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Animal Soul
Animal companion or mount class feature.
Benefit: You can choose not to allow spells and effects to effect you if they would not be capable of affecting both your original creature type and the animal creature type.

Expert Fruit Cultivator

Prerequisite: Fruit Cultivator, druid level 11th.

Benefit: All fruit yielded by a cultivation pot is done so at the standard rate for herbs.

Normal: Fruit yields at half the rate of herbs.

Expert Fungus Cultivator

Prerequisite: Fungus Cultivator, druid level 15th.

Benefit: All fungi yielded by a cultivation pot is done so at the standard rate for herbs.

Normal: Fungi yields at half the rate of herbs.


Fast Empathy [background]
Prerequisites: Handle Animal 5 ranks, wild empathy class feature.
Benefit: Using wild empathy is a standard action for you.
Normal: Using wild empathy requires 1 minute.

Fruit Cultivator

Prerequisites: Cultivation pots class feature, druid level 5th.

Benefit: You can now grow fruits in your cultivation pots as though they were herbs. All fruit yielded by the cultivation pot is done so at half the standard rate for herbs. For example, there is only a 50% chance that gathering from a cultivation pot containing a fruit will yield a unit of herbalism plant.

Normal: Fruits cannot be grown in cultivation pots.

Fungus Cultivator

Prerequisites: Cultivation pots class feature, druid level 9th.

Benefit: You can now grow fungi in your cultivation pots as though they were herbs. All fungus yielded by the cultivation pot is done so at half the standard rate for herbs. For example, there is only a 50% chance that picking a cultivation pot containing a fungus will yield a unit of herbalism plant.

Normal: Fungi cannot be grown in cultivation pots.

Greater Wild Empathy [background]
Prerequisites: Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, wild empathy class feature.
Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus on wild empathy checks. In addition, choose one of the following kinds of creatures: elementals, fey, lycanthropes, plants, or vermin. You may influence creatures of that type with wild empathy, if their Intelligence score is 1 or 2, or they do not possess an Intelligence score. Once you choose the type of creature, it cannot be changed.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time, you may choose an additional creature type to influence.

Mystic Stride [background]

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Nimble Moves, woodland stride class feature.

Benefit: You can move at full speed even through thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion, even if those areas confer the entangled condition.

Powerful Shape
Prerequisites: Wildshape class feature, druid level 8th.
Benefit: When in wildshape, treat your size as one category larger for the purpose of calculating CMB, CMD, carrying capacity, and any size-based special attacks you use or that are used against you (such as grab, swallow whole, and trample).

Quick Wildshape
Prerequisites: Wildshape class feature, caster level 8th.
Benefit: You can wildshape as a move action or a swift action. However, you are limited to forms available to a druid two levels lower when changing form as a move action, or four levels lower as a swift action.

Vermin Heart [background]
Prerequisite: Wild empathy class feature.
Benefit: You may target vermin with spells and special abilities that only affect animals (although they are still affected by spells targeting vermin as well). You may use wild empathy to influence vermin as easily as you influence animals.

Wild Vigor
Prerequisite: Wildshape class feature.
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus (minimum 1), when you use wildshape, you can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your base attack bonus. These temporary hit points last for the duration of the wildshape or until they are lost.

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