Each druidic circle provides a granted power at 1st level, and additional powers or upgrades to the first power at 8th and 16th level. Each circle also manifests itself in the druid's physical appearance.
Circle of Dust
Manifestation: You appear weathered for your age, and your hair and skin have a tinge of grey in their coloring.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Touch of Entropy (Su): At 1st level, you can cause small, non-living objects to decay, rust, or corrode into nothing. By touching the object (or making a melee touch attack if the object is being worn or carried), you can cause the object to take an amount of hit point damage equal to 1d6 + half your druid level. If the item is not magical, this damage bypasses the item’s hardness.
Erosion Aura (Su): At 8th level, you can project an aura of magically enhanced erosion as a standard action. Non-living objects within this aura lose 10 points of hardness. Magic items can attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + half your druid level + your Wisdom modifier) to negate this effect. A construct must succeed at a Fortitude save or lose all damage reduction and hardness for 1 round.
Touch of Disintegration (Su): At 16th level, your touch of entropy can disintegrate as much as a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. Your touch also affects even objects constructed entirely of force, such as forceful hand or a wall of force, but not magical effects such as a globe of invulnerability or an antimagic field. When your attack reduces a creature or object to 0 or fewer hit points, you may cause them to be entirely disintegrated as a swift action.
Circle of Earth
Manifestation: You always smell faintly of freshly tilled earth, dust seems to follow where you walk, and your footprints are slightly heavier than normal.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Slate Mail (Su): At 1st level, by spending 1 minute manipulating natural energies, you can form a suit of armor onto your body with the same statistics as a breastplate. At 7th level, the armor has the same statistics as splint mail, and at 13th level, it has the same statistics as full plate. As a free action, you may cause your armor to fall off and become normal earth again.
Stubborn as the Bedrock (Su): At 8th level, you can enter an unyielding stance as a move action. So long as you do not move, you cannot be moved from your square (in the same way a tree or castle wall cannot be moved) for a number of rounds equal to your druid level. During this time, you gain DR/Adamantine equal to half your druid level. If the square you occupy is made unable to support your weight, destroyed, or moved by other means (such as move earth) or if you are knocked unconscious or paralyzed, this effect ends.
Warp Earth (Sp): At 16th level, once per day, you may use the planeswarp ability of the quintessence mastery spell on your home plane of existence. You do not require the usual focus, and the duration lasts until you use this ability again.
Circle of Fauna
Manifestation: You have a smell of a wild animal, abundant or wild hair, and/or skin that looks like scales. Your eyes look like those of an animal of your choice in color and shape. This has no effect on your vision.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Animal Connection (Sp): At 1st level, you can cast detect animals and plants at-will, but only to detect animals. At 8th level, the emanation works in all directions and also detects magical beasts. At 16th level, the range increases to 1 mile per class level. As part of this spell, you can telepathically connect with any creature you detect.
Summon Beast (Su): At 8th level, three times per day, you can summon one or more animals to your side as a full-round action. This functions as the summon nature's ally IV spell, but the duration is increased to 1 minute per level.
Fauna Sensing (Ex): At 16th level, by focusing your will as a full-round action, you can experience the senses of your animal companion or a summoned beast as long as it's within 1 mile per druid level. This does not subvert the creature’s senses. This is not a scrying effect and is not subject to the nondetection or detect scrying spells. You can maintain this connection for as long as you wish, however, the senses of your original body are dulled and you take a -10 penalty on any Perception checks made to sense things around you. Perception checks made through the creature’s senses are unaffected.
Circle of Flora
Your hair begins to grow thick and vine-like, your skin gains a tinge of plant-like green, and you may even begin to smell slightly of flowers or sap.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Green Thumb (Su): At 1st level, once per day as a standard action, you may cause a single, living, nonmagical plant that you touch and is no larger than an apple tree to grow and flower as though it had grown to its peak maturity in ideal conditions. The plant remains in this state for 24 hours and then reverts to its previous natural state. Anything clipped or picked from the plant during this time remains and is unaffected when the plant reverts to its previous natural state. You may use this ability to extend the duration of any currently affected plant when the duration would otherwise end, doing so does not require you to touch the plant, you only need to be within 1 mile of it. This ability has no effect on creatures of the plant type.
Floral Bounty (Su): At 8th level, you can use your green thumb ability at will and maintain a number of plants equal to your class level. When you use this ability, if you have reached this limit, you can choose which previously augmented plant to end the effect on.
One with the Green (Su): At 16th level, you now count as the plant type in addition to your own type. For the purposes of abilities that would affect you based on type, you are treated as the type of your choice. In addition, you gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and a +2 bonus to your existing natural armor as well as DR 5/slashing. You also can now be sustained with only 1 gallon of water and 2 hours of light a day without suffering from starvation.
Circle of the Hearth
Manifestation: Your demeanor has an almost parental quality to it; you seem older than you actually are, and your voice is perceived as soothing and quiet, even when it is not.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Pot on the Fire (Sp): You may create a pot of tasty stew, broth, or soup that improves the health of the eater. Creating a pot takes half an hour, a pot (preferably iron), an open flame, and an amount of biological material equal to the amount of food you want to create, with up to half being water. The biological material does not need to be edible; it will be edible (with any poisons neutralized) by the time you are done cooking it. As a standard action, any creature may eat up to 1 pound of food from the pot. Creatures regain 10 hit points per pound eaten. You may make a number of pounds of food per day equal to your class level, but do not need to make it all at once. Eating half a pound of food from the pot is sufficient nourishment to keep a creature healthy for 1 day. The food from the pot can be portioned out, and does not need to be eaten immediately, but loses its healing abilities after 24 hours.
Homefire (Sp): At 8th level, you can create a magical fire that promotes rest and healing. The fire must be at least the size of a campfire, takes 10 minutes to build, and lasts 8 hours unless deliberately put out. Those who rest for at least 6 hours within 30 feet of your fire gain a +1 morale bonus at all attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for every 4 class levels you possess. These bonuses last for 24 hours.
Storyteller (Sp): At 16th level, you may tell a story that inspires an adjacent creature to tap into its hidden potential. The creature gains a single feat of their choice that they qualify for, and keeps it for 1 hour. You may use this ability as often as you wish, but once a creature has benefitted from it, it cannot benefit again for 24 hours.
Circle of the Moon
Manifestation: Your pupils are shaped like crescents, and your hair tends to be streaked with platinum. When exposed to light, your eyes shine like silver.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Primal Form: At 1st level, you can shift into a primal form as a standard action, gaining either a bite attack (Medium 1d6) or two claw attacks (Medium 1d4) and DR/silver equal to half your druid level (minimum 1). You can shift as a move action at 8th level and a swift action at 16th level. You can remain in primal form for a number of minutes per day equal to your druid level, usable in one-minute increments.
Touch of Moonlight: At 8th level, you can attempt to touch a creature within your reach as a standard action. If the touched creature is a lycanthrope, it must pass a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your Wisdom modifier) or revert to its humanoid form for a number of rounds equal to your druid level. If the touched creature is not a lycanthrope, it must pass a Will save or fly into a rage (as the spell). Once a creature has been affected by this ability, it is immune for 24 hours.
True Alpha: At 16th level, you gain the see in darkness ability. In addition, while in primal form, you gain the frightful presence and pounce abilities.
Circle of the Ocean
Manifestation: Your skin is always cool and damp to the touch, the smell of seaweed and salt follow wherever you go, and you may even leave the occasional wet footprint if you aren’t careful.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Aquatic Nature (Ex): You can walk on liquids as though constantly under the effect of water walk. You also gain a swim speed of 30ft and can breathe and speak underwater.
Hard Water (Su): At 8th level, you may cause a number of 5-foot cubes of water equal to your class level to become harder than normal water. This area of water is treated as difficult terrain, and any creature that begins their turn in the area must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + your class level + your Wisdom modifier) or be ejected to the nearest non-hardened area of their choice. At 16th level, areas of water become impassable to movement, but do not block line of effect.
Command the Seas (Sp): At 16th level, you can cast control water at will as a spell-like ability. When used this way, the effect lasts for 1 round per class level. You can also cast suggestion at will against creatures with a swim speed or the aquatic subtype.
Circle of the Sky
Manifestation: You are constantly charged with static electricity and your hair seems to always be shifting in the wind even when there is none. Your hair and eye color tends to be in the shades of storm clouds or the wide blue sky.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Borne Aloft (Sp): At 1st level, you gain feather fall and levitate as at-will spell-like abilities, but they can only be used on yourself. At 8th level, you gain fly (self only) as an at-will spell-like ability.
Stormborn (Su): At 8th level, you continually surround yourself with a swirling wind that grants you a 25% miss chance versus any ranged projectile that weighs less than 25 pounds. At 16th level, this miss chance increases to 50%.
Prevailing Wind (Su): At 16th level, you can generate powerful and subtle winds in any environment where air is present. You can create and control a sustained wind that can move an object of up to 300 lbs. or creature up to Large size up to 30 feet per round in any direction, unless the creature makes a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + half your class level + your Wisdom modifier). The effect lasts for as long as you concentrate on it. The object or creature must remain within 120 feet of you. You can turn and move the object, but cannot perform tasks that require manual dexterity. You can also use your wind to blast creatures directly. The creature must make a Reflex save (as above) or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per class level. Alternatively, you can attempt to knock down a creature. The creature must make a Fortitude saving throw or be pushed up to 30 feet and knocked prone. Either effect can be used at a range of up to 120 feet.
Circle of the Sun
Manifestation: You have a constant tan as if you had spent time in the sun. When exposed to direct sunlight, your eyes have a prismatic sheen like a prism or soap bubble.
Granted Powers: You gain the following abilities as part of this circle.
Miniature Sun (Su): As a standard action, you may summon a miniature sun: a ball of brilliant flames the size of your hand. The ball floats in the air (or underwater) near you, and moves where you direct it. The ball has a speed of 60 and always remains within 30 feet of you, or else it immediately returns to that range. In addition to providing light equal to a light spell, you may order your sun to set fire to unattended objects, or to impact creatures. In the latter case, the sun does 1d6 damage per class level (Reflex DC 10 + half your class level + your Wisdom modifier negates). You may dismiss your sun as a standard action. You may only have one sun at a time. The sun is incorporeal, but can be extinguished by a darkness or cold spell effect with a level equal to or greater than twice your class level. At 16th level, your sun acts as natural sunlight against creatures vulnerable to it.
Too Close to the Sun (Su): At 8th level, you are considered charged with solar energy while you are standing in in direct sunlight and for 1 minute thereafter. While charged with solar energy, you may direct this heat to harm any creature attacking you in melee, with the exception of reach weapons, or delivering touch spells. Such attacking creatures are dealt 2d6 fire damage automaticaly. A 16th level, this becomes 4d6. Creatures that are grappling or being grappled by you take maximum damage.
Harsh Light of Day (Su): At 16th level, once per round as a free action, you may attempt to dispel a spell or effect with the shadow or cold descriptor or a spell or effect that creates a darkness effect as if using dispel magic. You can also attempt to banish a creature native to the Shadow Plane as a standard action as if using dismissal.