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Darkshapers are capable of controlling a shadow limb that they can use for various purposes.

Class Skills: The darkshaper loses Knowledge (engineering) (Int) as a class skill and gains Stealth (Dex) as a class skill.


Casting Ability Modifier: The darkshaper uses Charisma as her casting ability modifier.


Shadow Limb (Su)

As a swift action a darkshaper may animate her shadow as an extra limb. Her shadow limb possesses a primary natural attack with a reach of 5 feet that deals 1d4 slashing and piercing damage (1d3 for Small darkshapers). A darkshaper may use her Charisma modifier in place of her Strength modifier on attack and damage rolls and on combat maneuver checks using her shadow. Her shadow is dexterous enough to manipulate delicate objects and wield weapons, activate spell completion or spell trigger items. A shadow is too flimsy to function as a suit of armor or shield, though it may wield a shield.


At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, a darkshaper’s shadow adds 5 feet to her shadow limb’s reach, to a maximum of 20 feet at 20th level. A darkshaper’s shadow is not limited to moving along the ground, and cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature. Dismissing a shadow limb is a free action. A shadow limb’s natural attack gains special abilities according to Table: Bound Equipment as if it was a piece of bound equipment, except that a shadow may not be imbued with the dancing, returning, or throwing special abilities. A shadow limb is treated as bound weapon with respect to arsenal tricks. Arsenal tricks that modify a bound weapon’s material may be applied to shadow limbs.


A darkshaper may have one shadow limb manifested at a time at first level, and may manifest an additional shadow limb at 6th, 11th, and 16th levels. She may manifest up to her maximum number of shadow limbs as part of the same action, each with abilities identical to the first. The shadow limbs’ abilities may be changed any time they are manifested, though they must be the same for all of the darkshaper’s shadow limbs. This ability counts as the Animated Shadow advanced talent for all prerequisites. A darkshaper may not use Animated Shadow and shadow limb at the same time. This ability replaces bound equipment, bind staff, boost equipment, and quick summons.


Shadowed Combat

A darkshaper gains the Dark sphere as a bonus sphere at 1st level, as well as the Shadow Master drawback, selecting a (shadow) talent as normal. If the darkshaper already possesses the Dark sphere, then she gains a (shadow) talent without the drawback.


Shadow Residue

A darkshaper is able to leave behind some of her shadow on her target. When she lands an attack with her shadow limb, she may cast a (shadow) talent on that target as a swift action at the talent’s normal spell point cost. This ability replaces summon equipment and armor training.


Tenebrous Touch

At 20th level the darkshaper may activate shadow residue as a free action. This replaces infinite arsenal.

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