To some wizards, a scroll is not just a written form of a spell, it is a physical weapon meant to be used in combat like a sword or a shield. These strange wizards enter battle armed with scrolls, often one in each in each hand, practicing combat techniques resembling some monk martial arts.
Scroll Blade (Su):
A scrollmaster can wield any paper, parchment, or cloth scroll as if it were a melee weapon. In the hands of the wizard, the scroll acts as a masterwork shortsword. The scrollmaster is proficient in this weapon, and feats and abilities that affect shortswords (such as Weapon Focus) apply to this weapon. A scrollblade is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Activating this ability is a free action. A scroll blade only retains its abilities in the hands of the scrollmaster. The scroll blade has hardness 0 and hit points equal to the highest-level wizard spell on the scroll. When its hit points reach 0, the scroll is destroyed. If a scroll contains a spell with a metamagic feat, this ability uses the original spell level of the spell (a scroll of empowered fireball counts as a 3rd-level spell).
At 3rd level, when using a 3rd-level or higher scroll as a scroll blade, the scrollmaster can treat it as a reach weapon or give it the defending, ghost touch, or keen property.
At 7th level, as a free action after successfully hitting a creature with his scroll blade, the scrollmaster can cast its spell as if using a spell storing weapon. Upon using this ability, the scroll blade is destroyed. This ability replaces the wizard’s arcane bond and arcane school.
Scroll Shield (Su):
A scrollmaster can wield any paper, parchment, or cloth scroll as if it were a shield. In the hands of the wizard, the scroll acts as a masterwork light wooden shield. The scroll shield has no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or maximum Dexterity bonus. The scrollmaster is considered proficient in this shield. A scrollmaster can use a scrollblade in one hand and a scroll shield in the other hand.
Activating this ability is a free action. A scroll shield only retains its abilities in the hands of the scrollmaster. The scroll shield has hardness 0 and hit points equal to the highest-level wizard spell on the scroll. When its hit points reach 0, the scroll is destroyed. If a scroll contains a spell with a metamagic feat, this ability uses the original spell level of the spell (a scroll of empowered fireball counts as a 3rd-level spell).
At 3rd level, when using a 3rd-level or higher scroll as a scroll shield, the scrollmaster can apply the AC bonus against ranged touch attacks or give it the ghost touch, light fortification, or spellsink property.
At 7th level, when wielding a scroll shield and struck with an attack, the scrollmaster can cast the scroll shield’s spell as a free action as if using a spell storing shield. Upon using this ability, the scroll shield is destroyed.
Scroll Mastery (Ex):
At 2nd level, the scrollmaster gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Use Magic Device checks made to activate scrolls.
Analyze Scroll (Su):
At 5th level, the scrollmaster can discern the contents of a magic scroll as a free action, as if he were using read magic.
Swift Scroll (Ex):
At 5th level, the scrollmaster does not provoke attacks of opportunity when retrieving a stored scroll. If the scrollmaster moves at least 10 feet, he can retrieve a scroll as a free action combined with his movement.
Improved Scroll Casting (Su):
At 10th level, the scrollmaster can cast a wizard spell from a scroll and use his own Intelligence score and relevant feats to set the DC for the spell and can use his own caster level if it is higher than that of the scroll. The scrollmaster must have already deciphered the writing on the scroll to use this ability. This ability replaces the 10th-level arcane discovery.