A breakthrough in the alchemical applications of shadow magic led to the creation of glooms, magical fields of darkness from the Shadow Plane that can be momentarily animated with the use of strange compounds. These mixtures are quite efficacious, leading to the spread of their use throughout the world.
Gloom (Su):
Whenever a gloom chymist creates a cluster of cherry bombs, he can spend 1 point of quintessence to infuse them with shadow energy. Such creations are known as 'glooms' and do not qualify as bombs for the purposes of feats or discoveries. A gloom deals cold damage and decreases the light level by one step within its splash radius, in addition to its other effects. This darkness counts as the base ability of the Darkness sphere, but it only lingers for a number of rounds equal to the gloom chymist’s Intelligence modifier. At 8th level, the gloom chymist can spend 1 additional point of quintessence when creating a cluster of glooms to make them decrease light levels as per deeper darkness using his alchemist level as the caster level. This ability replaces alchemical discipline.
Minor Breakthrough:
At 5th level, the gloom chymist gains Flowing Darkness and a (darkness) talent of his choice as bonus talents.
Major Breakthrough:
At 11th level, the gloom chymist gains Obfuscation as a bonus talent, and darkness created by his glooms now lingers for a number of minutes equal to his Intelligence modifier.
Ultimate Breakthrough:
At 17th level, the gloom chymist gains Shadowing Darkness as a bonus talent and can spend 1 additional point of quintessence when creating a cluster of glooms to add an additional (darkness) talent.
The following discoveries may be taken by a gloom chymist.
Additional Talent: The gloom chymist gains a (darkness) talent as a bonus talent. This discovery can be chosen multiple times, gaining an additional (darkness) talent each time.
Clearsight: The gloom chymist is immune to the effects of his glooms and can see perfectly in areas of darkness they create.
Crawling Gloom: The alchemist infuses his gloom with a spark of animating negative energy, allowing it to act on its own. Instead of throwing the gloom as he would a splash weapon, the alchemist designates one target and sets his gloom upon the ground as a standard action. Once set, the gloom slithers towards the chosen target at a rate of 30 feet per round that does not provoke attacks of opportunity — the gloom can climb over barriers as if it had a climb speed and avoid obstacles as needed. When the gloom reaches its target, it violently explodes, dealing damage to the target as if the alchemist had landed a direct hit with his gloom. Glooms animated by this discovery do not deal splash damage, and the target can attempt a Reflex save to reduce the damage by half, and all effects created by the gloom are limited to the designated target. If the gloom would normally create an area of effect on a direct hit, the area’s size cannot exceed a single 5-foot square.
While animated, a gloom has an Intelligence score equal to its creator’s Intelligence, an Armor Class equal to 18 + its creator’s Intelligence modifier, and a Reflex save equal to its creator’s base Reflex save bonus + its creator’s Intelligence modifier. If dealt any amount of damage, the gloom detonates prematurely, dealing damage and resolving its effects against any creature in its space.
Gravity Gloom (requires 8th level): By spending 1 additional point of quintessence, the gloom chymist can make his gloom create a gravitational anomaly that pulls nearby creatures to its point of detonation. For a number of rounds equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence bonus, any creatures that enters a space that is adjacent to the gloom’s original splash area is pulled into the nearest available space in the center of the area unless it succeeds on a Strength check (DC 10 + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier). If a creature fails its check, it becomes entangled, functioning like the entangle spell except using gravity instead of plant life. If a creature succeeds on a Strength check or an Escape Artist check to avoid or break free of this effect, it doesn’t need to attempt the check again for 1 round.
Languishing Gloom: A creature struck by a direct hit with the gloom must make a successful Fortitude save or become fatigued for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the gloom chymist’s level.
Shadow Stash: The gloom chymist gains Shadow Stash as a bonus talent.
Shifting Gloom (requires 10th level): The gloom chymist can step into a patch of darkness created by one of his glooms as a move action and emerge from another patch of darkness within Close range. This functions as dimension door.
Umbral Aura: The gloom chymist gains an aura of menacing shadow that conceals his appearance behind a curtain of disconcerting murk. This dark aura hides distinguishing features from observers and grants a competence bonus equal to half the gloom chymist's level to Deception checks to lie and PSB checks to feint or demoralize. In addition, Sense Motive checks to get a hunch about the gloom chymist have their DC increased by this same amount. The gloom chymist no problem seeing through his own aura, but the effect cannot be penetrated by darkvision. The gloom chymist can suppress or resume this aura as a standard action.