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An armorist who takes to heart that the battle is not won through strength of arm, but by skill and strength of mind accepts the first tenet of the path of the soaring blade. By mastering telekinesis alongside the magic of an infinite armory, the soaring blade becomes a one man army.

The Soaring Blade:

A soaring blade gains the Telekinesis Sphere as a bonus talent and uses her armorist level as her caster level with the Telekinesis Sphere. However, she also gains the Limited Telekinesis (summoned and bound equipment) drawback. You may buy off this drawback normally by spending a magic talent, but you may only use your class level as your caster level in situations where this drawback would apply. If you already possess this sphere, you do not gain this drawback.


Summon Equipment (Su):

When a soaring blade summons equipment, she may conjure them anywhere within their telekinesis range. A soaring blade may not summon shields or armor. This alters summon equipment.


Bound Equipment (Su):

A soaring blade may summon their bound equipment anywhere within their telekinesis range, and equipment lifted by a soaring blade’s telekinesis counts as being in her hands, and does not disappear. A soaring blade may not bind shields, armor, or staves. This alters bound equipment.


Steel Sentries (Su):

At 3rd level you gain the Dancing Weapon talent as a bonus talent. At 7th level and each four levels thereafter you gain the ability to make an additional attack of opportunity each round, to a maximum of + 4 at level 19. This ability counts as the Combat Reflexes feat for the purposes of prerequisites. If you already possess the Dancing Weapon talent or later gain it, you add your Wisdom modifier to the number of additional attacks of opportunity you may make, but only with a weapon you have lifted with your telekinesis. This ability replaces armor training.


House of Blades:

At 4th level, a soaring blade gains the Divided Mind talent as a bonus talent and Group Summons as a bonus arsenal trick. If you already possess either of these, you may gain a different talent or arsenal trick, respectively. This replaces bind staff.

Arsenal Tricks:

A soaring blade cannot select the Heavy Armor, Movement, or Tower Shield arsenal tricks, but gains exclusive access to the tricks listed below. This modifies Arsenal Tricks.

Blade Swarm (requires 4th level): Your blades whirl around your enemies from all directions, their speed and ferocity limited only by the imagination of their wielder. When using Divided Mind to make multiple attacks, you may make an additional attack at your highest attack bonus.

Blade Wheel (requires 4th level, Telekinesis Sphere (Orbit)): You form a ring of blades around you that menace all comers. So long as you have at least one weapon in your Orbit you may make a single attack of opportunity against one opponent within the reach of your orbiting weapons at the start of your turn. You must make this attack of opportunity with a weapon in your Orbit.

Commander On High (requires 8th level): You command and direct your steel soldiers from above, drifting beyond the battlefield. You gain Flight as a bonus talent, and treat yourself as a summoned weapon for the purposes of using and determining your caster level for telekinesis. This stacks normally with caster levels gained from other sources.

Flying Daggers: Items summoned with your summon equipment and bound equipment features count as one size category smaller for the purposes of your telekinesis size limit.

Phantasmal Barrage (Sp) (requires 6th level): Rather than summoning a single magic weapon, you can call up flickering, fragile blades that last only for a moment, but with your telekinetic powers you make that moment enough. By spending two spell points as a standard action, you may deal 1d6 slashing and piercing damage per caster level to all creatures in an area equal to one 5ft cube per caster level, arranged contiguously within your telekinesis range. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 caster level + Wisdom modifier) halves this damage. This damage overcomes damage reduction as if it was magic and made of all materials you can make summoned equipment out of. Use your armorist level as your caster level for the purposes of this arsenal trick. This stacks normally with caster levels gained from other sources.

Protokinesis Feat: You may select a protokinesis feat as a bonus feat. You must meet the prerequisites for this feat. This arsenal trick can be taken multiple times, choosing a different protokinesis feat each time.

Storm of Blades (Su) (requires 16th level): Exerting your magic to its fullest extent, you create a storm of blades that devastates your enemies. By spending two spell points and concentrating on your telekinesis as a full-round action you double the attacks you can make with Divided Mind in a round as if you were capable of taking two separate full attack actions.

Telekinetic Shieldbearer: You gain proficiency with all shields (except tower shields) and may summon a shield with the summon equipment ability, or choose a shield as bound equipment.

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