Soulbound summoners, as a rule, never set out to bind their soul to a dangerous and enigmatic power. Rather, they manifest an eidolon from their minds in response to mental or magical trauma, resulting in the eidolon fusing entirely to the summoner’s psyche. These accidental summoners lack the practiced skill at reaching across planes that most summoners have, but their intense bond with their eidolon grants both summoner and outsider unusual power.
A soulbound summoner gains the Conjuration sphere as a bonus sphere at 1st level, and uses his class level as his caster level for this sphere. This stacks normally with caster levels gained from other sources. In addition, the soulbound summoner must designate one of his companions as his ‘eidolon’. An eidolon is a companion with which the summoner possesses a unique connection, and many of his class features and abilities directly affect this particular companion.
Soulbound Form (Su):
The soulbound summoner gains a bonus magic talent drawn from the Conjuration sphere at 1st level and every odd level thereafter. This replaces all instances of the summon monster ability as well as summoning mastery.
Soulbound Life Link (Su):
The essence of a soulbound summoner’s eidolon resides within the summoner’s mind and soul instead of a home plane, and he can use this connection to restore his eidolon with his own vitality. The summoner can use his life link ability to sacrifice any number of his hit points without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way heals the eidolon for 1 point of damage. The soulbound summoner can use this ability even after the eidolon has been killed and sent back to its summoner’s mind; if the eidolon is healed enough that its hit point total is above 0, it can be summoned again as normal. This alters life link.
Aspect (Su):
At 10th level, whenever the soulbound summoner rests to regain spell points, he may choose to divert one (form) talent possessed by his eidolon, instead gaining its benefits himself. This modifies aspect.
Greater Aspect (Su):
At 18th level, whenever the soulbound summoner rests to regain spell points, he may choose to divert up to two (form) talents to himself instead of only one. This modifies greater aspect.