Adrenal Potential: The thrill of combat fills the magus with a surge of untapped potential. Upon rolling for initiative, the magus gains 1 point of potential. This increases by 1 point at 6th level and every six levels thereafter, to a maximum of 4 points at 18th level.
Arcane Scent: The magus can sniff out other spellcasters. By spending a spell point, the magus gains the scent special quality for 1 hour per magus level. This scent can only detect creatures capable of casting spells or using spell-like abilities. Additionally, while this effect persists, the magus can attempt a Spellcraft check as a move action to determine the highest level spell a detected creature is capable of casting (DC = 10 + the creature’s caster level). The magus can only attempt this Spellcraft check once per creature per 24 hours.
Blade Dancer (requires 15th level): Once per round as a move action, you can grant a melee weapon with the dancing property the ability to fight under its own power for one additional round. The weapon must be active and fighting within 30 feet of you, and must be under your control. This ability can maintain a dancing weapon indefinitely as long as you spend a move action every round to extend the duration by 1 round.
Blade Weaver: As long as you wield a light or one-handed melee weapon, you can spend a spell point to create a hypnosis effect with your weapon as a spell-like ability by weaving your weapon through the air in a supernaturally-fascinating pattern. Alternately, you may direct a dancing weapon under your control to perform the hypnotic, weaving pattern, causing affected creatures to be fascinated by the weapon instead. The caster level of this spell-like ability is equal to your class level.
Blinkback Strike: The magus’ weapons are imbued with his arcane power, causing them to return to his hands after they are thrown. While under the effects of Arcane Strike, whenever the magus throws a weapon, the weapon teleports back to his hand after the attack is resolved (unless it would be destroyed).
Dispelling Strike (requires 9th level): The magus can spend a spell point as a swift action to imbue his weapon with a special power. If the weapon strikes a creature within the next minute, that creature is the subject of a targeted dispel magic using the magus's level as the caster level. Once the strike is made, the power dissipates, even if the dispel attempt is unsuccessful.
Disruptive (requires 6th level): The magus gains Disruptive as a bonus feat.
Divinatory Strike: Whenever the magus scores a critical hit against an opponent with a melee attack, he can gain preternatural insight into his foe’s strengths and weaknesses as though he had rolled a natural 20 on a Knowledge check to identify the creature struck. Any bonuses or penalties the magus normally applies to such a Knowledge check are applied to this ability, including his Intelligence modifier, ranks in the requisite Knowledge skill, and other applicable modifiers. Depending on the final calculated outcome of this ability and the CR of the creature struck, the magus may still be unable to glean information about his enemy. This ability works even if the magus has already attempted a Knowledge check to identify the creature.
Elemental Splash: As long as you wield a melee weapon, you can spend a spell point to fill one space within the reach of a weapon that you wield with dangerous elemental energy. When you use this ability, choose acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage. Creatures within the five-foot space that you target take 2d6 points of the selected energy damage and are entitled to a Reflex saving throw for half damage. The DC of this Reflex saving throw is equal to 10 + half your class level + your Intelligence modifier. Creatures (such as swarms) vulnerable to area effects and spells are vulnerable to this attack as well. At 6th level, then again at every three levels thereafter, the amount of damage dealt by this attack increases by 1d6.
Familiar: The magus gains a familiar, using his magus level as his effective wizard level. This familiar follows the rules for familiars presented in the arcane bond wizard class feature.
Intuitive Protection (requires 3rd level): When a conjuration (summoning) spell is cast by an opponent and the magus successfully identifies the spell with a Spellcraft check, he can spend a spell point as an immediate action to cast protection from chaos, evil, good, or law (chosen when using this ability) on himself; this lasts a number of rounds equal to his magus level. At 7th level, he can instead cast magic circle against chaos, evil, good, or law when using this ability.
Lingering Pain: The magus can spend a spell point as an immediate action after hitting a target with a weapon attack. All damage from that attack (including damage from a sphere effect cast using the spellstrike ability) is considered continuous damage for the purposes of any concentration checks made by the target prior to the beginning of the magus’s next turn.
Magelight: As long as you have at least one spell point remaining, you and your allies gain a +1 insight bonus on weapon damage rolls made against creatures illuminated by a (glow) effect that you cast. The illuminated area is relative to each individual viewer, meaning that a creature with low-light vision effectively benefits from a wider area of effect, and a blind creature gains no benefit from this ability.
Mirror Magi (requires 6th level): You can spend a spell point as a swift action to create one or more illusory copies of yourself with which to distract and confuse opponents as to your exact location. This ability functions like a mirror image spell with a caster level equal to your class level, except that the images last for only 1 round, and you create only one image plus one additional image for every three magus class levels that you possess.
Natural Spell Combat: The magus has adapted his spell combat to allow him to use his natural weapons as part of the technique. He can use any of his natural attacks as part of spell combat, following all of the normal rules for using natural attacks as part of a full-attack action. If his spell combat only allows him to make a single attack, he does not gain any additional natural attacks, but can choose to make a single attack with one of his natural weapons in place of a weapon attack.
Orniflamme Weapon: As long as you wield a melee weapon with the flaming or flaming burst magic weapon properties, you can hoist your weapon high in an impressive pyrotechnic display designed to inspire your allies. Using a weapon in this way is a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Allies (including yourself) that witness the inspiring display are bolstered for 1 round gaining a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects, and an equal bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls against any creatures that you attack in the same round that you activate this ability. At 6th level, and then again at 12th and at 18th levels, the morale bonuses granted by this effect are increased by +1.
Rimefrost Weapon: As long as you wield a melee weapon with the frost or icy burst magic weapon properties, you can use your weapon to make a melee touch attack as a standard action. If the touch attack hits, the target must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or become entrapped in a thick crust of icy rime. This ability works like the “entrap” universal monster ability. The rime has 0 hardness and hit points equal to your class level. If not destroyed before 1d10 minutes have passed, this magical ice melts, regardless of ambient temperature. The DC of this Fortitude saving throw is equal to 10 + half your class level + your Intelligence modifier.
Solvent Weapon: As long as you wield a melee weapon with the caustic or caustic burst magic weapon properties, you can spend a spell point to touch your weapon to a helpless or willing creature or an inanimate, unattended object as a move action, affecting the target as though you had applied a dose of universal solvent to it, dissolving any adhesives on or affecting it.
Spell Trickery (requires 12th level): When the magus successfully performs a dirty trick combat maneuver, he can use an ability from the Illusion or Mind sphere with a casting time of 1 standard action or less as a swift action. The magus can use this ability once per day.
Spellbreaker (requires 9th level): The magus gains Spellbreaker as a bonus feat.
Thunderous Weapon: As long as you wield a melee weapon with the shocking or shocking burst magic weapon properties, you can spend a spell point as a standard action to make a single, cacophonously-distracting attack against an opponent within reach. For 1 round, creatures attempting to cast a spell within 30 feet of the target of your attack must succeed on a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) or lose the spell.
Vision-Clouding Strike (requires 9th level): The magus can spend a spell point as a swift action to empower his weapon with shadowy energy that dissipates within 1 minute. A creature struck with the weapon must succeed at a Will save (DC = 1/2 the magus’s level + his Intelligence modifier) or treat the magus as being in an area of dim light for 1d4 rounds. True seeing penetrates this effect, but darkvision and similar darkness-penetrating effects do not.
Wand Wielder: The magus can activate a wand or staff in place of casting a spell when using spell combat.
Weaponward: As long as you have at least one spell point remaining, you are magically protected, gaining a +2 luck bonus to Armor Class against attacks made with manufactured weapons.