Spellcasters who delve into the Creation sphere often have very different ideas about how the things they make actually come into being, but whatever the main source of any mage’s power may be, it is on weaponry that the lingchi warrior’s powers are concentrated. These spellswords are consummate warriors who learn to wield all variety of weapons and can call upon them at any time.
Armory Arena (Sp):
At 1st level a lingchi warrior can spend a spell point to call down a near infinite number of weapons around herself as a standard action. All creatures and objects within a 15 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 class level radius of the lingchi warrior take 1d6 + her Wisdom modifier in slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage (your choice) (Reflex negates). When doing so, she may select a number of targets equal to her Wisdom modifier to not take damage. The lingchi warrior who creates the armory arena never takes damage from this effect. For 1 minute per level after, the affected area is treated as difficult terrain for everyone other than the lingchi warrior.
Within this area, anyone may pick up any simple, martial, or exotic melee weapon that the lingchi warrior is proficient in or able to craft of their choice as a move action and wield it as if it were a normal masterwork quality item of its type that disappears when the armory arena expires or the weapon leaves the area of the armory arena. A lingchi warrior can only have 1 armory arena active at one time, with additional uses of this ability dismissing any currently existing arena. The lingchi warrior can dismiss the entire armory arena as a standard action but cannot dismiss specific weapons.
At 5th level, the lingchi warrior may create an armory arena as a move action and may pick up any weapon in the arena as a swift action. At 15th level, the lingchi warrior may create an armory arena as a swift action and may pick up any weapon in the arena as a free action. At 20th level, the lingchi warrior may create an armory arena as a free action once per round. This ability replaces summon equipment, boost equipment, and quick summons.
Enhanced Armory:
Starting at 3rd level, the lingchi warrior’s armory arena gains access to magically empowered weapons. Any weapon taken from the armory arena gains special abilities from the armorist's Table: Bound Equipment that have an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to 1/4 the lingchi warrior's class level (minimum +1), however the bonuses are determined by whoever wields the weapon at the time it is picked up. Any arsenal trick that grants additional options to an armorist’s bound or summoned equipment instead adds to the list of options available to the enhanced armory. This ability replaces bound equipment and bind staff.
Nimble (Ex):
At 3rd level, a lingchi warrior gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the lingchi warrior to lose her Dexterity bonus to AC also causes her to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of +5 at 19th level). This ability replaces armor training.
Arsenal Tricks (Su)
An lingchi warrior gains exclusive access to the following arsenal tricks.
Absolute Control (requires 12th level): When a weapon is drawn from the lingchi warrior’s armory arena, it is the lingchi warrior who determines which special abilities, if any, it possess rather than the wielder. Additionally, the lingchi warrior can dismiss individual weapons created by the armory arena without dismissing the entire armory arena.
Arena Burst: The lingchi warrior’s armory arena is strengthened by her magical ability to a level far greater than any normal weapon can reach. By spending an additional spell point when she creates her armory arena the damage is increased to 1d6 points of damage per class level + her Wisdom modifier and the save changes from Reflex (negates) to Reflex (half). Once the armory arena is initially summoned, its damage returns to normal for the remainder of its duration if you also have Greater Mobile Arena.
Arena Patrol (requires 6th level):As long as she remains inside her armory arena, as a full-round action the lingchi warrior can increase her threatened area to the entire area of the armory arena. As long as she moves no further than her speed in a round, the lingchi warrior may move anywhere within her arena to take an attack of opportunity against any foes inside the arena. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. She may discard her current weapon and draw a new one from the arena as part of her attack of opportunity. This ability counts as the patrol ability from the Guardian sphere.
Bound Armory: When wielding a weapon created by her armory arena, the lingchi warrior gains more abilities than anyone else. Any weapon the lingchi warrior wields from her armory arena is treated as a bound weapon for the purposes of class features.
Dancing Arena (requires 14th level): When creating an armory arena, the lingchi warrior may choose to reduce the total special abilities available by enhanced armory (and bound armory) by 4 in order to animate every weapon summoned by the arena. All creatures in the arena except for the ones chosen on its creation to not take damage take 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage per turn plus the effect of any remaining enhancement bonus, which may be traded for special weapon abilities as usual. This damage is of the same type chosen by the lingchi warrior when creating the armory arena. Creatures within the area may make a Reflex save every round to negate this damage. Dancing arena weapons may still be drawn and wielded, but it requires one step longer than normal.
Friendly Arena: The lingchi warrior may select any number of targets to not take damage from the arena, and these targets may move through the arena without treating it as difficult terrain.
Material Arena (requires 6th level): When selecting the special properties of a weapon created by armory arena you also determine the type of material it is created from. You may select cold iron, mithral, or silver. At 10th you may select adamantine.
Mobile Arena: As a swift action, for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), a lingchi warrior can turn her armory arena into a whirlwind of blades every time she moves, gaining 20% concealment against ranged attacks for 1 round. A mobile arena always recenters itself on the lingchi warrior at the end of her movement, traveling the shortest possible distance.
Greater: When a mobile arena repositions itself, it deals damage as if it was just summoned to all creatures whose square it passes through or stops in. Additionally, her concealment is increased to 50% against ranged attacks and 20% against melee attacks. If used with arena burst, this damage is not increased, only dealing the damage that a normal summoning of the armory arena would cause unless an additional spell point is spent each round.