Adrenal Reaction (Ex): When you regain hit points, you may make an attack as an immediate action. You may not use this ability again until at least 1 minute has passed.
Agile Climber and Swimmer (Ex): A rogue with this talent rolls twice while making Athletics checks and when making Reflex saves to avoid falling and takes the better result. She can also hold her breath twice as long as normal.
Agonizing Attack* (Ex) (requires 6th level): When a rogue with this talent deals sneak attack damage, all damage from the attack is considered continuous damage for the purposes of any concentration checks made by the damaged creature prior to the beginning of the rogue’s next turn. This talent does not stack with itself, a creature damaged by multiple agonizing strikes in a round only needs to make a single concentration check against the continuous damage from the sneak attack that dealt the most damage.
Aligned Sneak Attack (Su): When making a sneak attack against a creature that has damage reduction that can be overcome by weapons of a particular alignment (such as DR 5/good), the rogue’s attack reduces that damage reduction by an amount equal to the number of sneak attack dice rolled until the end of the rogue’s turn.
Sever Alignment* (Su): When making a sneak attack against an opponent with an alignment subtype, a rogue with this talent can forgo her sneak attack damage to scramble the creature’s metaphysical nature. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Intelligence modifier) or lose all damage reduction overcome by aligned weapons (such as DR 10/good), lose all regeneration overcome by aligned sources (such as regeneration 10 [good]), and lose the ability to cast spells and use spell-like abilities with alignment descriptors for 1 round for every 2d6 points of sneak attack damage the rogue would have dealt (minimum 1 round). The rogue must have the aligned sneak attack talent to select this talent.
Ambuscading Grapple (Ex): When a rogue with this talent succeeds at a combat maneuver check to grapple an unaware opponent, she can immediately deal her sneak attack damage to the target. This counts as having hit with a sneak attack for the purpose of other abilities and talents.
Arrow Charmer: A rogue with this talent can replace her Strength modifier with her Charisma modifier for determining the damage of her ranged weapon attacks, such as with a composite bow or a thrown weapon.
Artful Dodger (Ex) (requires 8th level): A rogue with this talent adds her Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to her AC against attacks of opportunity.
Ambush Assailant (Ex) (requires 8th level): If a rogue attacks after successfully using Stealth against a creature, that creature is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against all attacks the rogue makes until the beginning of the target’s next turn. Creatures with uncanny dodge are immune to this ability. The rogue must have a feat or skill specialty that grants a bonus to Stealth before selecting this talent.
Assault Leader (Ex): When the rogue misses with an attack on an opponent she flanks, she can designate a single ally who is also flanking the target that her attack missed. That ally can make a single melee attack against the opponent as an immediate action. A rogue can use this ability once per opponent per day.
Befuddling Attack* (Ex): When the rogue deals sneak attack damage, the target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks (including concentration checks) for a number of rounds equal to the number of sneak attack damage dice dealt. This penalty does not stack with itself.
Bleeding Attack* (Ex): A rogue with this ability can cause living opponents to bleed by hitting them with a sneak attack. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the rogue’s sneak attack (e.g., 3d6 equals 3 points of bleed). At 8th level, the rogue adds an amount equal to half her Strength or Dexterity bonus (whichever is greater, minimum +1) to this bleed damage and at 16th level she instead adds an amount equal to her Strength or Dexterity bonus (whichever is greater, minimum +1). Bleeding creatures take this amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. Bleed damage from this ability does not stack with itself. Bleed damage bypasses any damage reduction the creature might possess.
Brutal Beating* (Ex) (requires 4th level): Whenever a rogue with this talent deals sneak attack damage, she also makes the target sickened for one round. This talent does not stack with itself.
Careful Stab (Ex): When a rogue with this talent reduces a creature to fewer than 0 hp with precision damage, she can choose to leave that creature at –1 hp and stable.
Chance Feat: A rogue who selects this talent gains a bonus chance feat that she qualifies for.
Charmer (Ex) (requires 6th level): A rogue with this talent can roll twice while making an Influence check and take the better result. She must choose to use this talent before making the Influence check. A rogue can use this ability once per creature per day plus one additional time per creature per day for every five rogue levels she possesses. A rogue can use this ability when making an Influence check against a group of creatures. However, if the rogue has already expended all her uses per day of this ability for specific creatures in the group, she rolls the two checks sequentially, using the first result for those specific creatures and using the better result for the rest of the group. The rogue must have a feat or skill specialty that grants a bonus on Influence checks before selecting this talent.
Combat Feat: A rogue that selects this talent gains a bonus combat feat. A rogue can take this talent up to two times.
Cunning Trapsmith (Ex): A rogue with this talent can use a swift action to set off any trap within 30 feet that she constructed or has studied and successfully bypassed. As a full-round action, the rogue can also set a simple trap with a CR no greater than her rogue level –2 (minimum 1). To do this, she must purchase the components, spend the required time constructing the trap in advance, and have its components at hand. The types of traps that can be constructed in this way are subject to GM discretion.
Deadly Cocktail (Ex) (requires 8th level): A rogue with this talent can apply two doses of poison to a weapon at once. These can be separate poisons, in which case they both affect the target individually, or two doses of the same toxin, in which case the poisons’ frequency is extended by 50% and the save DC increases by +2. This talent is an exception to the rule that injury poisons can only be delivered one dose at a time. The rogue must have the poison use class ability (or an equivalent ability that allows the rogue to apply poison to a weapon without accidentally poisoning herself) or be immune to poison before selecting this talent.
Deadly Range (Ex): A rogue with this talent increases the range at which she can apply her sneak attack damage by 10 feet. This range increases by 10 feet for every 3 levels the rogue possesses. When making ranged sneak attacks, the rogue gains a +1 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.
Dexterous Extrication (Ex): As an immediate action, a rogue with this talent can attempt an Escape Artist check in place of a Reflex saving throw against any effect that would immobilize her or impose the entangled condition on her. Additionally, when she is the target of a grapple combat maneuver, as an immediate action the rogue can attempt an Escape Artist check using the result of the skill check in place of her CMD against that combat maneuver attempt. A rogue of less than 10th level can only use this second ability once per opponent per day, but at 10th level this limitation no longer applies.
Distracting Attack* (Ex): When a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, she can forgo the additional damage to cause the creature to lose its Dexterity bonus to AC against one target of her choosing until the beginning of her next turn. The rogue cannot designate herself as the creature gaining the benefit of this talent. Creatures with uncanny dodge are immune to distracting attack.
Duelist’s Precision (Ex): If a rogue makes a melee attack and deals sneak attack damage with a single light or one-handed weapon wielded in one hand and makes no attacks with any other weapon during her action, then she can roll double her normal number of sneak attack dice, choose half those dice, and total the chosen dice as her sneak attack damage for this attack. If a rogue uses this on her turn, she must choose to use duelist’s precision before making any attacks during her turn and if she does, she can only attack with a single light or one-handed weapon wielded in one hand until the end of her turn. A rogue can also use duelist’s precision with attacks outside her turn, such as attacks of opportunity, provided the other requirements are met.
Eerie Disappearance (Ex) (requires 6th level): As a full-round action, the rogue can move up to her speed. If she successfully reaches a location that offers her cover or concealment, any creature observing her must attempt a Perception check opposed by the rogue’s Stealth check. On a failed check, the observer loses track of the rogue and fails to note where she moved to. The rogue does not take a penalty on this Stealth check for moving up to her speed. At the end of her movement, the rogue can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 60 feet who were aware of her at any point during her movement and are unaware of her current location. She rolls the Intimidate check only once and compares her result to the DC for each opponent.
Emboldening Strike (Ex): When a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, she gains a +1 circumstance bonus on saving throws for every 2 sneak attack dice rolled (minimum +1) for 1 round.
Esoteric Scholar (Ex): A rogue with this talent adds three Knowledge skills of her choice to her list of class skills and she can make all Knowledge skill checks untrained. At 10th level, she can always choose to take 10 on a Knowledge skill check, even if this is not normally allowed.
Expert Leaper (Ex): When making Athletics checks to jump, a rogue with this talent is always considered to have a running start and adds her rogue level to the check result. The rogue can always make an Acrobatics check to soften a fall, even if the fall is not deliberate. When softening a fall, a DC 15 Acrobatics check allows the rogue to ignore the first 20 feet fallen, instead of the first 10 feet. For every 5 by which the rogue exceeds the DC of this
check, she can ignore an additional 10 feet of distance fallen. Even if a rogue takes damage from a fall, she still lands on her feet if the result of the check to soften the fall equals or exceeds a DC of 15 + the falling damage dealt.
Extra Skill Specialty: A rogue who selects this talent gains an additional skill specialty.
False Attacker (Ex): Whenever the rogue strikes a foe from hiding, she can attempt an Influence check as an immediate action (opposed by the target’s Sense Motive or Perception check, whichever has a higher bonus) before rolling damage to convince the foe that another creature was the attacker. This Influence check applies the normal modifiers for convincing a creature of a falsehood, but can be accomplished with just physical trickery (a shared language is not required). If the Influence is successful, and the rogue maintains concealment or cover, the rogue’s stealth does not end.
Fast Stealth (Ex): This ability allows a rogue to move at full speed using the Stealth skill without penalty. At 10th level, a rogue with this talent can use the Stealth skill while charging or running with a –10 penalty.
Fast Tumble (Ex): When a rogue with this talent uses Acrobatics to move at full speed through a threatened area or an enemy’s space without provoking an attack of opportunity, the DC of the Acrobatics check only increases by 5, instead of 10. At 10th level, moving at full speed does not increase the DC for this type of Acrobatics check.
Flaying Slice (Ex): When you do precision damage to a creature, you may open a wound that allows you and your allies to more easily penetrate their flesh. When you successfully sneak attack a creature, you may spend up to half your sneak attack dice to reduce the creature’s natural armor class by 1 for each die spent, to a minimum of 0. You may do this multiple times with multiple strikes. The loss of natural armor lasts until the creature heals at least 5 hit points per point of natural armor lost.
Fleet Footed (Ex): A rogue with this talent receives a +10 feet bonus to her base movement speed. This benefit applies only when she is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the rogue’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn. If the rogue gains the fast movement class feature from another class, the bonuses to her speed do not stack.
Flowing Feint (Ex): A rogue with this talent who uses a standard action to move can combine that move with a feint. If she is able to feint as a move action, she can combine a move action to move with her feint. The rogue also reduces one of the penalties by 4 when feinting against a non-humanoid creature or when feinting against a creature of animal intelligence. The rogue only applies this penalty reduction once when feinting against a creature that is a non-humanoid with animal intelligence. At 10th level, the rogue instead reduces both of these penalties by 4.
Focusing Attack (Ex): When a rogue selects this talent, she must choose the confused, shaken, or sickened condition. When the rogue has the selected condition and hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, the rogue no longer has that condition. A rogue can take this talent up to three times. Each time, she must select a different condition that she is able to remove from herself with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage. Even if the rogue has taken this talent multiple times, she can remove only a single effect on herself with each melee attack that deals sneak attack damage.
Follow Along (Ex): A rogue with this talent is familiar enough with enchantment magic to fool it, using spellcasters’ complacency to set them up for a surprise attack. Whenever she succeeds at a saving throw against an enchantment effect, the rogue learns the spell’s effect on a failed save, allowing her to play along and pretend to have failed her save. If she does so, the spellcaster does not learn that she succeeded at her saving throw, even if she was the only target, though she must succeed at an opposed Influence check against a spellcaster’s Sense Motive check to determine whether she is under the enchantment’s effects. While this ruse is in place, the spellcaster is flat-footed against the rogue’s first attack. If the spellcaster sees the rogue perform (or fail to perform) an action that would be impossible if she were under the enchantment’s effect, he automatically discovers her ruse.
Ground Fighter (Ex): A rogue with this talent can stand up from prone as a move action or a swift action without provoking an attack of opportunity. She can stand up from prone as a free action but this provokes an attack of opportunity. However, the rogue can avoid provoking this attack of opportunity by successfully using the Acrobatics skill as if she were moving through a threatened square at full speed. While prone, a rogue with this ability can move at half speed. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. A rogue with this talent can take a 5-foot step while crawling and she reduces the penalties on her attack rolls and to her Armor Class for being prone by 2.
Hairpin Trick (Ex): The rogue is skilled at making do with anything she can find. She takes no penalty on Disable Device checks for using improvised tools, and can attempt such checks without any tools at a –4 penalty. She treats all non-improvised thieves’ tools as masterwork and doubles the bonus she gets from masterwork thieves’ tools from +2 to +4.
Hampering Attack* (Ex): An opponent damaged by the rogue’s sneak attack has its movement speeds halved (to a minimum of 5 feet) and it cannot take a 5-foot step. A creature with a flight speed has its maneuverability reduced by one step and if it’s airborne at the time, it falls unless it succeeds at a DC 10 Fly check. These effects do not stack with themselves and last until the beginning of the rogue’s next turn.
Hard to Fool (Ex) (requires 4th level): A rogue with this talent rolls twice while making Sense Motive checks and takes the better result. She must have a feat or skill specialty that grants a bonus on Sense Motive checks before selecting this talent.
Hidden Space (Sp): You can use Extradimensional Storage as a spell-like ability. You use your rogue level in place of caster level, and for casting class levels when determining MSB and MSD. You do not gain a spell pool, but may spend spell points on this ability if you gain them from another source. You may take this talent twice, which upgrades your spell-like ability to have the effect of two purchases of Extradimensional Storage.
Now You See It (Sp): You can access your Extradimensional Storage in a quicker, more subtle manner. You may stow or withdraw a single item as a move action (or as a swift action if you have taken Hidden Space twice). In addition, you may make a Sleight of Hand check to conceal your action, opposed by a Perception check from observers. On success, observers do not notice the action and remain unaware of the item’s absence or presence for at least 1 round. Further, an observer’s opposed Perception check must succeed by 5 or more for them notice the involvement of extradimensional space; otherwise they notice the action but remain uncertain of how it was accomplished. At rogue level 10, you may use this talent as a swift action rather than a move action (or as a free action once per round if you have taken Hidden Space twice).
Smokescreen (Sp): You can deploy items to cover your escape. As part of a move action you can call any number of objects from your Extradimensional Storage and drop them. You may use this ability to drop loose items like bottles, gravel or sand to turn squares you pass through into difficult terrain (generally requiring 2 lbs. of suitable items per 5-ft. square), block a doorway with something large, or spill liquids such as oil, holy water, or alchemical substances onto the ground. You can also use this ability as a distraction by dropping something that draws attention: by
scattering loose papers, shattering glass on hard ground, or throwing out a sack of dead spiders, you may make a Bluff check to create a diversion to hide as part of your move action. This latter use generally requires 1 lb. of suitable items.
Lasting Poison (Ex) (requires 6th level): A rogue with this talent can apply poison to a weapon in such a way that it remains poisoned for a number of strikes equal to the rogue’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 2).
Ledge Runner (Ex): This ability allows a rogue to move quickly on narrow, slippery, or uneven surfaces using the Acrobatics skill without the penalty for moving at full speed. In addition, the rogue doesn’t lose her Dexterity bonus to AC when using Acrobatics to move on these surfaces or while climbing. A rogue with this talent can use accelerated climbing to climb at half speed without penalty. She also can take a –10 penalty on an Athletics check to move at full speed while climbing. When a rogue with this talent attempts to catch herself while falling, she reduces the penalty to the Athletics check by 10.
Masterful Strike (Ex): A rogue with this talent can apply up to two talents to her sneak attack that add effects which are normally limited to one talent per individual sneak attack. These talents are marked with an asterisk (*). At 10th level, she can apply up to three such talents to each sneak attack.
Minor Magic (Sp): A rogue with this talent gains the ability to cast a 0-level spell from the wizard spell list at will as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability is equal to the rogue’s level. The save DC for this spell is 10 + the higher of the rogue’s Charisma or Intelligence modifier. The rogue must have a Charisma or Intelligence score of at least 10 to select this talent. A rogue can select this talent multiple times.
Magical Revision (Ex): By studying a spellbook for 10 minutes, a rogue with this talent can change one spell she is able to cast using minor magic or major magic to one wizard spell of the appropriate level which is contained in the spellbook. This change is permanent until the rogue takes the time to change it again. A rogue must have the minor magic rogue talent before choosing this talent.
Major Magic (Sp): A rogue with this talent gains the ability to cast a spell as a spell-like ability. When selecting this talent the rogue chooses a 1st-level spell from the wizard spell list. At 10th level, she can instead choose a 2nd-level spell. Initially she can use this spell-like ability three times per day, this increases to five times per day at 6th level, seven times per day at 12th level, and nine times per day at 18th level. The caster level for this ability is equal to the rogue’s level. The save DC for this ability is 10 + the spell’s level + the higher of the rogue’s Charisma or Intelligence modifier. The rogue must have a Charisma or Intelligence score of at least 10 + the spell’s level and have the minor magic rogue talent to select this talent. A rogue can select this talent multiple times.
Familiar (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains a familiar as the familiar option of the wizard’s arcane bond class feature. This ability functions exactly like that part of the class feature, and the rogue’s effective wizard level is her rogue level. The rogue must have the major magic talent before selecting this talent.
Nimble Fingers (Ex): A rogue with this talent rolls twice while making a Sleight of Hand check and takes the better result. She must have a feat or skill specialty that grants a bonus on Sleight of Hand checks before selecting this talent.
Offensive Defense* (Ex): When a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage the rogue gains a +1 circumstance bonus to AC against that creature for each sneak attack die dealt. Any situation or effect that causes the rogue to lose her Dexterity bonus to AC against this creature also causes her to lose this circumstance bonus. This circumstance bonus stacks with itself up to a maximum total bonus of twice the rogue’s sneak attack damage dice. This effect has a duration of one round.
One of Those Faces (Sp): Each day, you can use disguise self as a spell-like ability for up to 10 minutes per character level. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. Additionally, once you have used this ability, whenever you use it for the next 24 hours you must take the same alternate appearance.
Peerless Maneuver (Ex) (requires 6th level): A rogue with this talent rolls twice while making an Acrobatics check and takes the better result. She must have a feat or skill specialty that grants a bonus on Acrobatics checks before selecting this talent.
Positioning Strike (Ex): When a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack, she can make a reposition combat maneuver against that creature. If the attack is also a sneak attack then the rogue gains a bonus on this combat maneuver check equal to the number of sneak attack damage dice dealt. This combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A rogue can use this ability once per creature per day.
Quick Disable (Ex): It takes a rogue with this ability half the normal amount of time to disable mechanical devices, including traps, using the Disable Device skill. She can attempt to open a lock, that would normally require a full-round action, as a move action and can take 10 on Disable Device checks, even if even if this is not normally allowed.
Quicker than the Eye (Ex): A rogue with this talent can retrieve non-bulky easy-to-reach items, such as potions, scrolls, or alchemical items, as easily as she can draw a light or one-handed weapon. This allows her to combine drawing such an item with a charge or regular move. If a rogue with this talent also has the Two Weapon Fighting feat, then when drawing weapons, she can instead draw one such item and a light or one-handed weapon, or
draw two such items. If a rogue with this talent also has the Quick Draw feat, she can draw a hidden item or hidden weapon as a swift action and she can draw alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands as a free action, allowing her to throw alchemical items at her full rate of attacks. When attempting a Sleight of Hand check as a move action instead of a standard action, the rogue reduces the penalty by 10. In all these cases, drawing these items or weapons doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity.
Rapid Scrutiny (Ex): The rogue can search a creature, object, or area more quickly than normal. If her Perception check would normally require a full-round action or less, she may make it one step shorter along the following progression: full-round action, standard action, move action, swift action, immediate action. This decrease has no effect on Perception checks that are attempted as free actions or Perception checks that don’t require an action. The rogue can always take 10 on Perception checks, even if even if this is not normally allowed.
Reaching Fingers (Su): You can reach further than you ought to, bending space just enough to grab an enticing purse from a hidden corner or snatch cell keys from an unsuspecting guard. You add 5 ft. to your reach, but only for the purposes of Sleight of Hand checks, steal maneuvers, or manipulating objects (such as picking up unattended objects, throwing switches, or dropping objects). You do not threaten this area, and cannot make attacks with your additional reach. Increase this reach by 5 ft. for every 5 rogue levels you possess.
Redirect Attack (Ex) (requires 8th level): When a rogue with this talent is hit with a melee attack, she can redirect the attack to strike at an adjacent creature. The creature targeted must be within melee reach of the attack that hit the rogue, and the creature that made the attack against the rogue must make a new attack roll against the new target. The rogue cannot use this talent against the same opponent’s attack or against the attack of any creature who observed the redirection for the next 24 hours.
Roguish Know-How (Ex): A rogue with this talent has honed her memory. When making a Knowledge check, she may add her Intelligence bonus a second time. Thus, a rogue with 5 ranks in Knowledge (civilization) and a +2 Intelligence bonus has a total skill bonus of +9 (+5 + 2 + 2) when using this ability. The rogue can also use this ability when making an Intelligence check to remember something.
Seamless Facade (Ex): When disguising herself as a different gender, race, age category, or size category, a rogue with this talent reduces each of the penalties by –2. For example, if a female rogue disguises herself as a male two age categories older than herself, she would take a –2 to the check instead of a –6. She also reduces the amount of time it takes to create a disguise to a total of one minute per alteration (gender, race, age category, size category).
Shades of Gray (Ex): A rogue with this talent uses mental and emotional tricks to protect herself from attempts to discern her alignment. This offers her the benefits of undetectable alignment whenever she chooses, though she must be conscious to maintain the effect.
Silencing Attack* (Ex) (requires 6th level): When a rogue with this talent deals sneak attack damage, the target is rendered mute for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect (DC = 10 + 1/2 of the rogue’s level + the higher of the rogue’s Strength or Dexterity modifier). A mute creature cannot speak, use language-dependent effects, use verbal spell components, or use command words.
Slip Through (Su): You learn to fit through gaps that shouldn’t hold you. You treat yourself as half your size (or one size smaller) for the purpose of squeezing, fitting through narrow spaces with Escape Artist, and similar rules. At the GM’s discretion, you can also accomplish feats such as fitting your arm under a door or sticking a finger through a keyhole. At rogue level 10, you treat yourself a quarter of your size (or two sizes smaller) instead of half.
Slow Reactions* (Ex): Opponents damaged by the rogue’s sneak attack can’t make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.
Sniper’s Eye (Ex) (requires 6th level): When a rogue with this talent makes a ranged against an opponent that is threatened by at least two allies, the rogue gains flanking bonuses for the ranged attack as if she were flanking the enemy in melee and deals sneak attack damage with the attack if her target is within her sneak attack range. Creatures with improved uncanny dodge are immune to this, unless the rogue making the ranged attack has enough rogue levels to be able to flank the target in melee. When making ranged sneak attacks, the rogue gains a +1 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die. This circumstance bonus stacks with the circumstance bonus from the deadly range talent.
Stealthy Sniper (Ex): When a rogue with this talent acts in the surprise round she may treat her initiative roll as a 20 for the surprise round, regardless of her actual initiative roll, but can only make an attack with a ranged weapon. Her normal initiative roll is used in subsequent rounds. When a rogue with this talent uses the Stealth skill to snipe, she reduces the penalty on the Stealth check by 5. At 10th level, she reduces this penalty by 10.
Superlative Stealth (Ex) (requires 8th level): Upon gaining this ability, a rogue with this talent selects two of the following senses: blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense. The rogue must select blindsense before selecting blindsight. A creature using the chosen senses can’t automatically detect the rogue, and must succeed at Perception checks as normal to do so. The rogue must have a feat or skill specialty that grants a bonus on Stealth checks before selecting this talent. A rogue can take this talent up to two times, each time choosing two different senses.
Supple Contortionist (Ex): A rogue with this talent rolls twice while making an Escape Artist check and takes the better result. She must have a feat or skill specialty that grants a bonus on Escape Artist check checks before selecting this talent.
Survivalist (Ex): A rogue with this talent adds Heal, Knowledge (nature), and Survival to her list of class skills. She can use Perception to follow tracks as per the Survival skill and adds half her rogue level (minimum 1) on Perception and Survival checks made to find or follow tracks.
Swift Poison (Ex) (requires 6th level): A rogue with this talent can apply poison to a weapon as a move action or a swift action. The rogue must have the poison use class feature (or an equivalent ability that allows the rogue to apply poison to a weapon without accidentally poisoning herself) or be immune to poison before selecting this talent.
Trapspotter (Ex): Whenever a rogue comes within 10 feet of a trap, she makes an immediate Perception check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the GM.
Unseeing Acumen (Ex): A rogue who selects this talent gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat. Additionally, if a rogue with this talent is blind or in darkness, she reduces the penalties on Strength- and Dexterity-based skills by 2 and doesn’t take a penalty on opposed Perception checks. She still automatically fails checks and activities relying on vision, such as reading or sight-based Perception checks.
Waylaying Charge (Ex) (requires 4th level): Whenever a rogue with this talent makes a charge, her attack deals sneak attack damage as if the target was denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. If the rogue makes more than one attack this turn, this talent applies only to the first attack. Foes with uncanny dodge are immune to this ability.
Skirmisher (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent moves at least 10 feet in a round and makes an attack action, she deals sneak attack damage as if the target was denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. If the rogue makes more than one attack this turn, this talent applies only to the first attack. Foes with uncanny dodge are immune to this ability. A rogue must have the waylaying charge talent before selecting this talent.