Most traditional elementalists focus on the four classical elements; earth, air, fire and water. But a rare few, sometimes known as soul adepts, instead focus on an energy they refer to as Ether; the primordial energy that suffuses and constitutes the Ethereal Plane and is the source of power for all manner of spirits, ghosts and entities. Mastering this bizarre energy grants them unsurpassed proficiency in all matters incorporeal, sometimes to the degree that the line between them and the spirits they study begins to blur.
Skills: A soul adept loses Escape Artist as a class skill, and adds Knowledge (divine) to his list of class skills.
Unholy Pulse:
The soul adept's elemental pulses deal magical slashing damage. This alters elemental pulse.
Phantasmal Energy:
A soul adept gains the Death sphere as a bonus sphere and uses his class level as his caster level with the Death sphere. This replaces weave elements.
Ghostly Defense (Su):
At 3rd level, the soul adept gains a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. mind-affecting effects, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. These bonuses increase by 2 at 11th and 17th level. This replaces elemental defense.
Touch of Undeath:
At 5th level, the soul adept learns to make unholy pulses that deal negative energy damage. These unholy pulses are capable of healing creatures healed by negative energy, and damaging those vulnerable to negative energy, but they may only heal creatures up to half of their maximum hit points. Willing creatures may be touched without an attack roll, but ranged attacks must still make an attack against an effective armor class of 5 to strike willing creatures. A creature is only healed by the full amount of healing by the first unholy pulse they are hit by each round, and any additional pulses only heal half as much. When using empowered unholy pulses, he may heal a creature up to their maximum health.
At 10th level, the soul adept learns to apply a catastrophic decay in a creature’s life force with his unholy pulses. As a special attack action, he can make a single unholy pulse shot, and apply a single (ghost strike) talent from the Death sphere he knows to the attack. He must still pay any spell point costs from the Death sphere talent. Alternatively, he can increase the attack’s base damage dice to 3d8. Targets struck by this special attack action, whichever method is used, suffer a -2 penalty on all saves against any Death sphere abilities used by the soul adept for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier. This replaces elemental specialization.
Necromantic Form:
As long as the soul adept is ascended, his body becomes blackened by undeath. The soul adept becomes immune to all effects from the Life sphere, and heals from negative energy (as well as positive energy, if they normally do). He becomes immune to energy drain, poisons and diseases. This does not affect poisons and diseases that he already suffers from, although if he is suffering from any, they are suppressed until he is no longer ascended.
At 13th level, while ascended, he gains a 30-foot aura that bestows a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and ability checks on nearby enemies. If a creature in this aura dies from negative energy, he may spend an immediate action to drain their life force, healing the soul adept for 2 hit points per Hit Dice of the dying creature. If multiple creatures die at the same time, he drains all of their life forces, pooling their Hit Dice together when calculating his healing. This alters elemental form.
Spiritual Body:
At 20th level, the soul adept’s body becomes one with the spirit world. He gains immunity to death effects, sneak attacks, and critical hits, and gains DR 10/magic. This replaces avatar of the elements.