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Prerequisites: Mind sphere, emotion class feature, caster level 5th.

Benefit: You may fuel raw magical energy from your spell pool and into your emotion class feature. You may spend a spell point instead of a daily use of an emotion for emotions with limited daily uses.

Elicit Strike [combat]

Prerequisite: Emotion class feature.

Benefit: If you make a successful melee attack against an opponent, in addition to dealing your weapon damage, you can spend a swift action to deliver the effects of an emotion power delivered by touch.

Extra Emotion

Prerequisite: Emotion class feature.

Benefit: Gain the minor power of a new emotion or the next level of an emotion you already possess. You may take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Greater Hypnosis

Prerequisite: Hypnotism class feature.

Benefit: The range at which you may affect targets with your hypnotism increases to Medium range.

Normal: You may only affect targets with your hypnotism at Close range.


Prerequisite: War sphere, emotion class feature.

Benefit: You may spend a spell point to rally an ally with any emotion from your emotion class feature that targets a single creature. You do not need to be within touch range, even if the emotion normally requires it.

Soul-Piercing Gaze

Prerequisite: Emotion class feature.

Benefit: As a standard action, you may attempt to make eye contact with all enemies within Close range. The enemies must be able to see and hear you to be affected. Each enemy receives a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your eliciter level + your Charisma modifier) against the gaze. Enemies may attempt to avert your gaze as they would a gaze attack. If at least one enemy fails their saving throw, you may choose one enemy that failed their saving throw and use an emotion from your emotion class feature on them as if you had made a successful melee touch attack. They still receive the regular saving throw against the emotion, if any. If every target succeeds on their saving throw against your gaze, the emotion is not expended.


Prerequisite: Emotion class feature.

Benefit: You may enhance an emotion power that has a range of touch and a single target to extend the range to 30 feet and the maximum number of targets to be equal to your casting ability modifier. Each target of the emotion power must be within close range of each other as well as you. If the power grants a saving throw to resist, the DC is reduced by 2. Using an emotion power in this way costs 3 daily uses of the power instead of 1.


Prerequisite: Emotion class feature.

Benefit: You may apply any emotion power with ‘touch’ in the name to yourself as a move action instead of a standard action. Doing so does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

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