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While many druids are most comfortable in the forest, some hail from other environments.

Terrain Bond (Ex):

At 1st level, a terrain specialist chooses one of the following terrains: aquatic, arctic, desert, jungle, mountain, plains, swamp, or underground. Once selected, this cannot be changed. The druid's animal companion must be native to this terrain.

Wild Empathy (Ex):

A terrain specialist's wild empathy only functions on creatures native to her chosen terrain. However, she can attempt to influence any such creature with Intelligence 2 or less regardless of type - including mindless creatures.

Adaptation (Ex)

At 2nd level, a terrain specialist gains an insight bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (nature), Perception, Stealth, Survival, and Swim checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in her chosen terrain, and she cannot be tracked such environments. In addition, at 5th level, she gains an additional ability dependent on her chosen terrain:

  • Aquatic: The druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against spells of the water type or the exceptional or supernatural abilities of creatures with the aquatic or water subtype.

  • Arctic: The druid ignores the effects of a cold climate as if using endure elements. She is also immune to being dazzled.

  • Desert: The druid ignores the effects of a hot climate as if using endure elements. She also has a reduced need to eat and drink, as if wearing a ring of sustenance (though normal sleep is still required).

  • Jungle: The druid ignores the effects of a hot climate as if using endure elements. She also gains a +4 bonus on saves against disease and the exceptional abilities of animals and magical beasts.

  • Mountain: The druid does not lose her Dexterity bonus when climbing. She is also immune to altitude sickness and ignores the effects of a cold climate as if under the effects of endure elements.

  • Plains: The druid gains concealment whenever she is prone in natural surroundings, and can make Stealth checks at no penalty when prone and not moving or at -5 when crawling. Also, the druid can stand up from prone as an immediate action during a surprise round.

  • Swamp: The druid gains DR/- equal to half her class level against attacks by swarms. If this prevents damage, the druid is unaffected by distraction or other special attacks of the swarm.

  • Underground: The druid gains a +2 bonus on saves against the extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities of oozes and aberrations.

This ability replaces woodland stride, trackless step, and elemental survival.

Improved Adaptation (Ex)

At 9th level, a terrain specialist gains an additional ability dependent on her chosen terrain:

  • Aquatic: The druid gains gains the aquatic subtype, the amphibious trait, and a swim speed equal to her land speed. She also can endure cold climate effects as if using endure elements.

  • Arctic: The druid can see normally in ice storm, sleet storm, or similar natural snowstorms.

  • Desert: The druid becomes immune to blinding and dazzling effects and gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against gaze attacks and illusions of the figment and pattern subschools.

  • Jungle: The druid gains a climb speed equal to her land speed and a bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump equal to her druid level.

  • Mountain: The druid gains immunity to petrification and receives a +4 bonus on saving throws or to CMD to resist any attempt to push, pull, bull rush, or drag her, or to resist any other effect that would physically move her from her position (e.g., repel wood, reverse gravity, or being blown away by high winds). This does not protect her against being tripped, grappled, or overrun.

  • Plains: The druid can charge through allies’ squares without difficulty (whether mounted or afoot) and can turn up to 90 degrees once during a charge, provided the last 10 feet toward the target are in a straight line. She also gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC against enemy charge attacks and a +4 bonus to damage with a readied action against a charging foe.

  • Swamp: The druid's vision is not obstructed by fog or mist (including obscuring mist).

  • Underground: The druid gains a +4 bonus on Perception checks to notice underground environmental hazards (including traps and potential cave-ins) and receives a check to notice these irregularities whenever she passes within 15 feet of them, whether or not she is actively looking.

This ability replaces weathered.

Greater Adaptation (Ex)

At 13th level, a terrain specialist gains an additional ability dependent on her chosen terrain:

  • Aquatic: The druid gains DR/slashing or piercing equal to 1/2 her level. This damage reduction also applies against spells and spell-like abilities that inflict damage by grappling or crushing (e.g., black tentacles, crushing hand). She never takes pressure damage from deep water.

  • Arctic: The druid can assume the form of a swirling column of snow equivalent to gaseous form at will. While in this form, she gains a circumstance bonus on Stealth checks made in cold terrain equal to her druid level.

  • Desert: The druid can assume the form of a swirling mass of sand at will. This is equivalent to gaseous form, but the druid gains a land and burrow speed of 10 feet rather than a fly speed. While in this form, the druid gains a circumstance bonus on Stealth checks made in desert terrain equal to her druid level.

  • Jungle: The druid can cast tree shape as an at-will spell-like ability.

  • Mountain: The druid can transform her body into a weathered stone outcrop and back at will. This effect functions as statue.

  • Plains: The druid gains evasion when wearing light or no armor and carrying a light load. This functions as the rogue ability of the same name.

  • Swamp: The druid gains the benefits of a continuous freedom of movement spell.

  • Underground: The druid can use the Stealth skill to hide in underground environments, even if the terrain does not grant cover or concealment.

This ability replaces greensight.

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