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Cheat Death [combat]
Prerequisite: Stamina class feature.
Benefit: Whenever you would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by lethal damage in combat, you can attempt to use your stamina and determination to cheat death. To use this ability, you must attempt a Fortitude save (DC equals the damage dealt). If the save is successful, all negative hit point damage that you would have taken from the attack is converted to nonlethal damage. If the save fails, you take lethal damage up to an amount equal to your Constitution score –1, and the rest of the damage dealt is converted to nonlethal damage. If your nonlethal hit point total equals your total maximum hit points at any point during this conversion, any remaining damage is not converted and is dealt to you as lethal damage as normal.
Special: You can spend any number of stamina points when you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points in order to negate 1 hit point of damage per stamina point spent. This cannot reduce the total amount of damage dealt to you below 0.

Critical Mastery [critical]

Prerequisites: Critical Focus, any two critical feats, 14th-level fighter.
Benefit: When you score a critical hit, you can apply the effects of two critical feats in addition to the damage dealt.
Normal: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit in addition to the damage dealt.

Disruptive [combat]

Prerequisite: 6th-level fighter.
Benefit: The DC to cast spells defensively increases by +4 for all enemies that are within your threatened area. This increase to casting spells defensively only applies if you are aware of the enemy’s location and are capable of taking an attack of opportunity. If you can only take one attack of opportunity per round and have already used that attack, this increase does not apply.

Extra Stamina

Prerequisites: BAB +5, combat stamina.

Benefit: Your stamina pool increases by three points.

Special: You can select this feat up to three times. Its effects stack.

Focused Stamina

Prerequisites: Martial focus, combat stamina

Benefit: Whenever you would expend your martial focus, you may instead spend 5 stamina points.

Greater Penetrating Strike [combat]

Prerequisites: Penetrating Strike, Weapon Focus, 12th-level fighter.
Benefit: Your attacks with weapons from the group in which you have Weapon Focus ignore up to 10 points of damage reduction. This amount is reduced to 5 points for damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/-).

Greater Weapon Focus [combat]

Prerequisites: Proficiency with at least one weapon from the selected weapon group, Weapon Focus with the selected weapon group, 8th-level fighter.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls you make using the selected weapon group. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on attack rolls, including those from Weapon Focus.
Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Focus multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon group.

Greater Weapon Specialization [combat]

Prerequisites: Greater Weapon Focus with the selected weapon group, Weapon Focus with the selected weapon group, Weapon Specialization with the selected weapon group, 12th-level fighter.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using any weapon from the selected group. This bonus to damage stacks with other damage roll bonuses, including any you gain from Weapon Specialization.
Special: You can gain Greater Weapon Specialization multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon group.

Gritting Teeth [combat]

Prerequisite: Combat Stamina.

Benefit: You can prepare yourself for harm if you have advance warning. As a swift action, you may spend 3 stamina points to give yourself resistance to one type of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). This resistance is equal to your character level + your highest mental attribute modifier and lasts 1 minute. You may use this ability multiple times to give yourself resistance against different energy types.

Martial Presence [combat]

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +1, Combat Stamina.

Benefit: Choose a basic totem from the War sphere (including Totem of War). You can spend 5 points from your stamina pool to create a 30 ft. aura that moves with you and that duplicates the effects of this totem. The action required to activate this ability depends on the totem. If the totem has no spell point cost, it is a swift action to create it, if the totem requires a spell point to be created, then activating it is a move action, and if it requires more than 1 spell point, it requires a standard action. For the purposes of the totem ability, use your base attack bonus in place of your caster level and use your highest mental ability modifier as your casting ability. The aura created is not a true totem, and does not qualify for feats that alter totems. Once activated, the aura remains active for 1 minute. Falling unconscious or dying causes the aura to end. This is an extraordinary ability.

Martial Reflexes [combat]

Prerequisites: Base Attack Bonus +1, Combat Stamina.

Benefit: Choose a basic (rally) talent. You may rally yourself at any time without spending spell points by spending 5 stamina points for every spell point you would normally need to spend. If you do so, the rally is considered an extraordinary ability, and may be used within areas where magic does not function. For the purposes of this rally, you use your base attack bonus as your caster level and your highest mental ability for your casting ability. This ability is not a true rally and does not interact with other abilities that affect rallies. This is an extraordinary ability.

Penetrating Strike [combat]

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus, 8th-level fighter.
Benefit: Your attacks with weapons from the group in which you have Weapon Focus ignore up to 5 points of damage reduction. This feat does not apply to damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/-).

Pin Down [combat]

Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, fighter level 11th.
Benefit: Whenever an opponent you threaten takes a 5-foot step or uses the withdraw action, that opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you. If the attack hits, you deal no damage, but the targeted creature is prevented from making the move action that granted a 5-foot step or the withdraw action and does not move.


Shield Brace [combat]
Prerequisites: Shield Focus; base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st; proficiency with light shields, heavy shields, or tower shields.
Benefit: You can use a two-handed weapon sized appropriately for you from the polearm or spears weapon group while also using a light, heavy, or tower shield with which you are proficient. The shield’s armor check penalty (if any) applies to attacks made with the weapon.

Shielded Stand [combat]
Prerequisites: Shield Focus, base attack bonus +3 or fighter level 1st.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can prevent yourself or an adjacent ally from provoking an attack of opportunity when standing from prone or when picking up an object from the ground.

Spellbreaker [combat]
Prerequisites: Disruptive, 10th-level fighter.
Benefit: Enemies in your threatened area that fail their checks to cast spells defensively provoke attacks of opportunity from you.
Normal: Enemies that fail to cast spells defensively do not provoke attacks of opportunity.


Weapon Specialization [combat]

Prerequisites: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon group, fighter level 4th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using any weapon from the selected group.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon group.

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