Familiar: The witch’s familiar looks feral and appears to be in peak physical form. It can move through any sort of undergrowth or natural difficult terrain at its normal speed without taking damage or suffering from any impairment. If the animal has a fly speed, it can ignore the penalty on Fly skill checks for winds up to windstorm strength.
Dire Familiar (Su): The witch touches her familiar, and it gains the Giant Creature template for a number of rounds per day equal to her level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. This hex can only affect the witch’s familiar.
Feral Speech (Su): This talent grants the witch the ability to speak with and understand the response of any animal as if using speak with animals, though each time she uses the hex, she must decide to communicate with either amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, or reptiles, and can only speak to and understand animals of that type. The witch can make herself understood as far as her voice carries. This hex does not predispose any animal so addressed toward the witch in any way. At 12th level, the witch can use this hex to communicate with vermin.
Primal Fury (Su): The witch can grant a creature of the animal type that is within 30 feet a burst of primitive rage for 1 round. The animal gains a +4 morale bonus to its Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, it takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this effect is extended by 1 round. Once an animal has benefited from the primal fury hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. This hex can affect the witch's familiar.
Skin Changer (Su): The witch may take the skin of an animal killed within the past minute, and turn it into a cloak. The animal must have had a CR within 5 of the witch’s level. The witch may shapechange into the animal by putting on the cloak. This acts as wildshape, using the witch’s level as her druid level, but the witch can only assume the form of a creature she has made a cloak from, and each cloak may be used only once. A witch may use this ability for a total number of minutes per day equal to her level.
Major Hexes
Animal Skin (Su): The witch can become any animal of a size from Tiny to Large whose skin she wears. This ability is similar to the beast shape II spell, except she takes on the appearance of the specific individual creature from which the skin came.
Beast Eye (Su): The witch can project her senses into an animal within 100 feet, sensing whatever it senses. She cannot control the animal’s actions.She can project her senses from that animal to another within 100 feet of it as a standard action, and can continue to make these sensory leaps, potentially viewing things very far from her actual location. She may return her senses to her own body as a free action. Normal animals get no saving throw against this ability, but animal companions, paladin mounts, and similar unusual animals may resist with a Will save; the witch may use this ability on her own familiar as if it were an animal. If the witch has the coven hex, all other witches within 10 feet of her who also have the coven hex can see through this animal at will, although the acting witch still controls the ability. The witch can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes need not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Feral Majesty (Ex): The witch exudes an animalistic power cowing even the mightiest predators. Creatures with the animal type must succeed on a Will save before attempting to attack the witch. On a failed save, the animal cannot follow through with the attack; that part of its action is lost, and it can’t directly attack the witch for 1 round. Failing the save by 5 or more inflicts the frightened condition on the animal for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Magical beasts and animal companions are also subject to this ability, but become immune for 24 hours after a single successful save and are not frightened if they fail the save by 5 or more. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Grand Hex
Animal Servant (Su): The witch can use this hex to turn a humanoid enemy into an animal and rob it of its free will. The transformation works as beast shape II and is negated by a successful Will save. The transformed creature retains its Intelligence score and known languages, if any, but the witch controls its mind. This effect functions as dominate monster, except the creature does not receive further saving throws to resist the hex. The effect can be removed only with wish or similar magic, although slaying the witch also ends the effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Dark Tapestry
Familiar: The flesh of the witch’s familiar accurately reflects the stars that would be visible in the night sky, no matter where the animal is or the time of day. Due to this, it can be used as a star map. In addition, it gains a fly speed of 5 feet; if it already has a fly speed, it instead increases by 10 feet. While the familiar is flying, a small nimbus of light surrounds it.
Babble (Su): The witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to have the urge to loudly spout gibberish for 1 round as it attempts to convey the vastness of space. Each round there is a 50% chance the target shouts nonsense, making it impossible to be quiet, communicate verbally, or cast any spell with a verbal component. A Will save negates this hex. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Glory of the Heavens (Su): The witch can direct a fantastic display of the glory of the stars at one creature within 30 feet, overawing it for 1 round and causing it to be shaken. A Will save negates this effect. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Maddening Whispers (Su): The witch can invoke whispers from spirits of the Dark Tapestry to speak directly into the mind of a single target within 30 feet. These whispers utilize no known language, yet the victim nevertheless feels convinced that, somehow, it was almost able to comprehend the message. The target must succeed at a Will saving throw or be confused for 1 round. At 8th level and again at 16th level, the confusion caused by this hex lasts for 1 additional round. Whether or not the save is successful, the witch cannot target that creature with this hex again for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Pierce the Veil (Su): The witch gains darkvision to a range of up to 30 feet. If the witch already has darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. At 8th level, this ability becomes enhanced, allowing the witch to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by deeper darkness.
Major Hexes
Painful Insanity (Su): The witch chooses a number of creatures within 60 feet equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Every round for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level, the targeted creatures take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage and can take no actions, becoming overwhelmed by the pain. Each round on its turn, an affected creature can attempt a Fortitude save. A successful save allows the creature to act, but it is sickened for the round. A creature affected by the painful insanity hex cannot be affected again for 24 hours.
Steal Voice (Su): The witch targets a creature within 30 feet. If the creature fails a Fortitude save, the creature cannot speak for 1 round, losing the ability to cast spells with a verbal component, sing, talk to allies, or take any other action that requires the creature to use its voice. While the creature’s voice is stolen, it suffers a –2 penalty to all saving throws from the witch's sphere abilities. The duration of this hex can be extended with the cackle hex. A creature affected by this hex cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.
Grand Hex
Bestow Madness (Su): The witch can “bless” a touched creature with permanent madness. The creature takes a –6 penalty to his Wisdom ability
score, but gains the benefits of the madness hex. An unwilling creature receives a Will save to negate this effect. This effect is permanent, but can be cured by any spell or effect that removes the insanity spell. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. This is a mind-affecting effect. The effects persist despite the creature becoming immune to mind-affecting effects, although the creature cannot be targeted by additional uses of this ability.
Familiar: The witch’s familiar gives off a ghostly glow and seems nearly transparent. The animal is under the constant effects of blur, with a caster level equal to the witch’s level.
Fear of Death (Su): The witch stares into the eyes of a creature within 30 feet and the creature sees visions of death. If the creature fails a Will save, it is shaken for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. At 5th level, a creature that fails the Will save is frightened instead. The creature and the witch must be able to see each other. Any creature that is immune to blindness is also immune to this ability. A creature affected by the fear of death hex cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.
Gravebound (Su): A witch can infuse a creature she touches with a fraction of the power of undeath, causing it to take on some aspects of the appearance of an undead (pale skin, red eyes, fangs, or similar features). Additionally, the creature gains a +1 bonus to saving throws against all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms), death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, stunning, ability drain, and energy drain. At 8th level this bonus increases to +2, and at 16th level it increases to +4. The gravebound hex lasts until the witch is killed or falls unconscious, but the witch may only have one such hex active at a time. If she grants the hex to a new creature, any previous gravebound hex ends.
Steal Life (Su): The witch touches a living creature and deals 1d8 points of negative energy damage + 1 per witch level (to a maximum of 10). The witch gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage dealt. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. A creature targeted by this hex cannot be targeted by this hex again for 24 hours.
Touch of the Grave (Su): The witch can touch a dead creature to make it significantly more difficult to bring back to life. The creature is treated as having been killed by a death effect for purposes of what spells can restore it to life.
Major Hexes
Blessing of Unlife (Su): The witch grants a creature within 60 feet many of the benefits of undeath. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. An unwilling creature receives a Will save to negate this effect. The target gains the undead creature type with all associated immunities. The creature can only be healed by negative energy, and does not lose its Constitution score if it possesses one. Whether the creature is willing or unwilling, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Drain Life (Su): The witch spits a curse at a creature within 30 feet and the creature begins to feel its life draining away. If the creature fails a Fortitude save, it suffers 1 temporary negative level. The creature must attempt another Fortitude save on the following round or take an additional temporary negative level. This continues until the creature succeeds 1 Fortitude save, a number of Fortitude saves equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier have been failed, or the creature has a number of temporary negative levels equal to its HD (at which point the creature dies). A creature affected by the drain life hex cannot be affected by this hex again for 24 hours.
Undead Body (Su): The witch touches an ally, and the ally turns into an undead horror, as the spell undead anatomy I. At 13th level, the ally becomes affected by undead anatomy II. At 16th level, the ally becomes affected by undead anatomy III. The witch can use this hex for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Grand Hexes
Death Curse (Su): This powerful talent seizes a creature’s heart, causing death within just a few moments. This effect has a range of 30 feet. The
target creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If this save is failed, the creature becomes fatigued the first round of the effect. On the second round of the effect, the creature becomes exhausted. On the third round, the creature dies unless it succeeds at a Fort save. Creatures that fail the first save but succeed at the second remain exhausted and take 4d6 points of damage + 1 point of damage per level of the witch. Slaying the witch that targeted the creature ends the effect, but any fatigue or exhaustion remains. Whether or not the saves are successful, a creature cannot be the target of this effect again for 1 day. -
Death’s Mistress (Su): Once per day the witch can come back from the dead if killed but not completely destroyed. This functions as resurrection, but it does not require a material component. The witch returns to life 1 minute after her death.
Familiar: The witch's familiar looks exactly like a regular animal of its kind. It can cast ghost sound at will as a spell-like ability.
Confusing Friends and Foes (Su): The witch curses a creature to have trouble telling friends from enemies. The creature must attempt a Will save each round for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. On a failed save, the creature believes those it normally considers its allies to be its enemies and those normally its enemies to be its friends. The duration of this hex can be extended with the cackle hex.
Crocodile Tears (Su): The witch can take on a false appearance of extreme sorrow and sincere remorse for any actions taken to anger or damage foes. This functions as the sanctuary spell, but potential attackers may make a will save (DC 10 +1/2 witch’s level + witch’s Intelligence modifier) once per round in order to attack the witch, and any success render’s the attacker immune to crocodile tears for 24 hours.
Eldritch Masque (Su): The witch may touch a creature to make it significantly more difficult to gain information about that creature through magical means. The creature acts as though the witch has cast a nondetection spell on it, but the effect only protects against detect spells (spells with detect in the name) and not any other form of divination. This hex lasts until the witch is killed or falls unconscious, but the witch may only have one such effect active at a time. If she grants the effect to a new creature, any previous eldritch masque hex ends.
Glibness (Su): The witch can be more deceiving than normal. She gains a +5 bonus to her Bluff skill for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. At 5th level, this bonus increases to +10. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Major Hexes
Deceptive Curse (Su): The witch can place a curse on one creature within 60 feet to make it impossible for them to either lie or tell the truth (chosen by the witch when the hex is used). An initial Will save negates this effect, but thereafter it can only be ended by a remove curse spell or similar magic, using the using the save DC as the DC to remove the curse. Affected creatures are aware of this effect. Whenever the creature wishes to defy the hex’s compulsion to tell the truth or lie, he must succeed on a Will save. The subject is under no compulsion to speak, and may choose to remain silent. Whether or not the initial save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Gullibility (Su): The witch curses a creature within 60 feet with extreme gullibility to deception. A Will save negates this effect. On a failed save, any creature attempting a Bluff check against the victim does not take penalties to Bluff checks based on circumstances (even for far-fetched or impossible lies) for a number of minutes equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1 minute). Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Lure (Ex): You can roll two dice and take the better result when making a Bluff skill check to deceive someone, as long as your lie is worded in a way that tempts a creature with something that it desires.
Grand Hex
Monkey’s Paw (Su): As an immediate action, the witch can twist the spoken desires of a creature within 60 feet into the worst possible outcome. The victim must verbally express some heartfelt desire in the form of a wish, prayer, or earnest request in a language the witch can understand (although it does not need to be directed at the witch). The witch then grants the creature’s wish, but the results are always the worst imaginable. The specific outcome of this hex’s use is subject to GM discretion, but it can accomplish any effect allowable by a miracle or wish spell, or any other witch hex. For example, a creature wishing his dead love resurrected might become haunted by her ghost or someone praying to be young again might begin suffering as the youth’s curse hex. A witch can only use this hex once per day.
Familiar: The witch's familiar appears hazy and insubstantial. It has the recurring dream ability of the Figment familiar archetype.
Dream Spinner (Su): When the witch uses an ability from the Mind sphere on a target that is sleeping because of her slumber hex or one of her sphere abilities, she adds +1 to the DC. If the target succeeds at the saving throw, it does not wake up, nor does it have any recollection of having resisted an effect.
Dream Thief (Su): The witch can alter the sleeping mind of any creature that is sleeping because of her slumber hex or one of her sphere abilities. She can reshape one of the target’s memories as if using modify memory. Alternatively, she may insert herself into the dreaming memories of the target, prompting the target’s mind to show her some specific information; the dreamer’s subconscious may resist, or try to deceive her with out-of-context memories, similar to the way a corpse can resist when questioned with speak with dead. A Will save negates either effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Horrifying Hex (Su): You can twist your facial features into a visage of abject horror as a standard action. Opponents within 30 feet of you and who can see you are frightened unless they succeed on a Will saving throw, and if their Hit Dice are equal to or less than one-half of your class level. Opponents with Hit Dice greater than half your class level are shaken on a failed Will saving throw, instead. In either case, the effect lasts for 1 round. Whether or not a creature’s save is successful, no creature can be affected by this hex more than once per day. At 12th level, you can cast nightmare once per day as a spell-like ability. The DC of this ability is increased by +4 against any creature that has failed its saving throw against your horrifying hex within the past 24 hours, as long as you incorporate the image of your visage into the nightmare vision.
Slumber (Su): A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level. This hex can affect a creature of any HD.The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a standard action. This effect ends immediately if the creature takes damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Major Hexes
Dream Steal (Su): The witch can curse a creature within 60 feet to steal their dreams, granting her the restful slumber they fail to achieve. A Will save negates this effect. Each time thereafter when the creature attempts to rest, he must succeed on a Will save or he does not regain hit points or ability damage for resting, and takes 1 point of Wisdom damage. The creature can still rest for the purposes of regaining spells or recovering from fatigue. Each time the creature takes Wisdom damage from this hex, the witch regains hit points and recovers ability damage as if she had experienced a full 8 hours of rest. Additionally, each day the target takes Wisdom damage from this hex, the witch only requires 4 hours of rest to gain the benefits of 8 hours of rest, or 8 hours of rest to gain the benefits of 24 hours of rest. The witch can only steal the dreams of one creature at a time. She can end the curse at any time as a free action, or it is ended when she targets a new creature with the curse. Otherwise, the effects can only be removed with a remove curse or similar magic, using the using the save DC as the DC to remove the curse. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Nightmares (Su): Calling upon fell powers, a witch can cause the sleep of a creature within 60 feet to be tormented by terrible nightmares. This functions as the spell nightmare each time the affected creature attempts to rest. A Will save negates this effect. If the save is failed, the target must make a new save each night or be unable to rest.
Speak in Dreams (Sp): The witch can contact a creature as if using dream. The witch can use this ability on a number of creatures per day equal to her Intelligence bonus, but can dream-speak to those creatures as often as desired throughout that time period.
Grand Hexes
Eternal Slumber (Su): The witch can touch a creature, causing it to drift off into a permanent slumber. The creature receives a Will save to negate this effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep and cannot be woken. The effect can only be removed with a wish or similar magic, although slaying the witch ends the effect. The witch can use this ability to poison food or drink, causing those who ingest it to make a save or fall into an eternal slumber. She can only have one such dose of poison at any one time, and it loses its potency after 1 minute if not consumed. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Manifest Dreams (Sp): The witch can manifest partially real illusions formed from her dreams or nightmares. This acts as the greater shadow conjuration spell, cast as a spell-like ability with her witch level as her caster level. The witch may only have one active use of this ability at any one time, and cannot dismiss the effect. She cannot use this ability again until the duration of the first effect ends or 24 hours pass (whichever comes first). If the effect is destroyed or dispelled, she cannot use this ability for 1 day.
Familiar: The witch’s familiar appears to be a beautiful and very healthy version of its species and seems especially vibrant and full of life. It gains fast healing 1 or increases its existing fast healing by 1.
Healing (Su): A witch can soothe the wounds of those she touches. This acts as a cure light wounds spell, using the witch's caster level. Once a creature has benefited from the healing hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. At 5th level, this hex acts like cure moderate wounds.
Healing Hands (Su): The witches hands soothe wounds as well as the application of medicinal material. The witch is always considered to have the benefit of a healer's kit when she makes Heal skill checks (gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to such checks, and is always able to treat deadly wounds as if she had expended two uses from a healer’s kit). Additionally the witch may make a Heal skill check to treat a disease or tend to a creature wounded by a spike growth or spike stones spell as a standard action (rather than the normal 10 minutes of work).
Vitality (Su): A witch can boost the life force of those she touches. This grants the creature touched 1d8 temporary hit points, +1 temporary hit point per two witch levels. A vitality hex lasts until the witch is killed or falls unconscious or the temporary hit points are expended, but the witch may only have one such hex active at a time. If she grants the hex to a new creature, any previous vitality hex ends.
Wound Drinker (Su): The witch may touch an adjacent creature and deal damage to herself equal to 2d8 + 1 per caster level (maximum +10). The creature touched gains healing equal to the damage the witch suffers.
Major Hexes
Major Healing (Su): By calling upon eerie powers, the witch’s touch can mend even the most terrible wounds of those she touches. This acts as the cure serious wounds spell, using the witch’s class level as her caster level. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. At 15th level, this talent acts like cure critical wounds.
Regenerative Sinew (Su): The witch can cause the debilitating wounds of a creature she touches to quickly close, helping it heal rapidly. The target either gains fast healing 5 for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the witch’s class level or it heals up to 4 points of ability score damage from any two ability scores (witch’s choice). At 15th level, in addition to the chosen effect, the target’s severed body members, broken bones, and ruined organs grow back, as per regenerate. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Restore Health (Su): The witch touches a creature for a full minute. Any temporary ability damage the creature has suffered is healed at the end of that minute. Alternatively, all points permanently drained from the creature in a single ability score (the witch’s choice if more than one is drained) are restored. A creature affected by the restore health hex cannot be affected again by this hex for 24 hours.
Grand Hex
Death Interrupted (Su): A witch with this grand hex can pluck a dead creature’s soul from the Realm of the Dead and store it in her familiar for safekeeping and eventual resurrection. In order to use this ability, the witch must be adjacent to the target dead creature and her own familiar, and the ally’s soul must be free and willing to return at the witch’s behest. When the witch touches the creature’s remains (some small portion of the creature’s body must still exist, and it may have been dead for any amount of time), its soul enters the body of the witch’s familiar as per familiar melding, as if the witch’s familiar were the target’s familiar. The creature’s soul can remain within the witch’s familiar for up to 1 hour per class level the witch has. During this time, the witch can telepathically communicate with the creature’s soul (though the soul cannot do anything else), and the witch can return the ally to life. Doing so is a standard action that returns the creature’s soul to its body, brings it back to life with a number of hit points equal to 5d8 + 1 hit point per the witch’s caster level. The witch must be within 300 feet of the creature’s body to return it to life. If a creature’s soul is in the witch’s familiar and this effect expires, or if the witch attempts to return the creature to life but is out of range, the creature remains dead. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Familiar: The witch's familiar appears perpetually worried and frequently attempts to witch about all manner of nebulous threats. It can cast augury once per day as a spell-like ability.
Alter Fate (Su): The witch can change fate in slight and subtle ways. When an ally within 30 feet fails an attack roll, save, or skill check the witch can, as an immediate action, add +1 to the roll. At 8th level this bonus increases to +2, and at 16th level it increases to +3. If the bonus is enough to make the failure a success, the roll succeeds. The witch cannot target herself with this hex. A creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Minor Prophecy (Su): The witch can call on her prophetic ancestors to cast augury once per day. She can spend a full hour casting the spell to negate the need for material components, but this reduces the accuracy of the spell by 5%.
Portents of Death (Su): The witch can read the portents and knows how best to aid her allies. The witch can choose a creature within 30 feet that she can see and take the aid another action. If she succeeds, the first ally to attempt a melee or ranged attack against the creature this round gains the aid another bonus.
Third Eye (Su): A witch can determine if an action taken by a specific creature in the next 10 seconds (1 round) will bring good or bad results for in the immediate future. The base chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70% + 1% per witch level, to a maximum of 90%; this roll is made secretly. A question may be so straightforward that a successful result is automatic, or so vague as to have no chance of success. If the third eye hex succeeds, the witch determines if the action is a boon (if the action probably brings good results), bane (for bad results), boon and bane (for both),or nothing (for actions that don’t have especially good or bad results). If the hex fails, the witch gets the “nothing” result. A witch who gets the “nothing” result has no way to tell whether it was the consequence of a failed or successful third eye hex. The result of a third eye hex does not take into account the long-term consequences of a contemplated action. Once a creature’s actions have been the subject of a third eye hex, it cannot be the subject of the hex again for 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Alter Portents (Su): The witch can change the portents to alter an outcome in her favor. A number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier, the witch can require any creature within 30 feet of her to reroll an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, with the witch choosing whichever of the two results she prefers.
Good Luck Talisman (Su): By spending one hour to write a mystic charm on a creature, the witch can ward a creature, granting it a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws. This ward lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw. A witch knows when a warded creature is no longer protected. . A witch can have a number of active good luck talismans at the same time equal to her Intelligence modifier but cannot ward herself with this ability. At 8th and 16th level, the granted bonuses increase by +1.
Prophecy (Su): The witch can call on her prophetic ancestors and cast divination once per day. She can spend a full hour casting the spell in place of providing the usual material components.
Grand Hexes
Control Fate (Sp): The witch can cast geas as a spell-like ability once per day. If the target creature obeys the geas for one day, he gains a +2 enhancement bonus to an ability score of the witch’s choice (chosen when this ability is used). Each day, another +2 enhancement bonus accumulates, up to a maximum of +8. The ability score bonuses are removed and replaced by penalties to all ability scores if the subject is prevented from obeying the geas for 24 hours. The bonuses begin accumulating 24 hours after the ability score penalties are removed from a subject who resumes obeying the geas. The witch may only have one control fate effect active at any time, and using control fate on a different creature immediate ends the effect on the first. Otherwise, it can only be removed with a miracle or wish spell, or the witch’s death. The witch cannot target herself with this hex.
Dire Prophecy (Su): The witch curses the target so he is doomed to die (Will negates). As long as the curse persists, the target takes a -4 penalty to his Armor Class and on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. While the curse persists, the witch may end it by bringing its full force upon her victim all at once. Doing so gives the victim a penalty equal to the witch’s caster level to his Armor Class or on any single attack roll, combat maneuver check, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. The witch must decide to apply this penalty before the roll to be modified is made. If the witch does not have line of sight to the target, the full force of the curse occurs when the GM considers it most appropriate, such as when the target is in mortal danger. A target can only have one dire prophecy upon him at a time. Whether or not the target’s save against the effect is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex for 1 day. This is a curse effect.
Familiar: The flesh of the witch's familiar is rotting and discolored. It is immune to all diseases.
Blight (Su): The witch can curse an animal, plant creature, or plot of land, causing it to wither and die. Blighting an area takes 1 round, during which time the witch and her familiar (if any) must be in contact with the target. If it’s used on a plot of land, the land begins to wither the following day, and over the next week all plants in the area die. Nothing grows in that area so long as the curse persists. A witch can affect an area with a radius equal to her class level × 10 feet. Blighting a creature is a standard action that requires a melee touch attack. If used on a creature of the animal or plant type, the creature gains the following curse: Blight—type curse; save Will negates; frequency 1/day; effect 1 Con damage. Both types of curse can be removed with a remove curse or similar magic, using the save DC as the DC to remove the curse. A witch can only have one blight in effect at a time. If another blight effect is made, the first immediately ends.
Festering Wounds (Su): A witch can use this hex to curse a creature within 30 ft., causing their wounds to fester evilly. Any hit points the creature regains using a magical ability are reduced by the witch’s level. This effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to the witch’s level. A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Mark of Plague (Su): The witch can make a creature within 30 feet to feel seriously ill for 1 round, causing it to be sickened. A Fortitude save negates this effect. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Poison Touch (Ex): The witch empowers herself or an ally within 30 feet with poisonous nails. The affected creature gains a claw attack as a secondary attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for Small creatures) and has the following poison ability: Witch Toxin: Claw—injury; save Fort DC 10 + half the witch’s level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save. The creature gains this claw attack for a number of minutes equal to the witch’s level. If the target already has a claw attack, that attack gains the poison ability listed above, but the DC is 1 higher. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Infected Wounds (Su): The target’s wounds become infected (Fortitude negates). The target takes 1 point of Constitution damage per day. After the first day, the target may save once per day to cure the infection. This is a disease effect.
Plague Carrier (Su): The witch can touch a creature, causing it to spread a plague through its attacks. For a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier, all of the target’s melee attacks require the target of those attacks to attempt a Fortitude save or become sickened for one round in addition to the normal damage dealt. Additional attacks from the plague-carrying creature on the same target extend this duration by 1 round. At 15th level, a creature that fails the Fortitude save becomes nauseated.
Grand Hex
Poison Touch: The witch gains a poisonous touch, as if under the effects of a poison spell. She can suppress or activate this ability as a free action. The physical appearance of how the witch generates and delivers her poisonous touch varies from witch to witch.
Familiar: The witch's familiar is pitch black and nearly featureless. It increases the range of its darkvision (if any) by 60 feet.
Biting Shadows (Su): The witch can make a ranged touch attack against any creature within or adjacent to an area of dim or less illumination. This attack deals 3d4 cold damage, +1 per two witch levels. Biting shadows have a maximum range of 30 feet, and deal only half damage to objects.
Nocturnal (Ex): While in any area that has only dim light or is darker you have fast healing 1. This ability can only heal you up to half your normal maximum hit points; any excess healing is lost. In addition, any melds you create work on yourself in the same areas without needing to be within an area of your darkness.
Shadow Scout (Su): The witch touches a willing creature, tearing it apart from its shadow. The touched creature can control its shadow for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier, allowing it to scout ahead. The shadow has a fly speed equal to the the creature’s base land speed (with good maneuverability), has skills equal to the creature’s skills (with a +4 bonus to Stealth checks in dim light and a –4 penalty
to such checks in bright light), has an Armor Class equal to the touched creature’s touch AC, is incorporeal, and can see just as the touched creature, but it cannot attack, speak, hear, cast spells, or otherwise interact with the environment. Meanwhile, the touched creature is unconscious until the shadow’s return. If either the touched creature or the creature’s shadow takes any damage or the shadow fails to make it back to the touched creature before the duration expires, the touched creature instantly wakes up without a shadow, suffering 1 negative level. At the next sunrise, this negative level disappears and the creature’s shadow reappears attached to the creature; the negative level cannot be removed any earlier. A shadow that returns to the creature before the duration expires suffers no negative effects. Whether the shadow returns to the creature or not, the creature remembers everything that the shadow saw. A creature without a shadow cannot be targeted by this hex. -
Steal Darkvision (Su): The witch targets a creature within 30 feet that possesses darkvision. That creature loses its darkvision for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier, and the witch gains darkvision equal to the creature’s normal darkvision range. If the witch already has darkvision, the witch’s darkvision is extended by an amount equal to the creature’s normal darkvision range. This hex’s duration can be extended with the cackle hex. A creature affected by the steal darkvision hex cannot be affected by this hex again for 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Animate Shadow (Su): The witch endows the shadow of a creature within 60 feet with fell power. A Will save negates this effect. On a failed save, the creature’s shadow animates into the incorporeal undead of the same name. The shadow automatically moves with the cursed creature to always remain adjacent, cannot create spawn, and attacks the creature each round on the witch’s turn until it is destroyed. The shadow is automatically destroyed if the creature enters an area of bright light, complete darkness, or its victim dies (from Strength damage or other means). At 16th level, this hex instead creates a greater shadow and it is not destroyed in bright light or complete darkness. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Cold Shadows (Su): The witch can choose a living creature within 30 feet. It takes 1d6 points of Strength damage + 1 per 2 witch levels (to a maximum of 1d6+10). A successful Fortitude save reduces this damage by half. Once a creature has been targeted by the cold shadows hex, it cannot be targeted by it again for 24 hours.
Light Blindness (Su): The witch curses a creature within 60 feet with sensitivity to bright light. On a failed Fortitude save, the creature gains the light blindness flaw for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. On a successful save, the creature gains the light sensitivity flaw for the duration. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Grand Hex
Shadow Tear (Su): The witch can rip away a touched creature’s shadow to create a simulacrum (as the spell). The witch must hit an unwilling target with a melee touch attack, and the creature is permitted a Will save to negate this effect. The simulacrum always appears in disturbing shades of black and gray, and so cannot be confused for the original creature. While the shadow is removed in this fashion, the creature it was created from casts no shadow and is affected by a bestow curse spell effect inflicting a –4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. The bestow curse effect can be removed by destroying the simulacrum (in addition to the normal methods of removing a bestow curse spell), and removing the bestow curse destroys the simulacrum. This effect is otherwise permanent. A creature may only ever have one simulacrum created from it in this manner. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Familiar: The witch’s familiar has streaks of gray or silver hide, hair, or fur, and long facial hair that appears similar to a wispy mustache or bushy eyebrows. It can speak and understand a number of bonus languages equal to the witch’s Intelligence bonus.
Ancestral Disapproval (Su): The witch chooses a target and causes the disapproving voices of her target’s ancestors to flood its mind. A living intelligent creature within 30 feet that the witch can see becomes shaken for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. This duration can be extended with the cackle hex. A successful Will save reduces this duration to 1 round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. At 8th level the target becomes frightened instead of shaken.
Ancestral Knowledge (Su): With a touch, the witch grants a creature the ability to commune with the wisdom of its ancestors. This allows the target to reroll one Knowledge skill it has failed in the past one minute, with a bonus equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Reveal Hidden (Su): The witch holds her familiar in one hand and communes with the spirits of the area for 1 minute. Afterwards, the witch gains a bonus to Perception checks equal to her Intelligence modifier to reveal anything hidden within 30 feet, such as a secret door or a trap. When using this hex, the witch is considered to have the rogue trapfinding ability.
Spirit Knife (Su): The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet the ability to deal unarmed, weapon, and natural weapon damage normally to incorporeal creatures for 1 round, as if the creature had a ghost touch weapon. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the spirit knife hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Ancestral Hex (Su): When communing with her familiar to replenish her spell points, the witch spends 1 additional minute to talk to all the witches that came before her and learns one of their hexes. The witch gains the use of one of the hexes from any other witch patron. She has access to this hex until the next time the witch communes with her familiar.
Spirit Guardian (Su): The witch summons spirits which prowl the area in a 15-foot radius from her. That same area is treated as a magic circle against evil, except that it provides the witch and all allies within the area protection from all alignments except true neutral. The witch can summon her spirit guardian for a number of hours equal to her Intelligence modifier. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments.
Grand Hexes
Soul Walker (Ex): The witch can drift into the spirit world, becoming incorporeal for 1 minute per class level. When she does so, the witch gains the incorporeal subtype, taking only half damage from corporeal magical attacks and no damage from non-magical weapons and objects. Her sphere abilities deal only half damage to corporeal creatures, but effects that do not deal damage function normally. The duration of this ability need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.
Summon Spirit (Sp): The witch calls forth the ghost of a humanoid creature with no more than 18 Hit Dice. The ghost has a personality and individual desires, but is willing to bargain with the witch, as if she had cast greater planar ally. To seal an agreement with the witch, the ghost requires life energy equal to 1 temporary negative level (this is in addition to the standard payment for the ghost’s service). This negative level persists as long as the ghost remains in the service of the witch; the witch can end the agreement as a standard action, immediately removing the negative level.
Familiar: The witch's familiar has a body that is rippling with muscles. It gains a +2 inherent bonus to its Strength score.
Knockback (Su): The witch points at a creature she can see within 30 feet and unleashes a blast of mental energy. The witch makes a bull rush attempt, using her witch level in place of her base attack bonus and her Intelligence modifier in place of her Strength modifier. Feats that affect a bull rush attempt also affect this ability.
Mighty Thews (Su): A witch can infuse a creature she touches with great lifting power, doubling its carrying capacity. This does not stack with any other effect that increasing a creature’s carrying capacity without altering its Strength (such as ant haul). At 8th level the creature gains triple its carrying capacity, and at 16th level it gains quadruple its carrying capacity. A mighty thews hex lasts until the witch is killed or falls unconscious, but the witch may only have one such hex active at a time. If she grants the hex to a new creature, any previous mighty thews hex ends.
Sap Strength (Su): The witch touches a creature and reduces its Strength by -2 for 1 round. This duration can be extended with the cackle hex. At 5th level, the creature’s Strength is reduced by -4.
Weakening Hex (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action in order to sap its strength. This touch attack deals 1 point of Strength damage, unless it succeeds on a Fortitude saving throw. If you also have the nails hex, you may deliver this effect with a successful attack from your nails. A creature that successfully saves may not be subject to your weakening hex again for 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Jellied Bones (Su): The witch curses one creature within 60 feet, making their bones less solid with each passing moment. This causes the speed of all movement types possessed by the creature to be reduced by 10 feet, plus an additional 10 feet for each additional round the effect persists (minimum 0 ft.). A creature with all movement types reduced to a speed of 0 feet is considered helpless. A Fortitude save negates this effect. If the saving throw is failed, the target can attempt a new save each round to end the effect. A successful save in rounds following the first prevents any additional movement penalties from accruing, but does not remove penalties already gained. A creature with immunity to precision damage and critical hits is immune to this hex. This effect persists for 1 hour per witch level or until the creature is the target of a remove curse, heal, or regeneration spell or similar effect, using the using the save DC as the DC to remove the curse. This is a polymorph effect.
Weakling (Su): The witch touches a creature and deals enough Strength damage to reduce the target’s Strength to 1. A successful Fortitude save reduces this Strength damage to 1d6 (reducing the creature’s Strength to a minimum of 1). A witch can use this hex a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier but can only use it on any individual creature once every 24 hours.
Grand Hex
Impregnable (Sp): The witch can erect a completely invulnerable wall of force (as the spell) as a spell-like ability using her witch level as her caster level. This effect persists for a number of minutes equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Unlike an ordinary wall of force, this effect cannot be dispelled by even a mage’s disjunction, destroyed by disintegrate, or harmed by any non-artifact weapon or item (a sphere of annihilation still destroys the wall on contact). The witch can pass freely through the wall as if it did not exist, but cannot use ranged attacks, spells, or similar effects through it. A witch can only use this ability once per day.
Rip in Two (Su): A witch summons all her power and focuses it on one creature she can see within 30 feet. The creature takes 10 points of damage per witch level. If reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this hex, the creature’s body is ripped in two, and each half flies 30 feet in opposite directions. A successful Fortitude save reduces this the damage to 1d10 points of damage per witch level. This is a death effect. The witch can use this hex once per day.
Familiar: The movement of the witch's familiar is jerky and semi-random, as if it's cycling through multiple timelines simultaneously. It is always able to act in the surprise round, even if the witch herself cannot.
Abeyance (Su): You can place a curse upon a location, causing an area with a radius equal to your class level x 10 feet to surrender prematurely to the influence of the ages. This hex takes 1 round to use. This affected area is initially centered on you, and reduces all unattended objects within to half hit points, causing each object to gain the broken condition. Normal plants wilt, and objects, surfaces, and structures within the area become pitted, weathered, and fragile, (though each may be repaired normally). Inanimate corpses within the area are stripped to the bone, and skeletal remains turn to dust. An attended object that later becomes unattended within the area is affected the moment it comes into contact with the ground, or with any other affected surface. Objects removed from the area are not restored. This is a curse effect, and it can be removed by a remove curse spell or some similar magic, using the save DC as the DC to remove the curse. You can only have one abeyance hex in effect at a time. If another abeyance hex is laid upon an area, the effects of the first immediately end and all affected items are restored to their former states. Otherwise, the effects of this hex persist indefinitely.
Rapid Aging (Su): The witch touches a creature and it begins to age. The creature takes a –1 penalty to its Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores. At 5th level, the creature ages more rapidly, taking a –2 penalty to its Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution abilities. These effects end with the following sunrise. A creature targeted by the rapid aging hex cannot be targeted by it again for 24 hours.
Spare Time (Su): A witch can give extra time to one creature within 30 feet, granting it an extra swift action on its next turn. At 8th level, this becomes an extra swift or move action. Once a creature has benefited from a spare time hex, it cannot be affected again for 24 hours.
Steal Time (Su): A witch steals a moment of time from her opponent and gives a piece of it to an ally. The witch makes a touch attack. If the touched creature fails a Fortitude save, the creature loses its next standard action. As part of the same action, the witch touches an ally, and the ally receives an additional attack action. This additional action must be used before the start of the witch’s next turn. Once a creature has been targeted by the steal time hex, it cannot be targeted by it again for 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Freeze Time (Su): The witch can use time stop for 1 round per day. At 15th level, the witch can use this for 2 rounds per day. These rounds need not be consecutive.
Intolerable Delays (Su): The witch causes fate to conspire against a creature within 60 feet. Whenever the creature attempts any long-term action, unlucky coincidences continually cause frustrating interruptions. A Will save negates this effect. On a failed save, the creature doubles all travel times, and any action requiring more time than 1 full round requires double the normal time to complete. This includes (but is not limited to) using Disable Device on tricky devices, gathering information with Diplomacy, casting times for spells, preparing or regaining spells, and item crafting. This does not increase the time required to gain benefits from resting. This curse persists for 1 day per witch level, and can be ended with a remove curse or similar magic, using the using the save DC as the DC to remove the curse. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Withering (Su): The witch causes a creature within 30 feet to age rapidly, empowering the witch in the process. The target ages to the next age category (adult to middle-aged, and so on). The witch gains a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d10 + her witch level and a +2 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution for a number of hours equal to her Intelligence modifier. These effects last for a number of hours equal to the witch’s level. A creature cannot be aged past venerable age by this hex, and it can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the effect altogether. Once a creature has successfully saved against the withering hex, it cannot be affected by it again.
Grand Hexes
Elder’s Curse (Su): The witch curses a target creature within 60 feet with rapid onset aging. A Fortitude save negates this effect. On a failed save the witch can choose whether she would like the target to attempt an additional save each round or each day at dawn thereafter. If the target must save each day, he takes a –4 penalty to further saves. Each time a creature fails a save (including the initial save), his age category is increased by one step (adulthood to middle age, middle age to old, old to venerable). The creature gains all ability score penalties for aging, but no ability score bonuses. A venerable creature who fails a save dies from old age. Succeeding at any of the saves halts the effect, but does not reverse any aging. Reversing the effects requires a miracle, wish, or the youth’s curse hex. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Youth’s Curse (Su): The witch curses a target creature within 60 feet with youth. A Fortitude save negates this effect. On a failed save, the witch can choose whether she would like the target to attempt an additional save each round or each day at dawn thereafter. If the target must save each day, he takes a –4 penalty to further saves. Each time a creature fails a save (including the initial save), his age category is lowered by one step (venerable to old, old to middle age, middle age to adulthood). The creature does not gain any bonuses or penalties for reducing age to these categories. This may at first appear to be a blessing, but the aging doesn’t cease. A creature at adulthood failing a save becomes a child, gaining the young creature simple template. A child failing a save becomes a nearly helpless baby (Tiny sized, unable to talk, land speed 5 ft., and Strength and Dexterity ability scores at 2). A baby failing the save blinks out of existence, and cannot be returned to life by any means short of a miracle or wish. Succeeding at any of the saves halts the effect, but does not reverse any physical changes. Reversing the effects requires a miracle, wish, or the elder’s curse hex. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Familiar: The witch's familiar frequently changes its appearance. It can make itself look like any creature of its size and type as if using disguise self.
Alteration (Su): You can change your form for a number of minutes per day equal to your class level, as if using alter self. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. If you also have the disguise hex, one minute of this hex can be expended to gain one hour’s use of your disguise hex.
Boneless Form (Ex): The witch’s bones and flesh can become rubbery and flexible, allowing her to contort her form into impossibly tight spaces or escape from nearly any binding. She gains the compression ability and a bonus to all Escape Artist checks and combat maneuver checks to escape agrapple equal to 1/2 her witch level.
Giant Ally (Su): The witch touches an ally and it increases in size, as if targeted by an enlarge person spell. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A creature targeted by this hex cannot be targeted by it again for 24 hours.
Race Shift (Su): A witch can cause a creature she touches to shift in appearance to seem to be a member of a different race of the same type. The creature acts as if under the effects of a disguise self spell, only to appear to be a member of a different race. While so transformed, the creature gains one of the following abilities if the race it is shifted into gains that ability: elven immunities, intimidating, keen senses, stability, sure-footed. A GM may decide to grant other abilities of the same approximate power level if the creature shifts into a race with none of the abilities listed. A race shift hex lasts until the witch is killed or falls unconscious, but the witch may only have one such hex active at a time. If she grants the hex to a new creature, any previous race shift hex ends.
Major Hexes
Polymorph Familiar (Su): Once per day the witch may polymorph her familiar into another familiar. The familiar can be transformed into any other familiar the witch meets the prerequisites for. This change is a permanent polymorph effect with a caster level equal to the witch’s class level. An altered familiar gains alternate abilities and provides different bonuses to the witch based on the type of familiar it becomes. If the witch has the Improved Familiar feat, she can transform an ordinary familiar into one of the improved familiar options or vice versa. However, the witch must still meet all prerequisites for the change based on her arcane caster level and alignment.
Transformation (Su): The witch chooses a living creature within 30 feet. If the creature fails a Fortitude save, the creature is transformed into an animal of the witch’s choosing that normally has 1 hit die. The transformed creature retains its own hit dice and hit points but otherwise gains the statistics of the chosen animal. The transformation hex lasts a number of minutes equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier; it can be ended with break enchantment or a more powerful spell. Once a creature has been targeted by the transformation hex, it cannot be targeted by it again for 24 hours.
Grand Hex
Forced Reincarnation (Su): The witch causes a creature within 30 feet to die and be immediately reincarnated into a new body. A Will save negates this effect. Those that fail are slain and immediately brought back to life with the spell reincarnate. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Familiar: The witch’s familiar looks like a fiercer version of its species, with rippling muscles and a stockier frame. Its natural armor bonus to AC (if any) increases by +2.
Feel My Pain (Su): The witch instantly gets revenge on anything that attacks her. When the witch uses this hex, she fills her body with negative energy for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Any creature that deals damage to the witch with a melee attack must succeed on a Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of negative energy damage. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, this damage increases by 1d4 (to a maximum of 5d4 at 20th level).
Retributive Strike (Su): When a creature strikes the witch in melee, it provokes an attack of opportunity from the witch. Once a creature has provoked an attack of opportunity as a result of this hex (regardless of whether the witch takes the attack of opportunity, or if the attack hits), the creature does not provoke as a result of this hex again until 24 hours have passed.
Revenge (Su): The witch chooses a creature within 30 feet that has attacked her or an ally since the witch’s last turn and makes them feel pain. If the creature fails a Will save, the creature must attack an ally or itself on its next turn with the same melee or ranged attack used in the previous round. Once a creature has been targeted by the revenge hex, it cannot be targeted by it again for 24 hours.
Scorn Scent (Su): The witch gains the scent ability, but can only use it against creatures that have attacked or harmed the witch within 7 days, or refused a request to perform a service for the witch in return for fair recompense within 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Oath Binder (Su): The witch gains the power to enforce oaths. As a full-round action, the witch can sanctify an oath made to her by a willing creature touched. The target and the witch must be fully aware of the terms of the agreement, in both word and spirit. The witch is immediately aware of the creature breaking any terms of the oath, gaining a vague idea of the circumstances and severity of the betrayal. The witch may then cast any Death sphere ability or use any hex that allows a Will save on the target, ignoring any normal restrictions due to line of sight or range. If the witch forgoes using this ability for whatever reason, the creature continues to be bound by the oath and the witch is aware of future infractions with the option to then use a Death sphere ability or hex. If the witch chooses to do this, she is no longer aware of future oath breaking and cannot inflict additional reactionary effects. A creature may only have one oath made toward the witch at any one time, but the witch may have any number of creatures bound by oaths.
Payback (Su): A witch can place a payback effect on a creature within 60 feet, causing terrible wounds to open across the flesh of any creature dealingdamage to it in melee. Immediately after the target creature suffers damage in melee, the attacker takes half that damage (round down). This damage bypasses any resistances, immunities, or damage reduction the creature possesses. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A Will save from the opponent attacking the target creature negates this effect.
Retribution (Su): A witch can place a retribution effect on a creature within 60 feet, causing terrible wounds to open across the target’s flesh whenever it deals damage to another creature in melee. Immediately after the target creature deals damage in melee, it takes half that damage (round down). Thisdamage bypasses any resistances, immunities, or damage reduction the creature possesses. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect.
Grand Hexes
Blood Curse (Su): The witch curses the entire family line of a creature within 60 feet. A Will save negates this effect. On a failed save, the creature is affected by a bestow curse effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. The witch chooses the specifics of the curse when using this hex. In addition, all living immediate relations (parents or siblings) and adult descendants of the target must likewise succeed on a Will save or suffer the same effects. From that point onward, whenever any living sibling or descendant of the target reaches adulthood, they must succeed on a Will save or suffer the curse’s effects. The witch can voluntarily end the blood curse as a free action, or it ends with her death. Otherwise, only a miracle or wish spell can remove the curse, but it does so from the entire family line.
Living Ghost (Su): The witch curses a target within 60 feet to be forever separated from friends and loved ones. The target becomes permanently
invisible and silent (as the invisibility and silence spells, except only the target is affected, not an area) to any allied creature or creature with an attitude of indifferent or better (per the Diplomacy skill). These spells can be dispelled (caster level equals the witch’s level), but return 1 round later.
A Will save negates this effect. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. Attempting to communicate with a creature that cannot see or hear the cursed victim targets the witnessing creature with a modify memory spell (Will negates), eliminating all memory of the event. Likewise, if the cursed victim becomes visible by temporarily dispelling or ending the invisibility, any witnesses affected by the invisibility and silence have their memories of the event erased on a failed save. Slaying the witch ends the effect, but otherwise ending it requires a miracle or wish. Creatures may be targeted by the memory erasure aspect of this hex any number of times per day.
Familiar: The skin of the witch’s familiar continually distorts, much as a pond’s surface ripples when drops of water fall gently into it. It gains a swim speed equal to its base land speed (or increases its existing swim speed by 10 feet) and can breathe underwater.
Sea Creature Empathy (Ex): The witch can influence the attitude of water-dwelling animals and animals that live along coasts and shores, including birds, as if using wild empathy. using her witch level as her druid level for this ability. If the witch has wild empathy from another class, her witch levels stack with the other class’s levels to determine her wild empathy bonus for these kinds of creatures.
Seawitch (Ex): The witch is beloved by the wind and waves. The witch grants a +2 morale bonus to the Profession (sailor) checks of all allies within 30 feet. This bonus increases to +4 at a range of 60 feet at 8th level and +6 at a range of 90 feet 16th level. In addition, any sailing ship the witch is on always moves as if it was moving with the air current (double base speed).
Water Lung (Su): An air-breathing target can breathe water or an aquatic target can breathe air. This lasts 1 minute. If the witch uses this hex on herself, she can maintain it while she sleeps, allowing her to safely sleep underwater.
Watery Body (Su): The witch touches an ally and the ally’s body becomes more fluid. The ally gains DR /bludgeoning equal to 1/2 the witch's level for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A creature affected by the watery body hex cannot be affected again for 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Elemental Form (Su): The witch can assume the form of a Huge (or smaller) water elemental as if casting elemental body IV. The witch can remain in elemental form for a number of hours per day equal to her level. This duration doesn't need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-hour increments.
Grand Hex
Maelstrom (Su): While in a large body of water, as a standard action, the witch can transform herself into a vortex (as the universal monster ability) for a number of minutes per day equal to her level. This duration need not be consecutive but must be used in 1-minute increments. As a swift action, the witch can change the depth of her vortex to a maximum of 60ft deep. Enemies caught in the vortex take 5d6 additional points of damage each round.
Familiar: The witch’s familiar looks like a wooden figurine or a vaguely animal-shaped tree branch when it is motionless. It gains freeze as the universal monster rule.
Mother's Eye (Su): The witch can see through plant matter, as the greensight universal monster ability, for a number of minutes per day equal to her witch level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Swamp’s Grasp (Su): One 10-foot square per witch level within 90 feet becomes difficult terrain for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. If the witch uses this hex again before the duration of the previous use has expired, the effects of the previous use of this hex end immediately.
Whispers on the Wind (Su): The witch whispers a short message to a creature within 120 feet. Only the target of this hex hears the message. The target creature can immediately reply with a short message. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the witch can choose another creature who can hear and reply to the message.
Woodwife (Su): You gain the ability to speak Sylvan. This ability confers a supernatural understanding of the language, and ceases to function in an area where magic does not function. In addition, you leave no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked if you so choose, and you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of fey creatures. At 8th level, you gain the ability to move through up to 5 feet of undergrowth (natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and so on) per round at your normal speed without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect you.
Major Hexes
Weather Control (Su): A witch with this hex can use control weather once per day, but creating the weather takes 1 full hour of chanting, dancing, and communing with mysterious forces that grant her power.
Witch’s Bounty (Su): The witch may bless a bush, plant, or tree that is planted in the ground, so that it creates a plentiful harvest. Each day at dawn, this blessed bush grows a number of goodberries equal to twice her witch level. Berries on the tree remain until they are picked, but the tree can never manifest a number of berries greater than twice her witch level at one time. The witch may only have one witch’s bounty active at a time, but can shift her blessing to a new plant with a ritual requiring 1 hour.
Grand Hex
Natural Disaster (Su): A witch using this talent calls down the forces of nature to wreak havoc on an area. This functions as a storm of vengeance combined with an earthquake that occurs on the second round of the effect (while acid is raining from the sky). A witch must concentrate for the duration of this effect. If disrupted, the effect immediately ends. A witch can only use this ability once per day.
Familiar: The witch’s familiar radiates an aura of cold in a 5-foot radius. This aura doesn’t cause any damage. The familiar is immune to cold damage but vulnerable to fire.
Cold Flesh (Ex): The witch gains endure elements as a constant spell-like ability, but only against cold temperatures. At 4th level, she gains cold resistance 5, making her comfortable in near-freezing temperatures. At 9th-level, this increases to cold resistance 10, and at 14th level, it becomes immunity to cold.
Frostfoot (Su): The witch gains spider climb (as the spell), but the surfaces the witch climbs must be icy. The witch can move across icy surfaces without penalty and does not need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. She can move across regular snow without penalty, and heavy snow only costs her 2 squares of movement instead of 4.
Hoar Blade (Su): The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet the ability to deal +1d6 cold damage with unarmed, weapon, and natural weapon attacks for 1 round. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the hoar blade hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
Snow Blindness (Su): The witch’s eyes become as white as a blizzard, and a single creature within 30 feet is blinded for 1 round. This duration can be extended with the cackle hex. A creature affected by the snow blindness hex cannot be affected again for 24 hours.
Major Hexes
Blizzard (Su): The witch picks a point within 60 feet of her and summons an instant blizzard. Snow and freezing wind materialize in a 10-foot radius area from that point, causing all creatures that start their turn in the area or pass through the area to be affected by a slow spell for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. This duration is reduced to 1 round with a successful Fortitude save. The witch can move the focal point of the blizzard up to 10 feet each round. The blizzard hex lasts a number of minutes equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. These minutes need not be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Hoarfrost (Su): The target is rimed with a shell of frost needles that slowly work their way into its flesh (Fortitude negates). The target turns pale and blue, and takes 1 point of Constitution damage per minute until it dies, saves (once per minute), or is cured. Break enchantment, dispel magic, remove curse, and similar spells end the effect. If the target saves, it is immune to this hex for 1 day. This is a cold effect.
Ice Tomb (Su): A storm of ice and freezing wind envelops the target, which takes 3d8 points of cold damage (Fortitude half). If the target fails its save, it is paralyzed and unconscious but does not need to eat or breathe while the ice lasts. The ice has 20 hit points; destroying the ice frees the creature, which is staggered for 1d4 rounds after being released. Whether or not the target’s saving throw is successful, it cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Grand Hex
Unearthly Cold (Su): Abilities the witch uses that deal cold damage become supernaturally frigid. Half of the daamge dealt comes directly from an otherworldly power and is not subject to resistance or immunity to cold-based attacks.
Winter's Curse (Su): The witch curses a creature within 60 feet with a vulnerability to cold. A Fortitude save negates this effect. If the creature naturally possesses a vulnerability to cold, then it takes double damage (+100%) from the cold. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
Familiar: The witch’s familiar appears to be quiet and unassuming. It gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +4 bonus on Stealth checks.
Calming Wisdom (Su): The witch chooses a living creature within 30 feet, and that creature is affected by a calm emotions spell for a round. The duration can be extended with the cackle hex.
Imbecilic Touch (Su): The witch touches a creature, and the creature takes a -2 penalty to its Wisdom score for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. At 5th level, this penalty increases to -4. A creature affected by the imbecilic touch hex cannot be affected again for 24 hours.
Insight (Su): The witch gains Perception as a class skill, and gains a competence bonus to Perception checks equal to half her witch level. This hex affects only the witch.
Speak in Tongues (Su): The witch curses a creature within 30 feet to lose the ability to easily communicate. The target loses the ability to speak, except in a language the witch knows and selects when this talent is used. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A Will save negates this effect. A spellcaster can still cast spells with verbal components. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day. This is a mind-affecting language dependent effect.
Major Hexes
Spell Resistance (Su): The witch touches a creature and it gains spell resistance equal to 12 + the witch’s level. The spell resistance hex lasts a number of minutes equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier. These minutes need not be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Vision (Su): A witch with this hex can grant a glimpse of the future to a creature touched. Granting a vision takes 1 minute, during which time the witch and the target must remain in contact with one another. At the end of this time, the subject receives a brief image of the future, usually no more than 1 year from the time of the vision, subject to GM discretion. This is only one possible version of the future, making such visions unreliable at best. Most visions are slanted toward the alignment of the witch that granted them. For example, the visions granted by a chaotic evil witch often show scenes of death and destruction, while those of a neutral good witch tend to be of joyous events or occasions. A creature cannot be subject to another vision until the current vision has either come to pass or been prevented. A witch cannot use this ability on herself. Unwilling creatures receive a Will save to negate the vision.
Grand Hex
Mind Thief (Su): The witch creates a mental conduit between herself and an intelligent (not mindless) living creature within 60 feet, allowing her to steal the victim’s psychic energy. The victim suffers from the effects of a feeblemind spell. A Will save negates this effect, and arcane casters do not suffer a penalty to their saves. The witch gains a +2 enhancement bonus to her Intelligence and Charisma for every 4 points of each ability score lost by the creature from the feeblemind effect for as long as the effect persists (round down). Temporary bonuses to the victim’s ability scores do not count toward this bonus. So, an affected creature with an Intelligence ability score of 12 and Charisma ability score of 17 grants the witch a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and a +8 enhancement bonus to Charisma. After having this benefit for 24 hours, the witch gains a number of skill ranks in one skill possessed by the creature equal to the creature’s ranks for every +2 bonus to Intelligence gained. These skills are chosen by the witch from the list of skills possessed by the creature. The witch can only have one mind thief effect active at one time, but can dismiss it as a free action. Otherwise, the effect can be removed as the feeblemind spell or with the witch’s death. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.