Devoted to the perfection of a single weapon, the weapon master’s meditations upon his favored weapon border on the obsessive, but none can deny his consummate skill.
Focused Weapon Training (Ex):
At 1st level, a weapon master chooses a single type of weapon (such as longsword or shortbow) instead of choosing a weapon group. He gains proficiency with his chosen weapon, and he only counts the chosen weapon as being in his chosen fighter weapon group for the purpose of determining the benefits he receives from his combat feats and fighter class features. This ability alters weapon training.
Reliable Strike (Ex):
At 3rd level, a weapon master can reroll an attack roll, critical hit confirmation roll, miss chance check, or damage as an immediate action. He must accept the second result even if it is worse. He can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, plus one additional time each day at 7th level and every four levels thereafter. This ability replaces all instances of armor training.
Mirror Move (Ex):
At 7th level, a weapon master gains his weapon training bonus as an insight bonus to AC when attacked by his chosen weapon.
Deadly Critical (Ex):
At 11th level, whenever the weapon master attacks an opponent with his chosen weapon, he can spend 4 stamina points as a swift action to change his weapon’s base critical threat range to 18–20 and its critical multiplier to x3 until the start of his next turn. Further modifications to his weapon’s critical threat range or critical multiplier stack with this effect (such as the Improved Critical feat or the fighter’s weapon mastery class feature).
Critical Specialist (Ex):
At 17th level, the save DCs of any effects caused by a critical hit with a weapon master’s chosen weapon increase by +2.
Unstoppable Strike (Ex):
At 19th level, a weapon master can take a standard action to make one attack with his chosen weapon as a touch attack that ignores damage reduction (or hardness, if attacking an object). This ability replaces armor mastery.