Cartwheel Dodge
Prerequisites: Evasion class feature, improved evasion class feature, acrobatics 12 ranks.
Benefit: When you successfully use improved evasion to avoid taking damage, you can move up to half your speed as an immediate action. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Divert Harm [combat]
Prerequisites: Int 13, base attack bonus +6, evasion class feature.
Benefit: Whenever you are the target of an area-of-effect attack that normally deals half damage on a successful Reflex save, you may, as an immediate action, wrestle an adjacent foe into harm’s way. This does not alter the position of you or your opponent, but your opponent must attempt a Reflex save against the attack in your place. If your opponent fails, it takes half damage from the attack and you take none; if it succeeds, it takes no damage and you take damage as normal as though you’d failed your saving throw (though this damage is still reduced by abilities such as improved evasion). This feat works even if the opponent was already in the affected area of the attack (so it is possible that an unlucky opponent could take as much as 1-1/2 times the damage normally possible from the attack). You can use this ability only on a foe within one size category of yourself.
Empty Hand Weapon [combat]
Prerequisite: Proficiency with at least three monk weapons.
Benefit: While wielding a monk weapon with which you are proficient, your hands are considered "free" - that is, holding nothing - for purposes of Deflect Arrows and similar feats.
Extra Ki
Prerequisite: Ki pool class feature.
Benefit: Your ki pool increases by 2.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Ki Maneuver [combat]
Prerequisites: BAB +6, ki pool class feature.
Benefit: As part of a combat maneuver, you may spend 1 ki to add a +2 bonus to your combat maneuver check. Using ki Maneuver prevents you recharging ki from a successful combat maneuver.
Special: You may increase the amount of ki spent to activate this feat by 1 to increase the bonus by an additional +2 for every 6 base attack bonus you have, up to a maximum of 3 ki at base attack bonus +18.
Twist Away
Prerequisite: Evasion.
Benefit: While you are wearing light armor or no armor, if you are forced to attempt a Fortitude saving throw, you can use an immediate action to instead attempt a Reflex saving throw (at the same DC). If you succeed at this saving throw and the attack has a reduced effect on a successful save, you avoid the effect entirely. Whether the saving throw is successful or not, you are staggered until the end of your next turn. If you are prevented from becoming staggered, you can't use Twist Away, nor can you ignore the staggered condition from Twist Away or remove it early.