Warriors whose credo is as much a part of them as their flesh and bone, paragons embody universal ideals such as good, evil, law, or chaos, gaining strength and power from by championing their chosen cause.
Alignment: A paragon cannot be true neutral. If a paragon becomes true neutral, she loses all supernatural class features which she possesses and cannot advance as a paragon until her alignment contains at least one component other than neutral (either chaotic, evil, good, or lawful).
Practitioner Modifier: A paragon uses Charisma as her practitioner modifier instead of Wisdom.
Chosen Alignment (Ex):
A paragon must select one component of her alignment; this component affects several of her class features. The paragon cannot choose neutral. If the paragon’s alignment changes in such a way that her chosen alignment no longer matches any component of her current alignment, she loses all of her class abilities that rely on her chosen alignment until she spends 24 hours realigning her mindset, at which point she may select a new chosen alignment.
Judging Challenge (Su):
If a paragon challenges a creature whose alignment opposes her chosen alignment, the bonuses from her challenge increase by 1. If a paragon challenges a creature whose alignment matches her chosen alignment, her challenge does not deal any additional damage. At 10th level and every ten levels thereafter, the increase to the paragon’s challenge increases by 1 when challenging a creature with an alignment opposed to her chosen alignment. This ability modifies guardian’s challenge.
Detect Alignment (Sp):
At will, a paragon can use detect alignment, as the spell, but only to detect her chosen alignment. A paragon can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is her chosen alignment, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paragon does not detect alignment in any other object or individual within range. This ability replaces wise reflexes.
Dedicated Defense (Ex):
Instead of DR/-, a paragon gains DR against the alignment opposite her chosen alignment. For example, a good-aligned paragon would gain DR/evil, whereas a chaotic-aligned paragon would gain DR/law. This alters dedicated defense.
Divine Grace (Su):
At 2nd level, a paragon gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws. This ability replaces guard wall.
Healing Wind (Su):
A paragon may use their second wind class feature on an ally as a move action. This ability modifies second wind.
Aura of Courage (Su):
At 4th level, a paragon is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). This ability replaces sentinel's imposition.
Divine Health (Ex):
At 6th level, a paragon is immune to all poisons and diseases (magical or otherwise), including mummy rot. This ability replaces counter critical.
Aura of Faith (Su):
At 16th level, a paragon's weapons are treated as her chosen alignment for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.