he cannot do so already. His flaming elemental pulses increase their dice step by an additional step (1d8 to 1d10 to 2d6) and may set fire to objects.
When using empowered flaming elemental pulses, any creatures struck by him must succeed at a Reflex save or catch on fire. A creature struck by multiple attacks must attempt multiple saving throws, although a creature cannot catch on fire if they are already on fire. A creature on fire takes damage equal to the flaming elemental pulse’s damage dice at the start of their turn, and they remain on fire until they extinguish the flame by taking a full-round action to attempt another Reflex save. The creature may drop prone and roll on the ground as part of this action to grant themselves a +5 bonus on this save. Failure indicates they remain on fire.
The second time this element is selected, the elementalist learns to utilize a creature’s flaming body to cause them to explode with flames, and his flaming elemental pulses increase in damage by an additional step (1d10 to 2d6 to 2d8). When the elementalist strikes a creature who is on fire with an empowered flaming elemental pulse, that creature bursts fire from their skin, dealing damage equal to the elementalist’s flaming elemental pulse to that creature and any creatures other than the elementalist within 10 feet of the struck creature. Creatures that are damaged by this explosion which are not on fire also catch on fire. A creature can only explode in this way once per turn, but may suffer damage multiple times from nearby explosions of other creatures.
Ascension Benefit: As long as the elementalist is ascended, his body is coated in deadly lava. He becomes immune to all fire damage, and creatures struck by his flaming elemental pulse are coated in lava, filling all squares they occupy with lava. Any creature that begins their turn on lava suffers 2d6 fire damage per round of exposure. The lava disappears when the ascension ends.
At 13th level, while ascended, the elementalist’s flaming elemental pulses erode a creature’s resistance against fire. When he strikes a creature that has fire resistance, he reduces their fire resistance by an amount equal to his class level. This reduction can only be applied once per creature at a time and lasts for 24 hours. Additionally, fire immunity only reduces his damage by half, rather than completely negating it.
The first time this element is selected, the elementalist learns to sap the heat away from his projectiles and can deal cold damage with his elemental pulses if he cannot do so already. His frozen elemental pulses are capable of freezing up to a 5-foot cube of liquid with each attack, which melts back to normal over the course of an hour in average temperature conditions.
When using empowered frozen elemental pulses, the elementalist freezes deeply into the target creature’s body, inhibiting their capability to react properly, or resist further cold effects. A creature struck by an empowered frozen elemental pulse suffers a -2 penalty to all Reflex saves and all saves against cold effects for 1 round. Each extra hit with an empowered frozen elemental pulse increases the penalty by another -1, up to a maximum of half the elementalist’s class level (minimum -3) and refreshes the duration.
The second time this element is selected, the elementalist becomes capable of fully freezing even living creatures. While he is empowering his elemental pulses, he can spend a spell point to make a special attack action with his frozen elemental pulse to attempt to freeze an enemy. If the attack hits, the target must attempt a successful Fortitude save. On failure, the target suffers an additional 3d8 points of cold damage, and the target is frozen in a cube of ice.
Being frozen causes the target to become paralyzed and unconscious, but it does not need to eat or breathe while the ice lasts. The ice has hit points equal to the elementalist’s level, and remains for 1 minute per class level in average temperature conditions. The creature can be freed from the ice by destroying it, although the creature is staggered for 1d4 rounds if freed using this method.
Using this ability ends the elementalist’s current empowerment (this cannot end the elementalist’s ascension, however).
Ascension Benefit: As long as the elementalist is ascended, his body is surrounded by an absolute frost. The elementalist can choose to freeze any square that he moves over as of part moving over it, as well as spaces filled with thick gases such as fog or smoke, freezing the squares in slippery ice as he moves. He can walk over all slippery surfaces (such as ice or grease) without attempting an Acrobatics check, and becomes immune to all cold damage.
At 13th level, while ascended, the elementalist gains the amphibious monster quality, and gains a swim speed equal to his base land speed. Additionally, he may now freeze the air he walks over, allowing him to leave a trail of slippery ice as he flies or jumps through the air.