Blessing/Blight Mastery [channel]
Prerequisites: Blessing/blight class feature, channel energy class feature.
Benefit: When you channel energy, you may spend an additional use of channel energy to apply a blessing or blight to one creature that was affected by your channeling. This creature is allowed a saving throw as usual, if they would normally be granted one.
Blessing/Blight Versatility [channel]
Prerequisites: Versatile Channeler, blessing/blight class feature, channel energy class feature.
Benefit: If you can apply blessings to targets, you may now also apply blights, treating your soul weaver level as being effectively 2 levels lower for this purpose. If you can apply blights to targets, you may now also apply blessings, treating your soul weaver level as being effectively 2 levels lower for this purpose.
Ensouled Illuminations [magic]
Prerequisites: Light sphere, bound nexus class feature.
Benefit: As a free action, you may choose to have any number of your souls shed light as a torch, shedding normal light to 20 feet and increasing the light level by one step to a maximum of normal for 20 feet beyond this. This light is a supernatural effect, but is suppressed by magical darkness (this effect’s MSD equal to 11 + your soul weaver level). Allies inside the radius of light shed by one of your souls do not suffer penalties from the dazzled condition. You may expend a soul to allow a creature inside the light shed by one of your souls to roll twice and take the better result when attempting an attack roll while blind. A soul expended this way lingers for 2 rounds, continuing to shed light but unable to be moved or expended a second time.
Special: If you possess the Dancing Lights talent, the fly speed of your souls increases to 60 feet. As a standard action, you may choose one of your souls to instead glow, as though under the effects of the Light sphere, and may attach a (light) talent to this glow, spending any spell points as required. At any point during the glow’s duration, the soul may spend a swift action to transfer this glow to another creature. If the creature is unwilling, the soul may make the touch attack for the soul weaver, using her bonuses and the soul is expended.
Ensouled Totem [magic]
Prerequisites: War sphere, bound nexus class feature.
Benefit: You may expend a soul from your bound nexus to create a bound totemic soul. A totemic soul works as a normal totem, but it can move as if it were a soul (they normally orbit the character, but the soul weaver can move any number of them as a free action once per round and they have a fly speed of 40 feet), and it has a radius of only 30 feet. A totemic soul continues to exist for 10 minutes per level in the class that grants you the bound nexus class feature without needing concentration. You must still pay the normal spell point cost for creating the totem.
Ensouled Vision [magic]
Prerequisites: Divination sphere, bound nexus class feature.
Benefit: You can share perception with your souls, allowing you to see, smell, hear, etc. as though you were in that soul’s space.
Whenever you divine to gain information in an area (such as with the base Divination sphere effect, alternate divinations, or the Detect Spellcaster or Detect Thoughts talents but not the Augury or Divine Future talents), you may expend a soul to instead create a bound sensor, attaching the divine effect to the bound sensor. A bound sensor is a soul which constantly divines the area around it in a close range, informing you of anything that would be detected by it. The bound sensor lasts 10 minutes per level in the class that grants you the bound nexus class feature. The bound sensor can move as if it were a soul but, unlike a regular soul, can be given a route or area to patrol, allowing you to sleep or rest without needing to direct the soul to move each round.
Special: If you possess the Divination sphere Alarm talent, the bound sensor instead lasts for 1 hour per level and can be augmented as though it were created with the Alarm talent, allowing you to set an audible or mental alarm or a password. In addition, you may change the attached divine effect on the bound sensor by divining again.
Extra Nexus Powers
Prerequisite: Bound nexus class feature.
Benefit: Increase the number of souls in your bound nexus by 2. You may gain this feat multiple times. The effects stack.