Class Skills: Knowledge (all)
Tradition Benefit: You gain 1 extra spell point for every 2 witch levels possessed.
Tradition Power: You gain a +1, +1 per five class levels, competence bonus to all Knowledge checks, can attempt all Knowledge checks untrained, and take half the usual time when consulting libraries.
Class Skills: Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (planes), Survival
Tradition Benefit: You gain the Light sphere as a bonus magic talent.
Tradition Power: You gain the ability to channel the power of celestial objects, projecting different celestial auras to aid your allies. You may only project a single celestial aura at a time. Projecting a celestial aura is a swift action, and its effects last until you dismiss it as a free action or you activate a different aura. The effects of your auras apply to all allies (including yourself) who are currently within 30 ft. In addition to any other benefits, all auras increase the light level within the area by one step to a maximum of normal light. This ability functions only while you are conscious, not if you are unconscious or dead. You gain two auras of your choice from the following list:
Moon: Moonlight is the light of revelry and lunacy, lending strange invigoration and vitality to all bathed within it. This aura provides a +1 bonus to Fortitude saves, and increases by +1 for every 5 witch levels you possess. In addition, the aura provides one temporary hit point, plus an additional temporary hit point for every two witch levels you possess. These temporary hit points automatically refresh at the start of your turn. These temporary hit points only persist on allies who remain within the area of this aura.
Planet: Drawing on the resilience of the planets and their atmospheres, you gain the ability to avoid the cold of space and deflect the heat of the stars. This aura provides resistance equal to 5 plus your witch level to either cold or fire damage, chosen when the aura is projected.
Star: You call on a guiding star, its light illuminating your path and keeping you alert, fixated on the goal ahead. This aura grants a +1 bonus to Perception and initiative checks, and increases by +1 for every 5 witch levels you possess.
Sun: By channeling the power of the blazing sun, you project an aura that grants a bonus 1d4 fire damage to weapon damage rolls, and increases by an additional 1d4 damage for every 5 witch levels you possess.
Tradition Mastery: Increase your effective witch level by 5 when determining the strength of your celestial auras. In addition, you can project and change your aura once per turn as a free action instead of a swift action.
Black Magic
Class Skills: Disguise, Influence, Knowledge (occult)
Tradition Benefit: Choose an oracle curse.You gain this curse and its associated benefits, using your witch level as your effective oracle level. If you already possess an oracle’s curse (or gain one later), this instead allows your witch levels to stack with the levels of the class that grants access to the oracle’s curse.
Tradition Power: As a standard action, you may curse a target within 30 ft. You may bestow a number of curses in a day equal to 3 + 1/2 your witch level. Targets may make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 witch level + Intelligence modifier) to negate the curse. Treat your witch level as your caster level for the purpose of removing one of your curses. You may always dismiss your own curses as a free action.
At 1st level, you may give a target a -2 penalty to attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. This improves to -4 at 9th level. This does not stack with itself.
At 5th level, you may cause the target to roll twice whenever it makes an attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw and take the lower result for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier.
At 9th level, you may give a target 6 points of ability drain to one ability score of your choice. This does not stack with itself.
At 13th level, you can permanently blind or deafen the target.
At 17th level, you may make a target permanently confused.
Tradition Mastery: Gain a second Grand hex.
Class skills: Disable Device, Disguise, Sleight of Hand
Tradition Benefit: You gain a muse as the Bard class feature and can use your bonus in its key skill in place of your bonus in its associated skills.
Tradition Power: You gain a guile pool, containing a number of guile points equal to 3 + 1/2 your witch level. This pool replenishes after roughly 8 hours of rest; these hours do not need to be consecutive. If you gain a guile pool from another source, these levels combine when determining the number of guile points possessed, although you may add either 3 or that class’s listed ability score modifier to the guile pool, not both. You may use guile points from this pool to power the abilities of every class you possess that grants a guile pool. You may spend a guile point as part of any skill check to grant yourself a +2 bonus to that skill check. At 10th level, this bonus increases to +4. When successfully making an attack against a creature within 30 ft that is flat-footed or denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, you may spend a guile point as a swift action to deal sneak attack damage to that creature, as a rogue of equal level. This stacks with any rogue levels you possess, or any sneak attack dice gained from other sources. This sneak attack may be affected by rogue talents, as usual.
Tradition Mastery: When spending a guile point as part of a skill check, add +6 to that check instead of +4. When spending a guile point to deal sneak attack, roll d8s instead of d6s.
Class skills: Knowledge (divine), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (planes).
Tradition Benefit: Select an alignment from the following list: chaos, evil, good, or law. This must be an alignment you possess (if you are neutral, you may choose any of the above alignments for this purpose). You gain an aura of your chosen alignment as a cleric of equal level. In addition, you may detect your opposite alignment (good and evil oppose one another, just as law and chaos oppose one another) as if using the detect [alignment] spell. To use this ability, you must spend a move action and focus on a single item or creature within 60 feet. You do not detect alignment in any other object or creature when using this ability in this way.
Tradition Power: If you are of good alignment (or neutral and choose to channel positive energy) you may touch a creature as a standard action (or yourself as a swift action) and heal that target 1d6 hit points per 2 witch levels (minimum: 1d6). You may use this ability a total number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 your witch level. You may use this ability to harm undead, which is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Undead do not receive a saving throw against this damage. This counts as positive energy. If you are evil (or neutral and choose to channel negative energy), this ability instead harms living creatures and heals undead. This counts as negative energy. You may also expend two uses of this ability to channel energy, as the cleric class feature. As a standard action, you release a wave of energy through your holy (or unholy) symbol, affecting all creatures of one type (living or undead, your choice) within 30 ft, healing or harming them just as if you had touched them, except creatures that take damage from channeled energy may make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your witch level + your Intelligence modifier) to halve the damage. You may choose whether or not you wish to include yourself in this effect. This requires a holy (or unholy) symbol to use, and counts as possessing the channel energy class feature when qualifying for and using feats.
Tradition Mastery: Use d8s instead of d6s when using your tradition power to heal, harm, or channel energy.
Class Skills: Knowledge (divine), Knowledge (occult), Knowledge (planes)
Tradition Benefit: You gain the Dreamspace feat as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
Tradition Power: While sleeping you can spend a spell point to merge your dreamspace with the dreams of another. The target must be asleep, and you must have some connection to them but may otherwise be anywhere, even another plane. They enter your dreamspace the same way you do, though they have no control over light, temperature, or other details. If they are unwilling they receive a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 witch level + Intelligence modifier) to avoid the connection, and if they fail they may reattempt it every minute to break away from your dreamspace. You may disconnect your dreamspace from their dream as a full-round action, sending the target back to their previous dreams. They also return to their previous dreams if you wake up or otherwise exit your dreamspace. If the target is within touch range of your physical body, you do not need to spend a spell point to merge your dreamspace with their dreams. If the target is not asleep, cannot dream, or otherwise cannot be reached (such as by being in a dead magic zone) you may wait until they fall asleep, or at any point before merging with their dreamspace you may stop the attempt (which does not result in spending a spell point). You may only merge with one target’s dreams at a time, plus an additional number of targets equal to half your witch level. You must still pay the spell point cost for each one separately. You do not need to connect to each target at the same time, but may connect and disconnect your dreamspace with each target’s dreams separately. Spell points spent on this power are taken from the dreamwalker’s pool before they refresh, if spent during an 8 hour rest.
At 5th level you can merge your dreamspace with a target that is awake, causing them to immediately fall asleep when they enter your dreamspace. An unwilling target does not fall asleep if they succeed on their Will save, and even if they fail their save they may attempt a new save every round instead of every minute, waking up immediately after disconnecting from the dreamspace. Once they have succeeded on this save, they automatically succeed on further saves to put them to sleep this way for 24 hours.
At 13th level you may spend an additional spell point to create a mass dreamspace, connecting your dreamspace to a distinct group of people all at one time. This group must share some clear connection, such as all being members of an organization or family or living in the same locale. You must also have a connection to this group. When connecting to groups the maximum number of people you can connect to increases to your witch level multiplied by your Intelligence modifier. You may connect to multiple groups in the same dream (connecting to each separately), but all groups count against the same limit. If a given group is larger than this limit, the targets most known to you or most relevant to the group are affected first.
Tradition Mastery: Merging your dreamspace with a target’s dreams no longer costs a spell point.
Font of Inspiration
Class Skills: Knowledge (divine), Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (planes)
Tradition Benefit: A font of inspiration gains the Divination sphere as a bonus sphere.
Tradition Power: A font of inspiration gains an inspiration pool, as the investigator class ability, except that the size of the pool is 3 + 1/2 your witch level. A font of inspiration uses their witch level as their investigator level to determine the effects of this ability. The font of inspiration can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided they are trained in the skill. If the font of inspiration has levels in another class granting an inspiration pool, add those levels together to determine the effective investigator level for the effects of the ability. At 5th level the font of inspiration gains studied combat, allowing the witch to spend one use of inspiration as a move action to study a single enemy that they can see. Upon doing so, he adds 1/2 their witch level as an insight bonus on melee attack rolls and as a bonus on damage rolls against the creature. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to their Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). The bonus on damage rolls is precision damage, and is not multiplied on a critical hit. A witch can only have one target of studied combat at a time. This ability stacks with the class feature of the same name, when determining the insight bonus to attack and damage rolls, although the duration is always based on your Intelligence modifier.
Tradition Mastery: Gain a +2 bonus to your Intelligence.
Class skills: Heal, Knowledge (nature), Survival.
Tradition Benefit: You gain the Brew Potion feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. You also never suffer a chance to poison yourself when applying poison to a weapon. This counts as possessing the poison use class feature.
Tradition Power: Your magical understanding of herbs is great enough that you may combine common herbs together and, mixing them with a little of your own magic, create a concoction. You may create concoctions a total number of times in a day equal to 3 + 1/2 your witch level. The materials required to craft a concoction are common herbs and as such are considered to have a negligible cost. Creating a concoction takes 1 minute and must be used within 1 hour or lose its potency. Concoctions must be drunk (with the exception of herbalist’s poison) and can only affect living creatures. If a target is unwilling they are allowed a Fortitude save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 your witch level + your Intelligence modifier to negate the effect. You gain the following concoctions:
Empowering Concoction: The target gains a +2 alchemical bonus to one ability score of your choice (chosen when this concoction is created) and a -2 penalty to its inverse ability score (Strength’s inverse is Intelligence, Dexterity’s inverse is Wisdom, Charisma’s inverse is Constitution, etc.) This benefit lasts for 1 minute. At 5th level, the target no longer suffers a penalty to their inverse ability score. At 9th level, this benefit lasts for 10 minutes. At 13th level, this benefit lasts for 1 hour. At 17th level, the bonus increases to +4.
Fortifying Concoction: The target gains a +2 alchemical bonus to one saving throw for 1 minute. At 5th level, this bonus increases to +3. At 9th level, the benefit to their saving throw lasts 10 minutes. At 13th level, this benefit lasts 1 hour. At 17th level, the bonus applies to all saving throws.
Healing Concoction: The target is healed 1d6 hit points per 2 witch levels you possess (minimum: 1d6).
Herbalist’s Poison: You may create an injury poison (Fort DC 10 + 1/2 your witch level + your Intelligence modifier, frequency 1/rd for 6 rds, 1 save, effect 1d2 damage to an ability score that is chosen when creating the poison). At 5th level, the ability damage increases to 1d4, and you may make the poison ingested instead of injury. At 9th level, you may make your herbalist poison inhaled or contact. In addition, you may change the effect to making the target confused for 1 round per level. At 13th level, your poison deals 1d6 ability damage. At 17th level, you may change the effect of your poison to making the target sleep for 1 hour. This sleep is especially heavy and is similar to the Sleep powerful charm from the Mind sphere.
Tradition Mastery: At 20th level, your healing concoction always heals maximum hit points and your herbalist’s poison deals maximum damage.
Class Skills: Knowledge (civilization), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (occult).
Tradition Benefit: You may make Knowledge checks untrained. Whenever you make a Knowledge check, roll twice and take the higher result.
Tradition Power: You may channel spirit allies into yourself, temporarily gaining their knowledge and experience. As a standard action, you may grant yourself the benefit of any one magic talent you don’t possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute per class level. You must possess that talent’s base sphere and meet any prerequisites (if an advanced talent). You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 your witch level (minimum 1). Multiple uses of this ability do not stack. If you use this ability again before the previous duration has expired, it replaces the previous use.
At 5th level, you may use this ability to gain the benefits of two magic talents at the same time. You may select one magic talent as a move action or two magic talents as a standard action. You may use one of these magic talents to meet a prerequisite of the second magic talent; doing so means that you cannot replace a magic talent currently fulfilling another’s prerequisite without also replacing those talents that require it. Each individual magic talent selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability.
At 9th level, you may gain the benefits of two magic talents as a move action or one magic talent as a swift action.
At 13th level, you may use this ability to gain the benefits of three magic talents at the same time. You may select one magic talent as a free action, two magic talents as a swift action, or three magic talents as a move action. You may use some of the magic talents to meet the prerequisites of others. Each individual magic talent selected counts toward a daily uses of this ability.
At 17th level, you may gain the benefit of one magic talent as an immediate action or three magic talents as a swift action. Each individual magic talent selected counts toward your daily uses of this ability.
Tradition Mastery: You may channel spirit allies to gain the benefit of any number of magic talents as a swift action. Each magic talent selected counts toward your daily uses of this ability.
Class Skills: Influence, Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (nature)
Tradition Benefit: You gain the Creation sphere as a bonus sphere.
Tradition Power: As a standard action you may touch one object to change it into a different shape and material with a permanent duration as long as the resulting object is one you could target with this ability. You may do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 your witch level. Attended targets may always attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 witch level + Intelligence modifier) to negate the effect. You may always restore an object to the state it was in prior to your transformation as a free action.
At 1st level you may only affect Small or smaller, unattended, non-magical objects made of vegetable matter (including wood) or stone.
At 5th level you may affect attended objects, Large or smaller objects, and creatures of the animal type that are Medium or smaller. You may affect any object as if you had Expanded Materials. You may turn objects into animals that are Small or smaller with 1 HD. When used in this way the targeted object gains HD as if it were a typical creature of its new type. You may turn living creatures into objects, but the duration is reduced from permanent to 1 round + 1 round for every 4 levels beyond 1st, and creatures are entitled to a Fortitude save every round until they return to normal. You may not turn a living creature into another living creature.
At 9th level, you may affect Huge or smaller objects, Large or smaller animals, Medium or smaller humanoids, and magical objects. Transforming a humanoid into any form has a duration of 1 round + 1 round for every 4 levels beyond 1st and they are entitled a Fortitude save every round until they return to normal. You may transform a living animal into the form of another animal. You may permanently transform an object into a Medium or smaller animal with 5 or fewer HD. When transforming a living creature into another living form, rather than gaining the HD of their new form they instead are affected by the shapeshift Alteration ability except that they gain traits based on your Creation caster level as if you possessed Extra Traits and must choose traits from Additional Limbs, Animalistic Transformation, Animal Mind, Aquan Transformation, Avian Transformation, Blank Transformation, Serpentine Transformation, Subterranean Transformation, or Size Change and these traits must be chosen in such a way as to most closely match the chosen form’s natural abilities.
At 13th level, you may affect Gargantuan or smaller objects, Huge or smaller animals, and Large or smaller humanoids. You can permanently transform an animal with 5 or fewer HD into an object or another animal. You may permanently transform an animal or object into a humanoid with no racial HD.
At 17th level, you can permanently transform a humanoid with 5 or fewer HD into an object, animal, or other humanoid with 5 or fewer HD.
Tradition Mastery: You may spend spell points in place of transmuter tradition power uses, and may expend 2 transmuter tradition power uses in place of a spell point for Creation sphere effects.
Class Skills: Disguise, Influence, Knowledge (planes)
Tradition Benefit: Add 1/2 your witch level to all Stealth and Disguise checks (minimum 1).
Tradition Power: The witch gains shadowstuff as the fey adept class feature, including shadowmark and create reality, with a number of shadow points in her shadow pool equal to 3 + 1/2 her class level. If she gains a shadow pool from another source, combine those levels with her witch levels when determining the number of shadow points it contains and add either 3 or the appropriate ability modifier, whichever is higher.
Tradition Mastery: At level 20, the witch can make one of her illusions permanent. Only one illusion may be made permanent in this way at one time. If another illusion is designated as permanent, the previous permanent illusion ends.