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The fey have always fascinated the more civilized races, but for those in more rural areas, they can be a source of terror. Ranging from mere tricks and pranks to outright murder, those fey creatures who dwell in the darker places of the world often have a well earned reputation for not being something to be trifled with. How much more frightened would the common folk be if they were to learn that those dark creatures sometimes take apprentices? These
are the skulks, non-fey (and sometimes partially-fey) individuals who have learned the fey’s affinity with darkness and shadows. They wield darkness as both sword and shield, and even have the power to snatch away other people’s’ shadows and using them for their own ends, whether that end is just or vicious.


Umbral Adept:

The skulk gains the Dark sphere as a bonus magic talent at first level. If the skulk has the Dark sphere already, he gains a bonus talent for this sphere instead. This replaces fey magic.

Master Nyctomancer:

Whenever the skulk ceases to concentrate on a Dark sphere talent he is maintaining through concentration, or if he decides not to maintain a Dark  sphere talent at all after its creation, it remains for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his skulk level (minimum 1) before disappearing. This replaces  master illusionist.

Siphon Shadow (Su):

At 6th level the skulk may spend a shadow point to attempt to siphon away a creature’s shadow as a melee touch attack. If this attack is successful, the target must make a Will save equal to 10 + 1/2 the skulk’s class level + his Charisma modifier or have its shadow stolen. The skulk gains 1  temporary spell point for every two dice of his shadowmark damage when he successfully steals a shadow. These temporary spell points do not stack with spell points from other targets, other instances of this ability, or any other source and expire after 1 round per caster level. The skulk may not gain
more temporary spell points than the target has Hit Dice.

The target becomes immune to all abilities that target its shadow until the shadow returns, including additional uses of this ability. If the target has items in a shadow stash, they are inaccessible until the shadow returns. The target’s shadow returns when the temporary spell points are spent or expire. Siphon shadow cannot be used against a creature that has been conjured or summoned, or against a creature lacking an Intelligence score. A target
can’t be subject to a successful use of this ability more than once every 24 hours. This ability replaces create reality.

Arcane Forgery (Su):

When a skulk successfully steals a target’s shadow, he gains immediate knowledge of the target’s available repertoire of spells, spell-like abilities, and talents and can spend another shadow point as a free action to temporarily duplicate one sphere and a number of sphere talents possessed by the target. He may duplicate advanced talents, but must meet prerequisites to use them. He may duplicate one talent at 6th level, two at 10th level, three at 14th level, and four at 18th level. These talents must be within the copied sphere. These arcane forgeries last for 1 round per caster level, during which time the skulk may spend his own spell points to use these talents as if he possessed them.

If the target of arcane forgery has spells or spell-like abilities, the skulk may copy one or more of these in place of a forged sphere or talent, gaining the ability to cast it as a spell-like ability. A forged spell or spell-like ability must have a spell level of no more than half the skulk’s caster level. These spell-like abilities expire after 1 round per caster level or when cast, and a skulk may not use this ability to duplicate a spell with a costly material component or a focus.

Consummate Forger (Su):

At 20th level, the skulk may use advanced talents replicated by arcane forgery without meeting any prerequisites. Additionally, he may copy a second sphere, though his pool of stolen talents remains the same. This replaces feytouched.

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