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Rather than drawing strength from their anger, masquerade revelers use magical masks to draw upon the primal powers of the First World.

Class Skills: The masquerade reveler gains Perform as a class skill. This alters class skills.

Masks (Ex):
At 1st level and every barbarian level thereafter, the masquerade reveler chooses a mask infused with the essence of a creature or fundamental concept from the First World. Each mask grants a number of abilities while worn.

Masquerade (Ex):
When a masquerade reveler rages, she chooses one of her masks to wear. In addition, she takes a -2 penalty to her AC. This otherwise counts as rage for all other purposes, including rage powers, fatigue, and exhaustion. This ability replaces all rage forms.

Elaborate Masks (Ex):
At 11th level, a masquerade reveler gains a deeper connection to her masks. All of her masks gain additional abilities, and she may switch out one of her old masks for a new mask. This ability replaces greater rage.

Avatar of a Thousand Masks (Ex):
At 20th level, a masquerade reveler has fully embraced her connection to the First World. All of her masks gain additional abilities, and she may switch out one of her masks for a new mask 1/day as a standard action. Additionally, her type changed to fey and she gains DR 10/cold iron, even when she is not using her masquerade ability. This ability replaces mighty rage.


Apluachra Mask
1st Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. Anyone you touch suffers a -4 penalty to all tactile-based checks for 24 hours (Fortitude negates). You also gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing swim speed by +20 feet. You also gain gills and can breathe underwater.
11th Level: You gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large) and a +8 competence bonus to Stealth.
20th Level: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you can now see three times the normal distance in dim light. You also grow a tail that grants a +2 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to balance.

Ankou Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: Your attacks inflict 1d6 bleed.
11th Level: You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
20th Level: Once per day, you can split your shadow into up to four duplicates that appear within 60ft of your location and last for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. These shadow doubles function as the Dark: Shadow Lurk talent taken twice but do not stun you if destroyed.

Atomie Mask (requires 5th level)
5th Level: You gain speak with animals as a constant spell-like ability. You also become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
11th Level: You can cast dancing lights at will as a spell-like ability, and your flight speed increases by +20 feet.
20th Level: You can cast invisibility (self only) once per day as a spell-like ability.

Baobhan Sith Mask (requires 3rd level)
3rd Level: You gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large) and a +8 competence bonus to Perform (dance). You also gain the blood drain ability, dealing 1d4 Strength damage and 1d4 Constitution damage.
11th Level: When slain, you can curse your killer as a free action, inflicting a -6 decrease to its highest ability score (Will negates).
20th Level: You can cast detect thoughts once per day as a spell-like ability.

Biloko Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You gain the scent ability and can cast charm person three times per day as a spell-like ability. For every 10 minutes a creature is under the effects of this ability, it suffers a cumulative -1 penalty to the opposed Charisma check (maximum -5) when asked to do something it wouldn't normally do.
11th Level: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you can now see three times the normal distance in dim light. You also gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large).
20th Level: You gain +2 natural armor and a +8 competence bonus to Influence attempts to charm creatures.

Blodeuwedd Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You gain speak with plants as a constant spell-like ability. Once per day when standing in a field or fertile plain, you can infuse yourself with energy from the surrounding plantlife, gaining temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your class level that last for one hour or until expended.
11th Level: You gain an allergen aura that can be activated or suppressed as a free action. While active, creatures within 30ft are sickened for 1d6 rounds (Fortitude negates). This is a disease effect, and creatures who pass their save are immune to its effects for 24 hours.
20th Level: Grass, wildflowers, and small plants sprout under your feet. This can be suppressed or resumed as a free action. In addition, you can cast transport via plants (self only) three times per day. This does not require a plant equal to your size.

Bogeyman Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast detect thoughts once per day as a spell-like ability and gain a +8 competence bonus to Stealth and Influence attempts using fear.
11th Level: You gain a fear aura with a 30ft radius.
20th Level: You gain two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large). You gain +1d6 sneak attack damage that stacks with that from any other source. When you confirm a critical hit or a sneak attack to an opponent suffering from a fear effect, it becomes one step more severe (Will negates). If the creature has previously successfully saved against your fear aura, it must immediately attempt another Will save.

Brownie Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast dancing lights at will and mirror image once per day as spell-like abilities. You also gain a +8 competence bonus to Stealth.
11th Level: You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your class level.
20th Level: You can cast dimension door once per day as a spell-like ability.

Cold Rider Mask (requires 7th level)
7th Level: You gain immunity to cold. You and any creature you ride can move across icy surfaces without penalty and don't need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. You can also climb on icy surfaces as per spider climb and gain a +8 competence bonus to Ride.
11th Level: Your attacks gain the frost weapon ability.
20th Level: You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your class level.

Dryad Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You gain the ability to speak with plants and can cast tree shape once per day as a spell like ability.
11th Level: You can meld with a tree at will as per meld into stone.
20th Level: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you can now see three times the normal distance in dim light. You also gain a +8 competence bonus to Craft (woodworking).

Erlking Mask
1st Level: You gain a +8 competence bonus to Acrobatics and resistance 5 to acid, cold, and electricity.
11th Level: Your attacks inflict 1d6 bleed, and your resistances to acid, cold, and electricity increase to 10.
20th Level: You gain the effects of blur and haste as constant spell-like abilities, and your resistances to acid, cold, and electricity increase to 15.

Faun Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast ghost sound at will and hideous laughter once per day as spell-like abilities. Three times per day, you can play a set of masterwork panpipes as a swift action to increase the DC of one of your spell-like abilities by 2
11th Level: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you can now see three times the normal distance in dim light. You also gain two secondary hoof attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large) each.
20th Level: You gain +2 natural armor and a +8 competence bonus to Perform (wind instruments)

Forlarren Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast heat metal once per day as a spell-like ability. You also gain two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large) and a +8 competence bonus to Perception.
11th Level: You gain +2 natural armor and low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you can now see three times the normal distance in dim light.
20th Level: Your claw damage die increases by one step, and you gain an additional +2 natural armor.

Fossegrim Mask
1st Level: You gain a primary slam attack dealing 1d8 damage (1d6 Small, 2d6 Large) and can breathe underwater via gills. You also gain a 40ft swim speed or increase your existing swim speed by +40 feet.
11th Level: When underwater, your body becomes transparent, rendering you invisible. This ability can be suppressed or resumed as a swift action.
20th Level: As a full-round action, you can play a stringed musical instrument to cast unnatural lust on a creature within Close range.

Fuath Mask
1st Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You also gain gills and can breathe underwater. Once per day, you can surround a creature within 30ft with a thin layer of water as a standard action, causing entanglement (Reflex negates). An affected creature must hold its breath or risk drowning. The fluid can be scraped off as a full-round action, allowing a new save with a +2 bonus. Otherwise, the effect lasts 1d4 minutes.
11th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft. You also gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing swim speed by +20 feet.
20th Level: You gain two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large) and can cast prestidigitation at will as a spell-like ability.

Gancanagh Mask
1st Level: You gain a +8 competence bonus to Influence and fire resistance 5.
11th Level: You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma and your fire resistance increases to 10.
20th Level: You can cast obscuring mist once per day as a spell-like ability, and your fire resistance increases to 15.

Gathlain Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast entangle three times per day as a spell-like ability, You also gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
11th Level: You gain +2 natural armor and low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you can now see three times the normal distance in dim light.
20th Level: You can cast feather step three times per day as a spell-like ability.

Grig Mask (requires 5th level)
5th Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You also gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge) and a +8 competence bonus to Acrobatics.
11th Level: As a standard action, you can play a fiddle, forcing creatures within 20ft of you to become staggered while dancing (Will negates). You can maintain this effect via concentration for up to 10 rounds per day. This is a sonic, mind-affecting effect.
20th Level: You can cast invisibility (self only) once per day as a spell-like ability.

Grimple Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. Every 1d4 rounds, you can spew a 30ft stream of vomit as a standard action. Anyone struck by this ranged touch attack is nauseated for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude negates). You also gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing climb speed by 20ft.
11th Level: You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
20th Level: You can cast grease three times per day as a spell-like ability.

Grimstalker Mask (requires 7th level)
7th Level: You gain two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large) and inflicting eidolon dust poison on a successful hit (Fortitude negates). You also gain a +8 competence bonus to Stealth., Poison
11th Level: You gain +1d6 sneak attack damage that stacks with that from any other source.
20th Level: You can cast tree shape once per day as a spell-like ability.

Haniver Mask
1st Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You also gain gills and can breathe underwater. You also gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing swim speed by +20 feet. Whenever you successfully steal something from an adjacent creature, you can also reorganize their equipment. The next time it attempts to retrieve a stored item or draw a weapon, it takes a standard action unless it uses magic.
11th Level: You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
20th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft. You also gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large).

Huldra Mask
1st Level: You gain cold resistance 5 and a primary slam attack dealing 1d8 damage (1d6 Small, 2d6 Large). You also grow a tail that grants a +2 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to balance and can be used as a secondary natural attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large).
11th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft, and your cold resistance increases to 10. You also gain the scent ability.
20th Level: You can cast charm person three times per day as a spell-like ability, and your cold resistance increases to 15.

Jinkin Mask
1st Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You also gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft, a +8 competence bonus to Disable Device, and can cast prestidigitation at will as a spell-like ability.
11th Level: You gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large) and a +8 competence bonus to Craft (traps).
20th Level: You can cast dimension door once per day as a spell-like ability.

Ijiraq Mask (requires 5th level)
5th Level: You gain a bite and a gore attack. Both are primary natural attacks dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large). You also gain the ability to Hide in Plain Sight while in an icy environment.
11th Level: You gain two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large) and +2 natural armor.
20th Level: You can cast dimension door once per day as a spell-like ability.

Kelpie Mask
1st Level: You gain fire resistance 5, a primary slam attack dealing 1d8 damage (1d6 Small, 2d6 Large), and can breathe underwater via gills. You also gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing swim speed by +20 feet.
11th Level: Your slam gains the grab special ability and you gain a +8 competence bonus to Disguise. Your fire resistance increases to 10.
20th Level: You gain +2 natural armor, and your fire resistance increases to 15. Your swim speed also increases by +20 feet.

Korred Mask (requires 7th level)
7th Level: As a free action, you can cause your hair to animate and entangle adjacent creatures for one round (Reflex negates). As a standard action, you can enter and exit stones of your size category within 30 feet. This functions as tree stride.
11th Level: You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your class level.
20th Level: Your spell resistance improves to 11 + your class level.

Lampad Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast meld into stone once per day as a spell-like ability. You also gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft. As a standard action, you can weep, causing creatures within 30ft of you to become shaken (Will negates). This is an audible mind-affecting fear effect.
11th Level: You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity.
20th Level: You gain a +2 bonus to Charisma.

Larabay Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast gust of wind once per day as a spell-like ability. You also gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
11th Level: You gain fire and electricity resistance 10.
20th Level: You gain cold resistance 15, your fire and electricity resistance increases to 15, and you gain a +8 competence bonus to Disguise.

Leprechaun Mask
1st Level: Any club or quarterstaff you wield gains the effect of shillelagh. You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you can now see three times the normal distance in dim light. You also gain a +8 competence bonus to Perception and Sleight of Hand.
11th Level: You can cast invisibility (self only) once per day as a spell-like ability.
20th Level: You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your class level.

Lurker in Light Mask (requires 5th level)
5th Level: You gain total concealment when in bright or normal light. When flying, this effect is reduced to partial concealment. In dim light or lower, this ability ceases to function. You can also cast dancing lights at will as a spell-like ability.
11th Level: You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
20th Level: You can cast blindness/deafness once per day as a spell-like ability.

Mask of Deadly Tresses (requires 9th level)
9th Level: You grow long, powerful hair capable of making up to four secondary attacks per round. Each attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large).
11th Level: Your tresses gain the grab special ability, and you gain a bonus to this grapple attempt equal to your Charisma modifier.
20th Level: Your tresses gain +5ft reach, and their damage die increases by one step.

Mask of Flames (requires 7th level)
7th Level: You gain immunity to fire, and your attacks gain the flaming weapon ability.
11th Level: When a creature takes fire damage from your attacks, it also catches on fire (Reflex negates), taking 1d6 fire damage each round.
20th Level: You gain a primary slam attack (10ft reach) dealing 1d8 damage (1d6 Small, 2d6 Large).

Mask of Frost (requires 7th level)
7th Level: You gain immunity to cold, and your attacks gain the frost weapon ability.
11th Level: Whenever you deal cold damage to an opponent, it becomes entangled for one round.
20th Level: You gain a primary slam attack dealing 1d8 damage (1d6 Small, 2d6 Large). You and any creature you ride can move across icy surfaces without penalty and don't need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. You can also climb on icy surfaces as per spider climb.


Mask of Mist (requires 5th level)
5th Level: You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge). You also gain 20% concealment, and your attacks deal full damage to incorporeal creatures but only half damage to corporeal creatures.
11th Level: You gain the compression ability and a +8 competence bonus to Stealth.
20th Level: Once per day, you can become incorporeal for up to two minutes.

Mask of Roots (requires 7th level)
7th Level: You gain 30ft tremorsense. While standing on the ground, you gain a +4 bonus to CMD against bull rush and trip attempts. Once per day when standing in a field or fertile plain, you can infuse yourself with energy from the surrounding plantlife, gaining temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your class level that last for one hour or until expended.
11th Level: You gain a pair of secondary tentacle attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large).
20th Level: Your tentacles' reach increases by +5ft.

Mask of Storms (requires 7th level)
7th Level: You gain immunity to electricity, and your attacks gain the shock weapon ability.
11th Level: Whenever you deal electric damage, attacks with metal weapons gain a cumulative +1 bonus to hit (max +4) for one round.
20th Level: You gain a primary slam attack (10ft reach) dealing 1d8 damage (1d6 Small, 2d6 Large).

Mask of Stone (requires 9th level)
9th Level: You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage if both you and your opponent are touching the ground. If your opponent is airborne or waterborne, you instead take a -4 penalty to attack and damage. You also gain a burrow speed equal to half your base land speed.
11th Level: You gain 30ft tremorsense.
20th Level: You can cast meld into stone once per day as a spell-like ability.

Mask of Truespeech (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You gain speak with animals and speak with plants as constant spell-like abilities.
11th Level: You can cast tongues once per day as a spell-like ability.
20th Level: You gain vermin empathy as a blight druid of your level.

Mask of Vitriol (requires 7th level)
7th Level: You gain immunity to acid, and your attacks gain the corrosive weapon ability.
11th Level: Whenever you deal acid damage, your opponent takes an additional 1d6 acid damage one round later (Reflex negates). Their shield or armor also take this damage (ignores hardness; Reflex negates).
20th Level: You gain a primary slam attack (10ft reach) dealing 1d8 damage (1d6 Small, 2d6 Large).

Mask of Waves
1st Level: You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing swim speed by +20 feet. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage if both you and your opponent are touching water. If you or your opponent is touching the ground, you instead take a -4 penalty to attack and damage. You can also cast hydraulic push at will as a spell-like ability. You also gain gills and can breathe underwater.
11th Level: You gain the compression ability, and your swim speed increases by +20 feet.
20th Level: You gain a primary slam attack dealing 1d8 damage (1d6 Small, 2d6 Large). When immersed in water, you can attempt combat maneuvers against creatures and objects within 500ft in the same body of water as if using the Telekinetic Maneuver talent. You can also strike an opponent within 100ft with a blast of water as a standard action. This is a ranged attack dealing 7d6 bludgeoning damage.

Mask of the Wild (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You gain a +8 competence bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Survival. Once per day when standing in a field or fertile plain, you can infuse yourself with energy from the surrounding plantlife, gaining temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + your class level that last for one hour or until expended.
11th Level: You gain cold resistance 10 and the scent ability.
20th Level: You gain a +8 competence bonus to Perception, fire resistance 15, and your cold resistance increases to 15.

Mask of Winds (requires 5th level)
5th Level: Airborne creatures take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against you. You also gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
11th Level: Your flight speed increases by +20 feet, and your maneuverability improves to (perfect).
20th Level: You gain the compression ability and your flight speed increases by an additional +20 feet.

Mask of Wizardry (requires 4th level)
4th Level: Choose two of the following spells:
acid splash, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, light, mage hand, ray of frost, stabilize, or touch of fatigue. They can each be cast three times per day as spell-like abilities. In addition, choose one of the following spells: burning hands, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, detect alignment, magic missile, obscuring mist, silent image, vanish (self only), or ventriloquism. You can cast it once per day as a spell-like ability.
11th Level: Choose one of the following spells: acid arrow, cure moderate wounds, darkness, daze monster, glide, invisibility (self only), lesser restoration, levitate, minor image, scorching ray, see invisibility, or spider climb. You can cast it once per day as a spell-like ability.
20th Level: Your chosen spells can each be cast an additional time per day.

Mite Mask (requires 5th level)
5th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft. You also gain vermin empathy as a blight druid of your level and a +8 competence bonus to Stealth.
11th Level: You can cast prestidigitation at will as a spell-like ability and gain a +8 competence bonus to Sleight of Hand.
20th Level: Your darkvision increases by 60ft. You also gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing climb speed by 20ft.

Monaciello Mask
1st Level: You gain the compression ability, a +8 competence bonus to Stealth, and a +2 bonus to saves against divine magic. You also become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength.
11th Level: You can cast glitterdust once per day as a spell-like ability.
20th Level: Creatures within 20ft of you are unable to channel energy unless they pass a Will save.

Nereid Mask (requires 4th level)
4th Level: You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing swim speed by +20 feet. When underwater, your body becomes transparent, rendering you invisible. This ability can be suppressed or resumed as a swift action. You also gain gills and can breathe underwater.
11th Level: You gain immunity to cold.
20th Level: You gain a bonus to all saves and a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier.

Nixie Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast charm person three times per day as a spell-like ability., You also gain gills and can breathe underwater. You also gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing swim speed by +20 feet.
11th Level: You gain wild empathy as a druid of your level.
20th Level: You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your class level.

Norn Mask (requires 9th level)
9th Level: You are never surprised and can always act in the surprise round. You also gain cold resistance 5.
11th Level: You gain 30ft blindsense and immunity to cold.
20th Level: You gain an insight bonus to Initiative checks equal to your Charisma modifier. As an immediate action, you can force a creature within 120ft to reroll a saving throw. Three times per day, you can deal 20d6 damage (Fortitude halves) to a creature within 120ft as a standard action. If this is enough to slay the creature, if can only be restored to life via miracle, wish, or an equivalent ability. This is a death effect.

Nuckelavee Mask
1st Level: You gain two secondary hoof attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large) and a 40ft swim speed or increase your existing swim speed by +40 feet. You also gain gills and can breathe underwater.
11th Level: Anyone who touches you contracts the disease mortasheen (Fortitude negates).
20th Level: You gain the trample ability dealing 1d6 (1d8 Large, 2d6 Huge) plus 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier.

Nuglub Mask
1st Level: You gain two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large). On a successful hit with your claws, you can attempt to trip your opponent as a free action, gaining a +2 bonus for each size category the creature is larger than you. You also gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing climb speed by 20ft.
11th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft. You also gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large).
20th Level: Your bite gains the grab special ability, and you gain a +8 competence bonus to Influence creatures through fear.

Nymph Mask
1st Level: You gain wild empathy as a druid of your level and a +2 bonus to Charisma.
11th Level: You gain a bonus to all saves and a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier.
20th Level: You gain an additional +2 bonus to Charisma.

Oceanid Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can affect up to 100 contiguous 5ft-squares of water within 1,000ft of you, either doubling or halving the speed of creatures and objects on the surface of the affected area. This ability lasts as long as you concentrate, but a target can ignore the effects each round with a successful Will save. You also gain gills and can breathe underwater and either gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing swim speed by +20 feet.
11th Level: When immersed in water, you can attempt combat maneuvers against creatures and objects within 500ft in the same body of water as if using the Telekinetic Maneuver talent. You can also strike an opponent within 100ft with a blast of water as a standard action. This is a ranged attack dealing 7d6 bludgeoning damage.
20th Level: Your swim speed increases by +40 feet.

Pech Mask
1st Level: You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against petrification and a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against creatures and objects made of earth or stone. You also gain the benefits of Improved Critical against such creatures. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage if both you and your opponent are touching the ground. If your opponent is airborne or waterborne, you instead take a -4 penalty to attack and damage. You also gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft.
11th Level: You gain a +8 competence bonus to Craft (stonemasonry) and Profession (miner).
20th Level: You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your class level.

Penumbral Mask
1st Level: You gain 20% concealment that increases to 50% concealment in any illumination other than bright light, and your melee attacks deal full damage to incorporeal creatures (but only half damage to corporeal creatures).
11th Level: You gain the compression ability and darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft.
20th Level: You gain the see in darkness ability.

Pixie Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast invisibility (self only) once per day as a spell-like ability. You also gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
11th Level: You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your class level.
20th Level: Your spell resistance increases to 11 + your class level.

Polevik Mask (requires 7th level)
7ht Level: All unattended non-magical food or liquid within 30ft of you instantly rots or spoils. Attended non-magical food or liquid can resist with a successful Fortitude save. You also gain a +8 competence bonus to Craft (alchemy) and can throw a puffball at a creature within 20ft as a standard action. A successful hit deals 1d6 damage and inflicts the disease pulsing puffs (Fortitude negates).
11th Level: You gain a +8 competence bonus to Stealth and Survival.
20th Level: You gain speak with plants as a constant spell-like ability.

Pooka Mask (requires 7th level)
7th Level: You can cast invisibility (self only) once per day as a spell-like ability. You also become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. As a standard action, you can create a 5ft-diameter cloud of poison in an adjacent square, functioning as a mild intoxicant or eidolon dust poison.
11th Level: You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
20th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft. You can also cast detect magic at will as a spell-like ability.

Pugwampi Mask
1st Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You also gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft, gain a +8 competence bonus to Stealth, and can cast prestidigitation at will as a spell-like ability.
11th Level: Creatures within 20ft of you are susceptible to bad luck. Whenever a d20 roll is made, they must roll 2d20 and take the lower result (Will negates each time). This is a mind-affecting effect, and animals, gremlins, gnolls, and creatures with a luck bonus of any sort are immune.
20th Level: Your unluck aura no longer allows a saving throw.

Quickling Mask (requires 3rd level)
3rd Level: Your base speed increases by +10 feet. When you stay immobile for at least a full round, you become invisible. When moving, you gain 20% concealment. If you are ever slowed, you lose these benefits and are sickened for the duration and one round thereafter.
11th Level: Your base speed increases by +20 feet.
20th Level: Your base speed increases by +20 feet.

Redcap Mask (requires 9th level)
9th Level: You gain a secondary kick attack that deals 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large) and can be used during movement as if you possess the Mobile Striker talent. If you are wearing a cap dipped in the blood of a slain enemy with a CR of at least half your character level, you gain fast healing 1 and a +2 bonus to damage rolls. However, if you see a creature present a good-aligned holy symbol, you flee in disgust for one minute (Will DC 10 + 1/2 presenter's CR + presenter's Charisma modifier negates).
11th Level: Your base speed increases by +20 feet.
20th Level: Your base speed increases by +10 feet. When wearing a blood-dipped cap, the fast healing, bonus damage, and Will save DC to avoid disgust increase by +2.

Rusalka Mask (requires 9th level)
9th Level: You grow long, powerful hair capable of making up to four secondary attacks per round. Each attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large).
11th Level: By making a melee touch attack as a standard action, you can make a creature staggered for 1 round by overwhelming feelings of desire and shame (Fortitude negates). This is a mind-affecting effect.
20th Level: Your tresses gain the grab special ability, and you gain a bonus to this grapple attempt equal to your Charisma modifier.

Satyr Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You can cast charm person three times per day as a spell-like ability, gain a +8 competence bonus to Perform (wind instruments), and gain a primary gore attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large).
11th Level: You gain a +8 competence bonus to Perception and Stealth.
20th Level: You can cast dancing lights at will as a spell-like ability and gain +2 natural armor.

Skin Stealer Mask (requires 4th level)
4th Level: As a full-round action, you can steal the skin of a deceased Small, Medium, or Large humanoid and wear it as your own. This functions as disguise self and lasts until the skin is removed as a move action. You can maintain a number of skins equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1). You also gain a +8 competence bonus to Disguise and Heal.
11th Level: You gain +2 natural armor and a +8 competence bonus to Stealth.
20th Level: You gain +1d6 sneak attack damage that stacks with that from any other source.

Spring-Heeled Jack Mask (requires 6th level)
1st Level: You can leap up to 20ft (vertically or horizontally) without provoking attacks of opportunity as a Move action and gain feather fall as a constant spell-like ability. You also gain +1d6 sneak attack damage that stacks with that from any other source.
11th Level: You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity.
20th Level: Your base speed increases by +10 feet, and you gain a +8 competence bonus to Athletics checks to jump.

Sprite Mask (requires 5th level)
5th Level: You shed light equal to that of a torch and can control the color and intensity of the light as a swift action. You also become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
11th Level: You can cast dancing lights at will as a spell-like ability and gain a +8 competence bonus to Escape Artist.
20th Level: Your flight maneuverability improves to (perfect).

Svartalfar Mask (requires 6th level)
6th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft., a +8 competence bonus to Stealth, and +1d6 sneak attack damage that stacks with that from any other source.
11th Level: You can cast vanish three times per day as a spell-like ability.
20th Level: Your sneak attack increases by an additional +1d6 damage.

Swan Maiden Mask
1st Level: You can transform into a trumpeter swan as per beast shape I but do not adjust your ability scores. You gain a +8 competence bonus to Perception and Stealth checks when transformed.
11th Level: You can cast glitterdust once per day as a spell-like ability.
20th Level: You gain resistance 15 to cold and electricity.

Thin Man Mask (requires 9th level)
9th Level: You gain the compression ability and a burrow speed equal to half your base land speed.
11th Level: You gain two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (1d3 Small, 1d6 Large) and a +8 competence bonus to Stealth checks.
20th Level: Your claw attacks inflict 1d6 bleed.

Tooth Fairy Mask
1st Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. When attempting a dirty trick maneuver, you can try to pinch an opponent's fingers (dealing 1 Dexterity damage) or steal an opponent's tooth (dealing 1 Charisma damage and 1 bleed) instead of the normal options.
11th Level: You gain a pair of wings, granting you a fly speed equal to your base land speed with good maneuverability (average if Large, poor if Huge).
20th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft. You also gain a primary bite attack dealing 1d6 damage (1d4 Small, 1d8 Large).

Twigjack Mask (requires 5th level)
5th Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You also gain woodland stride as the druid class ability and can travel between areas of light undergrowth as dimension door as a move action. This ability must be used in 10ft increments (up to 60ft per day) and doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.
11th Level: You gain +1d6 sneak attack damage that stacks with that from any other source.
20th Level: You gain +2 natural armor and gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft.

Vexgit Mask (requires 4th level)
4th Level: You become Tiny, reducing your base reach to 0 feet, gaining a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, and a -2 size penalty to Strength. You gain a +8 competence bonus to Disable Device checks and count all devices as one category simpler for the purposes of determining how long it takes to use the skill.
11th Level: You gain darkvision 60ft or increase your existing darkvision by 30ft. You also gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed or increase your existing climb speed by 20ft.
20th Level: You gain spell resistance equal to 5 + your class level.

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