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A bard learns his first performance flourish at 1st level and learns an additional flourish at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter. Some flourishes modify your masterpieces, and are noted with an asterisk (*) next to the flourish’s name. A bard may only apply one such flourish to a performance at a time. Choose whether any such flourish modifies your performance when you start it. Each time he maintains a masterpiece, the bard chooses whether to keep, swap, or remove any such modifications that he has applied. If a performance flourish allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half the bard’s ranks in his muse’s key Perform skill + his Charisma modifier. If it requires an opponent to attempt a skill check, the DC is equal to 10 + 1-1/2 × the bard’s ranks in his muse’s key Perform skill + his Charisma modifier. A bard cannot learn the same performance flourish more than once unless it specifically says otherwise.

Battle Song (Su) (requires 19th level): Your incite rage masterpiece affects all creatures within 30 feet.

Ceaseless Performance (Su) (requires 15th level): You can continue taking the free action to maintain a bardic performance even while confused, cowering in fear, dazed, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, silenced, staggered, stunned, or unconscious. Even if the bard is killed, he can continue to take the free action to maintain his performance as long as he has rounds remaining. Only the utter destruction of the bard’s body (such as via destruction or disintegrate, or by reducing the bard to a negative hit point total equal to 10 × his Constitution score) causes the performance to end.

*Countersong (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a masterpiece with audible components, you can spend an extra round of bardic performance to make a Perform check with your muse’s key Perform skill. Whenever an ally within 60 feet attempts a saving throw against a sonic or language-dependent effect, they can substitute the result of their saving throw with the result of your Perform check if your result is higher. This effect lasts 1 round.

Diplomatic Immunity (Su): You can spend one or more rounds of bardic performance to generate a sanctuary effect on yourself. The effect persists for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the number of bardic performance rounds spent. As with the spell, any hostile action on your part ends the effect early.

*Distraction (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a masterpiece with visual components, you can spend an extra round of bardic performance to make a Perform check with your muse’s key Perform skill. Whenever an ally within 60 feet attempts a saving throw against a figment or pattern effect, they can substitute the result of their saving throw with the result of your Perform check if your result is higher. This effect lasts 1 round.

Entrancing Performance (Su): Whenever you start a masterpiece, you can choose to focus it on only a single target within range. While other creatures can see or hear the entrancing performance, only the target of this ability is affected by it. Gain a +2 bonus to the DC of any saving throws made to resist the effects of the masterpiece. Increase any bonus granted by the masterpiece by +1.

*Escapist’s Jig (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a masterpiece with visual components, you can spend an extra round of bardic performance to make a Perform check with your muse’s key Perform skill. Whenever an ally within 60 feet attempts an Escape Artist check to escape from a grapple or an effect that causes the entangled condition, they can substitute the result of their Escape Artist check with the result of your Perform check if your result is higher. This effect lasts 1 round.

*Foolish Motley (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a masterpiece with audible components, you can spend an extra round of bardic performance to make a Perform check with your muse’s key Perform skill. Whenever an ally within 60 feet attempts a saving throw against an effect that causes the confused or fascinated condition, they can substitute the result of their saving throw with the result of your Perform check if your result is higher. This effect lasts 1 round.

Frightening Tune (Su) (requires 15th level): Your dirge of doom masterpiece can cause greater fear. Creatures within range become frightened and flee for as long as they can hear the performance (Will negates). Creatures that succeed on their saving throw remain shaken.

*Grave Performance (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a mind-affecting masterpiece, your masterpiece affects undead creatures as if it weren’t mind-affecting. This doesn’t allow you to target undead creatures with masterpieces that only affect humanoids, even if the affected undead was humanoid in life.

*Green Performance (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a mind-affecting masterpiece, your masterpiece affects plant creatures as if it weren’t mind-affecting.

Improved Inspire Competence (Su) (requires 9th level): Your inspire competence masterpiece grants its bonus to an additional skill. In addition, you can end the performance as an immediate action to allow an ally to reroll a check with one of the affected skills.

  • Greater Inspire Competence (Su) (requires 15th level): Your inspire competence masterpiece grants its bonus to a third skill. In addition, affected creatures can take 10 on these skills even when stressed or distracted.

Inspiring Blow (Su): Whenever you confirm a critical hit, you can begin a bardic performance as an immediate action (ending any other performances). In addition, all allies within 30 feet gain a +1 morale bonus on their next attack roll prior to the start of your next turn.

Lamentable Belaborment (Su) (requires 7th level): During any round that you maintain the fascinate masterpiece using audible components, you can attempt to either daze or confuse one creature you’ve fascinated as a standard action (Will negates). If the creature takes damage, this effect ends immeditely. This is a mind-affecting ability.

  • Mass Lamentable Belaborment (requires 19th level): Your lamentable belaborment performance flourish affects all fascinated creatures within 30 feet.

*Lingering Performance (Su): Whenever you stop maintaining a masterpiece that requires a standard action to start for any reason, affected creatures continue to be affected by the performance for 2 rounds.

Mass Break Curse (Su) (requires 19th level): Your break curse masterpiece suppresses all curses among any number of allies within 30 feet. Every 4 consecutive rounds of performing, you can attempt to remove a single curse from a single ally.

Quake (Su) (requires 9th level): Whenever you begin a bardic performance, all creatures within 30 feet are knocked prone (Reflex negates). Flying creatures, as well as creatures with the earth glide universal monster ability, are unaffected by this performance flourish.

*Quiet Lullaby (Su): Whenever you begin to perform a composition or a masterpiece with audible components, you may make a Perform check with your muse’s key Perform skill. Any attempt to detect your use of supernatural, spell-like, or sphere abilities by observing you must succeed in a Perception check against your Perform check. This includes the use of the lullaby itself. The effects of a disguised ability are not hidden.

*Rallying Cry (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a masterpiece with audible components, you can spend an extra round of bardic performance to make a Perform check with your muse’s key Perform skill. Whenever an ally within 60 feet attempts a saving throw against an emotion or fear effect, they can substitute the result of their saving throw with the result of your Perform check if your result is higher. This effect lasts 1 round.

*Reverberating Performance (Su) (requires 9th level): Whenever you start a masterpiece with audible components, you can affect deaf creatures provided they have blindsense, blindsight, or tremorsense. Likewise, when you start a masterpiece with visual components, you can affect blind creatures provided they have one of these abilities.

*Revitalizing Melody (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a masterpiece with audible components, you can spend an extra round of bardic performance to make a Perform check with your muse’s key Perform skill. Whenever an ally within 60 feet attempts a saving throw against an effect that causes the exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, or sickened condition, they can substitute the result of their saving throw with the result of your Perform check if your result is higher. This effect lasts 1 round.

Punchline (Su) (requires 7th level): During any round that you maintain the satire masterpiece using audible components, you can attempt to amuse one of the affected creatures as a standard action (Will negates). This functions as the hideous laughter spell. Punchline is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability.

  • Mass Punchline (requires 19th level): Your punchline performance flourish affects all creatures under the effects of the satire masterpiece within 30 feet.

Slip Through the Crowd (Su) (requires 15th level): Creatures affected by your disappearing act masterpiece can move through crowds and enemy-occupied squares without impediment and are treated as if having greater invisibility. Enemies gain a new saving throw to notice them each time they are attacked.

Song of Slumber (Su) (requires 7th level): During any round that you maintain the fascinate masterpiece using audible components, you can attempt to lull one creature you’ve fascinated to sleep as a standard action (Will negates). This functions as the deep slumber spell with no HD limit.

  • Mass Song of Slumber (requires 19th level): Your song of slumber performance flourish affects all fascinated creatures within 30 feet.

*Spurn Death (Su) (requires 9th level): Whenever you start or maintain a masterpiece, you can spend an extra round of bardic performance to make a Perform check with your muse’s key Perform skill. Whenever an ally within 60 feet attempts a saving throw against a death effect, they can substitute the result of their saving throw with the result of your Perform check if your result is higher. This effect lasts 1 round.

Suggestion (Su) (requires 7th level): During any round that you maintain the fascinate masterpiece using audible components, you can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature you've already fascinated as a standard action (Will negates).

  • Mass Suggestion (requires 19th level): Your suggestion performance flourish affects all fascinated creatures within 30 feet..

*Terrain Singer (Ex): You know how to adjust your performances to account for nearby terrain. Choose one terrain from the ranger’s list of favored terrain. Whenever you start or maintain a masterpiece in the chosen terrain, the range of your masterpiece doubles. This stacks with other flourishes that add to, but not multiply, your masterpieces’ range. Multiply the range of your bardic performances before adding any additional range to them. You can learn this flourish multiple times. Its effects don’t stack. Each time you learn this flourish, choose a different terrain for it to apply to.

*Throw Voice (Ex): You gain the ability to throw your voice at will, functioning like a ventriloquism spell. Whenever you start a masterpiece with audible components, you can choose any point within 30 feet to be the point of origin for the effect instead of your space.

  • Vocal Mastery (Ex) (requires 9th level): You can mimic almost any sort of voice, or even animal calls and sound effects, and can throw your voice at a distance. This functions similarly to a combination of the ghost sound, ventriloquism, and vocal alteration spells.

Tremor (Su): Whenever you begin a bardic performance, enemies within 30 feet are thrown off balance, causing them to take a -1 circumstance penalty to AC as long as you continue performing. This penalty increases by 1 at 5th level and every six levels thereafter. Flying creatures are unaffected by this performance flourish.

*Verminous Performance (Su): Whenever you start or maintain a mind-affecting masterpiece, your masterpiece affects vermin creatures as if it weren’t mind-affecting. Additionally, you can affect vermin creatures with bardic abilities as if they were animals instead of vermin, if doing so would prove more advantageous for you.

*Wide Audience (Su) (requires 9th level): Whenever you start a masterpiece, you increase its area by 30 feet. Alternatively, you can shape your masterpiece so it affects a 90-foot cone or a 120-foot line instead of a radius. In both cases, your performance’s affected area always originates from a grid intersection at one of your space’s corners unless you have an ability that allows otherwise (such as the throw voice performance flourish).

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