Inexorably linked to innumerable spirits, the medium allows them to possess her in exchange for a portion of their power.
Bind Spirit:
A medium may seal pacts with otherworldly entities known as spirits. In order to summon a spirit, the medium must learn the spirit’s ceremony, constellation, personality, and seal by completing its four Knowledge Tasks. A medium begins play having completed all four Knowledge Tasks for one 1st-level spirit of her choice.
Each day, a medium may bind one spirit to her soul using pact magic. The spirit’s level may not exceed the medium’s maximum spirit level, which is limited to 1st-level spirits at 1st level. At 4th level and every three oracle levels thereafter, the medium’s maximum spirit level increases by 1, to a maximum of 6th-level spirits at 16th level. The DC to resist a medium’s supernatural powers is equal to 10 + 1/2 the medium’s level + the medium’s Charisma modifier.
This ability replaces the oracle’s mystery spells.
Curse of the Medium:
A medium always suffers the personality influence of her bound spirit, and she gains no benefit from Unyielding Personality or similar effects that suppress a spirit’s influences. Additionally, a medium cannot suppress her bound spirit’s physical sign.
This ability replaces the oracle’s curse.
Wandering Pact (Su):
At 4th level, a medium can seal a temporary pact with a second spirit as an immediate action. The medium must complete all of the Knowledge Tasks of a spirit before she can seal a pact with it using this ability. When sealing a pact with a wandering spirit, the medium doesn’t need to draw a seal, perform a ceremony, or make a binding check. The pact is always a poor pact and lasts for 1 round per level she possesses. During this pact, the medium only gains the chosen spirit’s major granted ability; if the spirit has multiple major granted abilities, she chooses one to gain when using wandering pact. A medium can use this ability once per day at 4th level, plus one additional time per day at 12th level and at 20th level.
This ability replaces the bonus talents gained from the oracle’s mystery.
Reserve Spirit:
At 10th level, a medium can bind an additional spirit to her soul as a reserve spirit, using the normal rules for sealing a pact with a spirit. Unlike other spirits, a reserve spirit’s granted abilities are suppressed for the pact’s duration. As a full-round action, the medium can unsuppress her reserve spirit by suppressing another spirit that she is bound to in its place; doing so also suppresses all active effects that depend on the suppressed spirit’s presence. The medium may use the reserve spirit’s granted abilities for a number of minutes per day equal to her oracle level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be used in 1-minute increments. When this duration has expired, the reserve spirit becomes suppressed and the suppressed spirit’s granted abilities become available once more, as well as any effects that depend upon that spirit.
A reserve spirit’s pact cannot be altered with feats, class features, or similar effects. A reserved spirit cannot be expelled, and a reserve spirit is always considered the lowest-level spirit that the medium is bound to regardless of its actual level when she is targeted by dismiss pact spirits and similar effects. If the pact with a reserve spirit is ended early by dismiss pact spirits or a similar effect, the medium cannot seal a pact with a new reserve spirit for 24 hours, regardless of how much time was left in her pact with the reserve spirit.