While all soul weavers manipulate the powers of life and death, most favor one over the other. A rare few strike a middle path, channeling positive and negative energy with equal ease.
Channel Energy (Su):
A dual channeler gains Channel Energy as the cleric class feature, but can channel both positive and negative energy. The dual channeler must choose each time she channels energy if she will channel positive or negative energy, as well as whether to target living or undead creatures as normal. This counts as possessing the Versatile Channeler feat. This modifies channel energy
Master of Life and Death:
A dual channeler gains both the Life and Death spheres at 1st level. This alters master of life and death.
Potent Channeler:
The dual channeler gains 2 additional uses of channel energy per day. This number increases by 1 for every 2 soul weaver levels possessed. In addition, the dual channeler counts as worshiping any deity and possessing any alignment when meeting the prerequisites for channeling feats. This replaces bound nexus.
Blessing/Blight (Su):
At 2nd level, the dual channeler may grant both blessings and blights, and gains access to both sets of abilities as she gains levels. The dual channeler counts as having the Blessing/Blight Versatility feat. This modifies blessing/blight.
Peerless Channeler (Su):
The dual channeler’s mastery of energy grants her the following abilities.
Grand Channel: At 4th level, when the dual channeler uses the channel energy class feature, she may spend an additional use of channel energy to increase the die size to d8s instead of d6s. At 8th level, this increases the die size to d10s instead of d8s.
Channel Mastery: At 8th level, when channeling energy, the dual channeler may spend an additional use of channel energy to add the benefits of any one feat which has channel energy as a prerequisite to that channeling, even if she does not possess that feat. She must meet all other prerequisites of the feat to gain its benefits in this manner.
Simultaneous Channeling: At 12th level, when channeling energy, the soul weaver may spend an additional use of channel energy to affect each creature in the area of effect individually. This means the dual channeler may affect both living and undead creatures, and may choose whether each target is affected by positive or negative energy. You may not affect a single creature more than once with a single channeling.
Channel Blessing/Blight: At 16th level, when channeling energy, the dual channeler may spend an additional use of channel energy to apply a blessing, blight, or another applicable blessing/blight ability to one creature that was affected by her channeling. This creature is allowed a saving throw (if applicable) as usual. If the dual channeler possesses the Blessing/Blight Mastery feat, she may use this ability to apply a blessing or a blight without spending an additional use of channel energy.
Mark Souls: At 20th level, when you channel energy, you may spend two additional uses of channel energy to apply a blessing (if affecting the target with positive energy) or blight (if affecting the target with negative energy) to each creature that was affected by your channeling. The creatures are allowed a saving throw (if applicable) as normal.