While many monks dedicate their lives to mastery over a single school of combat, masters of many stances branch out into multiple disciplines in order to remain flexible and throw off their opponents. These virtuosos move between forms effortlessly, able to adapt to any situation and overcome any foes.
Basic Stance Training:
At 1st level, a master of many stances gains Versatile Fighter as a bonus talent. This replaces martial arts.
Striking Form (Ex):
At 1st level, whenever a master of many stances uses a swift action to activate a (stance) talent, they may perform an attack with an unarmed strike or monk special weapon as a free action. Attacks made using this ability apply their full Strength bonus to the damage roll, regardless of whether the weapon is wielded with two hands or with an off hand. This ability replaces flurry strike and stunning fist.
Stance Blending (Ex):
At 5th level, whenever a master of many stances expends martial focus to enter a (stance) talent for multiple rounds, it does not count as an active (stance) talent for the purpose of stances entered without expending martial focus. This ability replaces purity of body.
Flexible Stance (Ex):
At 9th level, whenever a master of many stances expends martial focus to enter a (stance) talent for multiple rounds, they may temporarily gain one talent from the stance’s sphere as a bonus talent for the duration of the stance.
Focusing Form (Ex):
At 11th level, whenever a master of many stances successfully deals damage with the attack granted by striking form, the master of many stances may regain their martial focus as a free action.
Improved Flexible Stance (Ex):
At 13th level, a master of many stances may gain two temporary bonus talents from flexible stance. This ability replaces tongue of the sun and moon.
Eternal Stance (Ex):
At 15th level, whenever a master of many stances rolls initiative, they may choose one (stance) talent they know. The master of many stances is considered to be in this stance for the duration of the encounter. This stance does not count as an active (stance) talent for the purpose of entering multiple stances.
Greater Flexible Stance (Ex):
At 17th level, a master of many stances may gain three temporary bonus talents from flexible stance. This ability replaces timeless body.