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Vajrahastas summon weapons forged from lightning and use them to harness the powers of the storm.



Vajra (Su):

As a swift action a vajrahasta may call to her hands a vajra, a weapon of lightning made solid. This is a thrown weapon (and counts as a weapon in the thrown weapons group) with a 20ft. range increment that deals 1d6 piercing damage and 1d6 electricity damage. This electricity damage is considered part of the vajra’s normal weapon damage dice, and so is multiplied on a critical hit. The vajrahasta is proficient with her vajras.


A vajra is treated as a bound weapon with respect to arsenal tricks and gaining special abilities from Table: Bound Equipment; however, a vajra can only grant the Lancer sphere and talents from this sphere. If the vajrahasta applies a special ability that adds electricity or sonic damage to her vajra, the size of damage die is increased by one (e.g. from d6 to d8). If it deals any other elemental damage, the die size is decreased by one. Arsenal tricks that modify a bound weapon’s material may be applied to vajras. A vajrahasta may have one vajra manifested at a time at first level, and may manifest an additional vajra at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels. She may manifest up to her maximum number of vajras as part of the same action, each with abilities identical to the first; if she does not have enough hands to hold all of them, they appear on her body ready to be drawn. The vajras’ special abilities may be changed any time they are manifested, though they must be the same for all of the vajrahasta’s vajras.


Unlike a bound weapon, a vajra does not automatically disappear upon leaving the vajrahasta’s hand. Instead, the vajrahasta may return any number of her vajras to her hand as a swift action. It still may not be wielded by another creature; if one attempts to do so, the vajra immediately disappears. The vajrahasta may dismiss any number of her vajras as a move action. She may also dismiss or return any number of her vajras to her hand as an attack action. If she chooses to do so, any creatures impaled on them suffer the effects of removing an impaled weapon (such as bleed damage), and she gains any benefits (such as regaining her martial focus with the Focusing Finale Lancer talent). She may choose to apply the effects of abilities that require a combat maneuver check to remove an impaled weapon (such as the Pincushion Impalement Lancer talent) as normal. This replaces bound equipment.


Lightning Impaler:

At 2nd level, the vajrahasta gains Ranged Impale as a bonus talent. If she possesses Ranged Impale she may instead choose any talent from the Lancer sphere instead. This replaces the arsenal trick normally gained at 2nd level.


Piercing Shroud (Su):

At 3rd level, the vajrahasta gains the Weather sphere and one (shroud) talent, as well as the Localized Weather drawback. This drawback does not grant an additional talent and may be bought off as normal. If she already possesses the Weather sphere, then she gains a (shroud) talent with no drawback. When the vajrahasta successfully impales a target using her vajra, she may spend a spell point as a free action to affect it with a (shroud) talent she knows. She need not concentrate on the effect as long as the target remains impaled (but cannot spend a spell point to extend its duration), and treats her class level as her caster level for the shroud’s effects. This stacks normally with caster levels gained from other sources. This replaces armor training and the arsenal trick normally gained at 4th level.

Arsenal Tricks:

Vajrahastas have exclusive access to the following arsenal trick:

Anchoring Vajra: By spending a move action, you can treat any of your vajras with a creature impaled on them as if you controlled them until the start of your next turn. While controlling your vajras in this manner you may expend your martial focus as a standard action to deal damage to each creature impaled on your vajras as though you had attacked them with each vajra impaling them. You may apply (impale) talents, Vital Strike, and any feat with Vital Strike as a prerequisite to this damage.

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