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Extra Evolution

Prerequisite: Eidolon class feature.

Benefit: Your eidolon’s evolution pool increases by 1.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times, but it can only be taken once for every five summoner levels you possess.

Extra Summons

Prerequisite: Ability to cast summon monster as a spell-like ability; summoner level 1st.

Benefit: You gain 1 additional use of your summon monster spell-like ability per day.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times, but it can only be taken once for every five summoner levels you possess.

Resilient Eidolon [background]
Prerequisite: Eidolon class feature.
Benefit: If you are knocked unconscious, fall asleep, or are killed, your eidolon remains for a number of rounds equal to your summoner level before it is banished. If you are brought back to consciousness before this duration expires, your eidolon is not banished. If the duration expires before you are brought back to consciousness, your eidolon is banished normally.
Normal: An eidolon is immediately banished when its summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed.

Tempting Bargain [background]
Prerequisites: summoner level 1st, eidolon class feature.
Benefit: You can select an eidolon of any alignment, even if its alignment is more than one step away from your own. Your eidolon never refuses your call as a result of the differences between your respective alignments, though it still can refuse to follow commands that are against its ethos or alignment. Each time you gain a summoner level, you must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your eidolon’s Hit Dice + your eidolon’s Charisma modifier). On a failure, your alignment permanently shifts one step closer to that of your eidolon. Modifiers that are not permanent can’t be applied on this saving throw.
Special: If your alignment becomes the same as that of your eidolon, you can immediately replace this feat with any other feat you would have qualified for at 1st level. The feat you choose for this must be one approved by the GM, depending on the nature of your eidolon and its influence over you.

Vigilant Eidolon [background]

Prerequisite: Eidolon class feature.

Benefit: While your eidolon is within your reach, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks. At character level 10, this bonus increases to +8. This does not apply if your eidolon is helpless or unconscious.

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