Extra Shadowstuff
Prerequisite: Shadowstuff class feature.
Benefit: Increase the number of shadow points you possess by 2. You may gain this feat multiple times. The effects stack.
Gather Shadowstuff
Prerequisite: Shadowmark class feature.
Benefit: In place of spending a shadow point you may use shadowmark as a full-round action.
Greater Shadowmark
Prerequisite: Shadowmark 1d6.
Benefit: Your shadowmark deals d8s for damage instead of d6s.
Psychosomatic Healing
Prerequisite: Create reality class feature.
Benefit: You may create an illusion around a creature that gives the appearance and feeling that the creature is in good health. This illusion works not only on the creature, but on anyone observing the creature. Whenever the creature takes damage from any source, the amount of damage taken is reduced by half your caster level (minimum 0). Unlike damage reduction, this can not be bypassed, except if the attacker manages to disbelieve the illusion.
Prerequisite: Shadowmark class feature.
Benefit: When using your shadowmark, you may spend an extra shadow point to change the effect from a ranged touch attack into a close-ranged cone. All creatures within this area are allowed a Reflex save for half damage. If they succeed at this Reflex save, they do not suffer the penalty to Will saves.
Shrouding Aegis
Prerequisites: Protection sphere, shadowstuff class feature
Benefit: You may spend a point of shadowstuff to create a shrouding aegis. A shrouding aegis protects its bearer through the use of illusion by either obscuring their image, making them appear in a slightly different location, or disguising their movements. The illusions act intelligently and are constantly shifting, causing the creature to have a somewhat ‘unreal’ appearance. Creatures attacking anyone with a shrouding aegis must attempt a Will save against a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your Protection caster level + your casting ability modifier to determine if they can see properly through the shrouding aegis. Those who fail this saving throw can not take attacks of opportunity against the shrouded creature, can not benefit from or participate in flanking it, and can not deal any precision-based damage to the shrouded creature. Critical hits work normally, however. Those who succeed at the save or are immune to illusions are not affected by the shroud. Once a creature succeeds at their saving throw, they do not need to attempt any additional saving throws against that shroud. The shroud is considered an illusion, and benefits from your abilities that enhance illusions.