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Expeditious Sleuth [background]
Prerequisites: character level 3rd, inspiration class feature.
Benefit: You can take 20 on a Perception check in only 10 times the usual amount of time, and gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks when you take 20.
Normal: It takes 20 times as long to take 20 on a skill check.

Extra Inspiration

Prerequisite: Inspiration class feature.

Benefit: Your daily inspiration pool increases by three points.

Special: You may select this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Extra Investigator Talent

Prerequisite: Investigator talent class feature.

Benefit: You gain one additional investigator talent. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this investigator talent.

Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, gain an additional investigator talent.

Studious Dilettante
Prerequisites: Int 13, Skill Focus with the focus skill of the course of study selected for this feat (see below), character level 3rd.
Benefit: Select a course of study that you don't already possess. You must have Skill Focus in the focus skill related to the selected course of study. You gain the 1st-level ability granted by the selected course of study.

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