Most who call on aid from other planes make binding pacts with individual creatures for long-term support. Others dance in and out of contracts, making temporary arrangements, and juggling obligations to various powers to shift their abilities from day to day.
Contingent Caster:
A pact master does not gain the casting class feature (and thus does not gain 2 free magic talents) nor does he gain magic talents from his class levels, though he may count his class levels as casting class levels for the purposes of meeting the prerequisites for feats and using the Counterspell feat and other feats with it as a prerequisite. This modifies casting and magic talents.
Pact Caster (Sp):
The pact master may form a pact with a powerful being with an 8 hour ritual. Once the pact is made, the pact master may summon a pact companion granted by his patron with a 1 hour ritual. This companion functions as a Conjuration sphere companion with a caster level equal to the pact master’s
class level. This caster level does not stack with those gained from other sources. The pact companion remains for 24 hours or until dismissed as a standard action and gains a bonus (form) or (type) talent at 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter (6th, 10th, 14th, 18th). This does not remove the limit on a companion only possessing a single (type) talent. The pact master must still pay any additional spell point costs to summon the pact companion.
While the pact companion is within 100 ft. + 10 ft. per level of the pact master, the pact master gains a caster level equal to his class level. This caster level stacks with those gained from other sources. Additionally, while gaining this caster level, the pact master gains an additional magic talent known, plus one talent at 2nd level and every two levels thereafter. These talents must reflect the nature of the patron and companion chosen. Each pact companion may grant different talents, but grants the same talents each time it is summoned. Should the pact master gain the same talents granted by a companion as talents known from other sources, such as feats, other classes, or favored class bonuses, the redundant talent granted by the companion is changed to another appropriate talent. When the companion is banished, dismissed, or slain, any non-instantaneous effects cast with talents granted by the companion immediately end. Talents granted by a pact companion may be used to meet feat and other prerequisites, but any ability or benefit gained by doing so only functions while the the talent is possessed.
The pact master may maintain up to three pacts at one time. Each pact has a different companion reflecting the nature of the patron. A pact master may only have one pact companion summoned at a time. Breaking an existing pact requires a one hour ritual and may incur retribution from the slighted patron. The pact master may not apply (form) talents to pact companions unless the talent is granted by the companion. This replaces eldritch pact and the summoner's eidolon - although the pact companion is considered an eidolon for requirements and prerequisites.
Pact Lore:
At 1st level, the pact master may call upon his patron to receive greater power. The pact master’s active pact companion must spend a move action to channel this boon prior to the pact master casting a sphere effect. The pact master gains a +2 bonus on caster level for the effect, increasing by +1 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter (9th, 13th, and 17th).
Channeling the extra power weakens the pact companion, inflicting 1d4 points of Constitution burn on the companion. This burn acts as Constitution damage that cannot be healed except by the pact master dismissing the companion and resting to regain spell points. This damage is inflicted regardless of any immunity the companion may have. A pact companion whose Constitution is reduced to 0 by this ability cannot be summoned again for 1 week. This replaces the summon monster ability and bond senses.