A kensai has spent his life honing both his physical and magical training towards the art of mastering a single weapon, using his arcane potential and martial prowess to become a paragon amongst warriors.
Proficiencies: A kensai is proficient in simple weapons and in a single martial or exotic melee weapon of his choice. In addition, if this is his first level in any class, he may select a martial tradition of his choice. A kensai can never be proficient with any armor or shield. This modifies weapon and armor proficiencies.
Chosen Weapon:
A kensai focuses his combat prowess on a single weapon. This weapon is the single martial or exotic weapon with which he is proficient. Certain kensai abilities can only be used with his chosen weapon, or while wielding his chosen weapon.
Intelligent Defense:
At 1st level, when the kensai is wielding his chosen weapon, he gains a dodge bonus to his Armor Class equal to his Intelligence bonus. If the kensai has any class levels other than magus, this bonus is restricted to his magus level (minimum 1). If the kensai is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus, he also loses this bonus.
Perfect Strike (Su):
At 6th level, the kensai gains Vital Strike as a bonus feat. Additionally, he gains the following potential technique:
Perfect Strike: The kensai’s attack is guided by their potential, landing in the perfect location to deal maximum damage. When the kensai hits with
his chosen weapon, he can spend two points of potential to maximize his weapon’s damage. Don’t roll for damage — the weapon deals maximum damage. This affects only the weapon’s damage dice, not additional damage from sneak attack, magical weapon properties, or critical hits.
This replaces the magus arcana gained at 6th level.
Iaijutsu (Ex):
At 7th level, the kensai applies his Intelligence modifier as well as his Dexterity modifier on initiative rolls (minimum 0). A kensai may make attacks of opportunity when flat-footed, threaten squares adjacent to his space when he has no weapons drawn, and may draw his favored weapon as a free action as part of taking an attack of opportunity. This replaces expanded techniques.
Perfected Reflexes:
At 11th level, the kensai gains Improved Vital Strike as a bonus feat and can make a number of attacks of opportunity in a round equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). This effect stacks with the Combat Reflexes feat. This replaces the bonus feat gained at 11th level.
Iaijutsu Focus (Ex):
At 15th level, the kensai may always act and may draw his weapon as a swift action during a surprise round, and gains the uncanny dodge ability, treating his magus level as his rogue level for this ability. During a surprise round or when attacking a flat-footed opponent, he adds his Intelligence modifier on damage with his chosen weapon (minimum 0). This replaces the magus arcana gained at 15th level.
Perfected Master:
At 16th level, the kensai gains Greater Vital Strike as a bonus feat and adds his Intelligence bonus (minimum 0) on critical hit confirmation rolls with his chosen weapon. This replaces masterful techniques.