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Acrobatics - avoid provoking attacks of opportunity, balance on narrow surfaces, soften a fall
Athletics - climb, jump, run, swim
Craft - create a specific type of item

Deception - change your appearance, lie
Disable Device - disarm traps, open locks, sabotage mechanical devices
Escape Artist - break free from a grapple, escape bonds, squeeze through tight spaces
Fly - determines your flying maneuverability and skill
Handle Animal - control an animal
Heal - determine cause of death, tend wounds, treat diseases and poison
Influence - convince others to do what you want via charm or fear
Knowledge (arcane) - golems, things related to arcane magic
Knowledge (civilization) - city information, humanoids, nobility
Knowledge (divine) - religion, things related to divine magic, undead
Knowledge (dungeoneering) - things related to underground, vermin
Knowledge (engineering) - constructs, things related to mechanical devices
Knowledge (history) - famous people/places/things, legends
Knowledge (martial) - commanding an army, determining a creature's combat capability, identify fighting techniques
Knowledge (nature) - things related to animals and the outdoors
Knowledge (occult) - cults, eldritch abominations, psychic magic
Knowledge (planes) - extraplanar creatures, the planes
Linguistics - decipher unfamiliar languages or complex writing, detect forgeries
Lore - specialized information about a specific topic
Perform - perform a specific kind of entertainment
Profession - work a specific job
Sense Motive - detect falsehoods
Sleight of Hand - conceal small objects on your body, draw a hidden weapon, pick pockets
Spellcraft - craft magic items, identify spells
Stealth - hide, move silently
Survival - follow a trail, navigate in the wilderness, survive in the wild
Use Magic Device - activate magic items

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