Abjuration implements are objects associated with protection and wards such as amulets, armor, bells, bracers, brooches, cloaks, holy symbols, and shields.
Associated Spheres: Mana, Protection
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an abjuration implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Warding Talisman (Su): The implement wards against adverse effects. Whoever wears (or holds, for bells) the implement gains a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum bonus of 1 + 1 for every 4 occultist levels you possess.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use abjuration implements gain the following focus power.
Mind Barrier (Sp): As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to create a shield of mental energy around you that protects you from harm. The shield prevents a total of 2 points of damage per occultist level you possess. It lasts until the start of your next turn or until exhausted. For example, if you are 5th level, the mind barrier protects you from 10 points of damage; if you are hit by an attack that would deal 12 points of damage, the mind barrier is exhausted and you take 2 points of damage. You can activate this ability as an immediate action, but doing so costs 2 points of mental focus instead of 1.
Aether implements are objects associated with alchemy, the ability to create and transform matter from the four elements, telekinesis, and the manipulation of ectoplasm such as alembics, bowls, cauldrons, dodecahedrons, magic squares, and magnets.
Associated Spheres: Creation, Telekinesis
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an aether implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Master Artisan (Ex): The implement focuses its bearer’s creative abilities. The implement’s bearer gains a +1 insight bonus on all Craft checks for every point of mental focus stored in it, to a maximum bonus equal to the occultist’s level.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use aether implements gain the following focus power.
Minor Telekinesis (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to mentally move a nonliving object within close range weighing no more than 1 pound for every occultist level you possess. This otherwise functions as telekinesis.
Air implements are items related to air, flight, gravity, and breath such as censers, feathers, gems, leafs, and mantles.
Associated Spheres: Nature (air), Weather (wind)
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an air implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Aerial Agility (Ex): The implement increases its bearer’s fly prowess. The implement grants a +1 competence bonus on Fly checks per 2 points of mental focus stored in it, to a maximum bonus equal to the occultist’s level. If the occultist is 5th level or higher and stores at least 7 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the effects of feather fall. If the occultist is 11th level or higher and stores at least 10 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the effects of tailwind.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use air implements gain the following focus power.
Fly On the Wind (Sp): As a standard action, you may expend 1 point of mental focus to summon a wind to transport you. This functions as the carrying wind spell, except it lasts 1 minute per occultist level you possess. If you are 7th level or more, the effect lasts 10 minutes per occultist level you possess.
Conjuration implements such as bowls, braziers, compasses, figurines, lanterns, and mirrors allow the occultist to perform magic that summons or calls creatures.
Associated Spheres: Conjuration, Life
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an conjuration implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Reaching Foci (Sp): The implement empowers the bearer’s reach with magic. The bearer may add 5 feet to the range of all sphere effects cast using this implement for every 1 point of mental focus stored in the implement (to a maximum bonus equal to his class level).
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use conjuration implements gain the following focus power.
Servitor (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to summon a servitor. This ability functions as summon monster I, but you can use it only to summon a single creature, and the effect lasts for 1 minute. At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1, to a maximum of summon monster VII at 19th level. You can’t have more than one servitor in effect at a time. At any time, you can expend 1 point of mental focus as a free action to extend the duration of an active servitor by 1 minute.
Divination implements such as books, crystal balls, goggles, harrow decks, headbands, lenses, and planchettes grant powers related to foresight and remote viewing.
Associated Spheres: Divination, Fate
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an divination implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Third Eye (Su): The implement allows its bearer to notice that which can’t easily be seen. The implement grants a +1 insight bonus on Perception checks per 2 points of mental focus stored in it, to a maximum bonus equal to the occultist’s level. If the occultist is 3rd level or higher and stores at least 3 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants low-light vision. If the occultist is 5th level or higher and stores at least 6 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants darkvision 60 feet. (If the bearer already has darkvision, the implement increases the range of the darkvision by 30 feet.) If the occultist is 7th level or higher and stores at least 9 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the effects of see invisibility. If the occultist is 13th level or higher and stores at least 12 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants blindsense 60 feet. If the occultist is 19th level or higher and stores at least 15 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants blindsight 30 feet.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use divination implements gain the following focus power.
Sudden Insight (Sp): As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to gain an insight into your immediate future. You can use this foreknowledge as a free action before you roll any ability check, attack roll, or skill check to gain an insight bonus on that roll equal to 1/2 your occultist level (minimum +1). You can use your foreknowledge only once per turn, and if it’s not used by the end of your turn, the insight fades and you gain no benefit.
Earth implements are items related to earth, protection, wealth, and stability such as armor, chisels, gems, hammers, nuggets, pickaxes, shovels, and stones.
Associated Spheres: Nature (earth), Weather (aridity)
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an earth implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Rock Armor (Su): The implement hardens its bearer’s skin. The implement’s bearer gains DR 2/adamantine for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, up to a maximum equal to the occultist’s level.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use earth implements gain the following focus power.
Protective Slab (Su): As an immediate action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to make one or more slabs of rock emerge from the ground or a wall. The stone is 1 inch thick with a maximum total surface equal to one 5-ft. square, and lasts for 1 round per occultist level you possess. You could, for example, create a protective wall against attacks, a safe landing place on a cliff ’s wall, a hold to break a fall, or stone steps to climb a sheer mountain. At 5th level, you can reduce the stone’s surface to half and double its thickness, and at 10th, 15th, and 20th level you can do so once again (up to a maximum of 1/16 the surface for 16 times the thickness).
Enchantment implements such as censers, crowns, helms, musical instruments, and necklaces allow the occultist to befuddle the mind and charm his foes.
Associated Spheres: Fallen Fey, Mind
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an enchantment implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Glorious Presence (Su): The implement invokes the presence of those who have worn it in the past. The implement’s wearer gains a +1 competence bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks and ability checks for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum bonus of 1 + 1 for every 4 occultist levels you possess.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use enchantment implements gain the following focus power.
Cloud Mind (Su): As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to cloud the mind of one foe within 30 feet. That foe is dazed for 1 round if the number of Hit Dice it possesses is less than or equal to or your occultist level. If it has more Hit Dice than your occultist level, it is staggered for 1 round instead. The foe can attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. Whether or not it succeeds at the save, the target is then immune to this effect for 1 day. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Evocation implements such as gloves, rods, staves, and wands grant the ability to create and direct energy to protect and to destroy.
Associated Spheres: Destruction, Light
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an evocation implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Intense Focus (Su): The implement channels and enhances the effects of damaging evocations. A spellcaster who bears the implement can add the implement as an additional focus component for any of his sphere effects or focus powers that deal damage. If he does so, the sphere effect or focus power deals 1 additional point of damage of the same type to each creature for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum of 1 + 1 for every 2 occultist levels you possess.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use evocation implements gain the following focus power.
Energy Ray (Sp): As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to unleash a ray of pure energy as a ranged touch attack. This ray has a range of 30 feet. The ray deals an amount of energy damage equal to 1d6 points + 1d6 points for every 2 occultist levels you possess beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd level, 3d6 at 5th, and so on, to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). When you unleash an energy ray, you must decide what type of damage it deals (acid, cold, electricity, or fire).
Fire implements are items related to fire, burning, passion, and mutations such as braziers, burners, candles, gems, lanterns, and pipes.
Associated Spheres: Nature (fire), Weather (heat)
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into a fire implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Fire Resistance (Su): The implement protects against damaging fire spells. It grants the bearer 1 point of fire resistance for every 2 points of mental focus invested in the implement, to a maximum of 1 for every 2 occultist levels you possess.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use fire implements gain the following focus power.
Flame Wave (Sp): As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to unleash a ray of flame as a ranged touch attack. This ray has a range of 30 feet. The ray deals an amount of energy damage equal to 1d6 points + 1d6 points for every 2 occultist levels you possess beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd level, 3d6 at 5th, and so on, to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level).
Illusion implements such as crystals, hats, masks, prisms, and rings allow the occultist to distort the senses and cloak creatures from sight.
Associated Spheres: Dark, Illusion
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an illusion implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Distortion (Sp): The implement allows its bearer to distort his form and location, protecting him from harm. As a standard action, the bearer can gain a concealment miss chance equal to 5% for every point of mental focus invested in the implement (to a maximum of 5% + 5% for every 2 occultist levels you possess) until the next time the bearer makes an attack. If this miss chance reaches 50%, it doesn’t increase further, but the bearer gains all the benefits of invisibility. Creatures with see invisibility, true seeing, or similar abilities ignore the miss chance from this ability.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use illusion implements gain the following focus power.
Minor Figment (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to create a minor figment. This can function as either ghost sound or minor image. In either case, the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your occultist level. If you are 7th level or higher, the figment lasts for a number of minutes equal to your occultist level, and you can cause the figment to change once during its duration when a specified condition occurs.
Metal implements are items mostly made from metal or related to metalworking.
Associated Sphere: Nature (metal), War
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into a metal implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Metalworking (Ex): The implement tranchforms its bearer into an accomplished artisan. The implement grants a +1 competence bonus on Craft (jewelry or metalwork) checks per 2 points of mental focus stored in it, to a maximum bonus equal to the occultist’s level. If the occultist is 11th level or higher and stores at least 10 points of mental focus in it, the implement also allows the occultist to cast major creation once (metal items only). If the occultist is 15th level or higher and stores at least 15 points of mental focus in it, the implement also allows the occultist to cast fabricate once (metal items only). Each of these abilities consumes 3 points of stored mental focus, reducing the granted skill bonus accordingly.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use metal implements gain the following focus power.
Living Armament (Su): As a swift action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus in order to conjure a metal weapon or armor directly in your hand or on your body for 1 minute. This must be a weapon or armor that you are proficient with. At 6th level, and every 6 levels thereafter, your conjured armament gains a cumulative +1 bonus to attack and damage.
Necromancy implements such as bones, coins, dolls, drums, robes, and skulls can control undead and harm the living.
Associated Spheres: Blood, Death
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an necromancy implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Necromantic Focus (Su): The implement grants its possessor greater power over the undead. Whoever possesses the implement can control an additional 2 Hit Dice of undead for every point of mental focus invested in the item (to a maximum number of Hit Dice equal to 4 × your occultist level). Any spellcaster who bears the implement can add it as an additional focus component for a necromancy spell he casts to create undead. If he does so, he can create an additional number of HD of undead equal to the additional HD the implement allows him to control (apply this effect after doubling the HD of undead for desecrate, if applicable). This counts as the reanimate Death sphere ability for the purposes of other talents and effects. Undead creatures take a –1 penalty on saving throws against spells or sphere abilities cast by the bearer of this implement for every 4 points of mental focus invested in this implement.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use necromancy implements gain the following focus power.
Mind Fear (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to cause a living creature to succumb to fear. The target must be within 30 feet of you, and it can attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. If the target fails the save and has a number of Hit Dice less than or equal to yours, it is frightened for 1d4 rounds. If the target fails the saving throw and has a number of Hit Dice greater than yours, it is instead shaken for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Transmutation implements such as belts, boots, sandals, vests, and weapons can alter the properties of both objects and creatures.
Associated Spheres: Alteration, Enhancement
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an transmutation implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Physical Enhancement (Su): The implement enhances its bearer’s body. When you invest mental focus in the implement, select a physical ability score. The implement grants a +2 temporary enhancement bonus to that physical ability score for every 3 points of mental focus invested in the implement (to a maximum of +2 at 1st level, plus an additional 2 for every 6 occultist levels you possess).
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use transmutation implements gain the following focus power.
Legacy Weapon (Su): As a standard action, you can expend 1 point of mental focus and touch a weapon to grant it one weapon special ability with an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to 1 + 1 for every 6 occultist levels you possess (to a maximum of +4 at 18th level). This bonus lasts for 1 minute.
Water implements are items related to water, reflections, and flowing such as bottles, bowls, conch shells, cups, gems, mirrors, and pearls.
Associated Spheres: Nature (water), Weather (precipitation)
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into a water implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Sea Prowess (Su): The implement increases its bearer’s ability to move through water. The bearer gains a +1 competence bonus on Athletics (swim) checks per 2 points of mental focus stored in it, to a maximum bonus equal to the occultist’s level. If the occultist is 5th level or higher and stores at least 6 points of mental focus in it, the implement grants instead a swim speed equal to the bearer’s base speed. If the occultist is 9th level or higher and stores at least 10 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the bearer the amphibious quality. If the occultist is 13th level or higher and stores at least 12 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the effects of water walk.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use water implements gain the following focus power.
Drown (Sp): As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend 1 point of mental focus to engulf in water an opponent within 30 feet for 1 round per occultist level you possess. This functions as aqueous orb, except it affects one target only.
Wood implements are items made mostly or entirely from wood, living plants or vegetable products, or related to woodworking.
Associated Spheres : Nature (plant), Warp
Resonant Power: Each time the occultist invests mental focus into a wood implement, the implement grants the following resonant power until the occultist refreshes his focus.
Harvester (Su): The implement increases the bearer’s ability to find and grow vegetable food. The implement grants a +1 competence bonus on Profession (herbalist) skill checks and on Survival skill checks to find food in the wilderness per 2 points of mental focus stored in it, to a maximum bonus equal to the occultist’s level. If the occultist is 7th level or higher and stores at least 6 points of mental focus in it, the implement also grants the Cultivate Magic Plants feat, even if the bearer doesn’t meet the feat’s prerequisites.
Base Focus Power: All occultists who learn to use void implements gain the following focus power.
Green Presence (Sp): As a standard action, you can expend 2 points of mental focus to make plants around you grow and bloom as the overgrowth effect of plant growth.