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The floramancer specializes in plantlife and grows his eidolon from a seed.


Plant Eidolon:

Plant eidolons are plants for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. Plant eidolons gain immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning. They also gain a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, but aren’t immune to mind-affecting effects like true plants are. An plant eidolon gains a number of skill ranks equal to 2 + its Intelligence modifier per Hit Dice, and as a result it gains only a single skill rank at each level unless it has an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, at which point it gains skill ranks as normal instead of using the values on Table: Eidolon Base Statistics. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.


Eidolon Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for a plant eidolon: Knowledge (nature) (Int) and Stealth (Dex). In addition, the summoner can choose four additional skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.


Plant Species:

The summoner of a plant eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the plant species noted below. A plant eidolon’s choice of species functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except a plant eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice.


Woodland Stride (Ex):

Starting at 2nd level, a floramancer may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect him. This replaces Bond Senses.

These base forms are exclusive to the Floramancer archetype.


Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.;
AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad);

Attack slam (1d8), sting (1d4);

Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11.

Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.;
AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (good);

Attack 2 claws (1d4);

Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11.

Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.;
AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad);

Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Special Attack poison (bite);

Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11.

Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.;
AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad);

Attack slam (1d8);

Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11.

Although most seem harmless enough, many different types of fungus harbor a macabre secret; their spores are capable of implanting themselves into a corpse, creating a strange plant-like replica of the deceased creature. Their misleading appearance makes fungus eidolons a tantalizing choice for summoners with a flair for botany, and many summoners grow their own fungus eidolon from the remains of a deceased creature.


Alignment: Any.
Eldritch Pact: Nature(plantlife)
Summon List: Plant

Base Form:

  • Cactus (limbs [arms], reach [sting], slam, sting, tail),

  • Conifer (claws, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], reach [claws]),

  • Mushroom (bite, claws, limbs [arms], poison [bite]),

  • Tree (bite, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], slam).


Base Evolutions:

  • At 1st level, fungus eidolons gain the improved natural armor evolution and immunity to disease.

  • At 4th level, fungus eidolons gain the poison and poisonous blood evolutions. The eidolon can tie its poison evolution to any natural attack it wishes instead of just bite or sting. Whenever the summoner changes the fungus eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the attack type for poison.

  • At 8th level, fungus eidolons gain the spore cloud evolution.

  • At 12th level, fungus eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.

  • At 16th level, fungal eidolons gain the ability increase (Strength) evolution. They also treat all of their natural attacks as if they were tied to the poison evolution.

  • At 20th level, fungal eidolons can consume corpses in order to repair themselves. While in contact with dead, organic matter (including the corpse of a living creature), the eidolon gains fast healing 5. This fast healing stacks with the healing provided by the fast healing evolution. After a corpse is fully digested, it no longer provides this benefit to this eidolon. It takes the eidolon a number of rounds to fully digest a corpse equal to twice the number of size categories larger than Fine that the corpse is (1 round for Fine corpses, 2 for Diminutive Corpses, 4 rounds for Tiny corpses, and so on).

Part beast and part plant, living topiaries are an arrangement of flora that have been infused with feral sentience. Often created by druids to adorn gardens and groves, some speculate that living topiaries originated from the primal world of fey. Living topiaries exist only for one thing: consuming more vegetation, which allows them to grow even larger. Summoners wanting to combine the primal might of a beast with the natural defenses of a plant often seek to procure shoots of living topiaries for use as an eidolon.


Alignment: Neutral.
Eldritch Pact: Nature(plantlife)
Summon List: Plant
Base Form:

  • Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim),

  • Avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]),

  • Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]),

  • Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]),

  • Serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).


Base Evolutions:

  • At 1st level, topiary eidolons gain the ability to adjust their physical appearance at will. A topiary eidolon can alter itself to take the basic form of any creature that has the same base form as the eidolon, including an equal number of limbs and head evolutions of the same kind. For example, if the eidolon has a quadruped base form with a total of six pairs of legs, then whatever physical appearance the eidolon takes must also have a quadruped base form with six pairs of legs. In addition, it gains the assimilate ability, usable three times per day.

  • At 4th level, topiary eidolons gain the woodland stride ability, functioning like the druid class ability. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.

  • At 8th level, topiary eidolons add their Constitution bonus (if any) to the number of times per day that they can use the assimilate ability.

  • At 12th level, topiary eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing and they add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.

  • At 16th level, topiary eidolons gain the slam and double slam evolutions.

  • At 20th level, topiary eidolons gain the hedge stride ability, usable three times per day.

Whether they are animate vines or plant creatures with root or vine-like tendrils, plants with sinewy tentacles all share one common trait: strangling. Many such plant creatures capture prey by asphyxiating or crushing them using powerful tentacles that are easily mistaken for roots, branches, or vines. Summoners dwelling in lush environments favor vine eidolons for their ability to blend in effortlessly with the natural flora, allowing the eidolon to ambush the summoner’s foes.


Alignment: Neutral.
Eldritch Pact: Nature(plantlife)
Summon List: Plant
Base Form:

  • Aquatic (gills, tentacle [2], swim),

  • Horror (bite, tentacle [2 points], improved damage [tentacle], reach [tentacle]),

  • Serpentine (climb, compression, pull, slam, tentacle),

  • Tree (improved natural armor, limbs [arms], slam, tentacle).


Base Evolutions:

  • At 1st level, vine eidolons gain the resistance (electricity) evolution as well as the grab evolution, tied to the eidolon’s tentacle attack. .

  • At 4th level, vine eidolons gain the skilled (Stealth) and strangle evolutions.

  • At 8th level, vine eidolons gain the constrict evolution.

  • At 12th level, vine eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing. They also gain the freeze evolution.

  • At 16th level, vine eidolons increase the reach of their tentacle attack by 5 feet. This benefit applies to all tentacle evolutions that the eidolon possesses and stacks with the improved reach evolution.

  • At 20th level, vine eidolons can use their grab evolution against opponents of any size category.

The following evolutions can be taken by eidolons from the Floramancer archetype.


2-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 2 points from the eidolon’s evolution pool.
Entangle (requires Summoner level 7th): The eidolon can command nearby vegetation, animating it to attack its enemies. The eidolon can cast entangle as a spell-like ability once per day, using its Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. The save DC for the spell is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier. At 7th level, this spell can be cast three times per day by spending 2 additional evolution points.
Freeze (requires the Skilled(stealth) evolution): The eidolon can hold itself so still that it appears to be a inanimate object appropriate for its form, such as a statue. An eidolon that uses freeze can take 20 on its Stealth check to hide in plain sight as an inanimate object.

3-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 3 points from the eidolon’s evolution pool.
Greensight: The eidolon can see through up to 60 feet of thick plant matter as though it were transparent. Leaves, vines, greenery, and undergrowth offer no concealment to the eidolon’s sight, though solid wood still blocks its line of sight. By spending 3 additional evolution points, the distance of the eidolon’s greensight improves to 120 feet.

4-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 4 points from the eidolon’s evolution pool.
Blood Drain: The eidolon can sap the life waters of its victims. Whenever the eidolon ends its turn grappling a foe, that opponent takes 1 point of Constitution damage. This Constitution damage can be increased by one step for every 2 additional evolution points spent according to the following scale: 1/1d2/1d3/1d4/1d6/1d8/1d10.
Entrap (requires Summoner level 4th): The eidolon can restrict another creature’s movement using physical means such as ice, mud, lava, or webs as a standard action. The material used for the entrap attack is determined by the summoner; regardless of the material chosen, it has a number of hit points equal to 1/10th the eidolon’s total hit points and hardness equal to half the eidolon’s Hit Dice.

 The target of the eidolon’s entrap attack must make a Fortitude save or become entangled for a number of rounds equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier). An entangled creature can make a Strength check or an Escape Artist check against the same DC as a full-round action to break free. If 6 additional evolution points are spent, targets that are already entangled by this ability that fail their saving throw against a second entrap attack become helpless on a failed save instead. A target made helpless by this ability is conscious but can take no physical actions (except attempting to escape) until the entrapping material is removed. The target can use spells with only verbal components or spell-like abilities if it succeeds on a DC 20 concentration check. For a helpless creature, the DC to escape the entrap attack is +5 greater. Destroying the entrapping material frees the creature.

Paralysis (requires Summoner level 10th): One of the eidolon’s attacks causes its target’s body to seize up and become unable to move. Select one of the following attacks: bite, claw, pincers, slam, tail slap, or tentacle. Whenever the eidolon makes a successful attack of the selected type, the target must attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier) or become paralyzed for 1 minute. Each round, the paralyzed creature can attempt a new saving throw as a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity to end the effect. A winged creature who is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can’t swim and may drown. If 6 additional evolution points are spent, creatures paralyzed by this evolution don’t get a new saving throw each round to end the effect.
Spore Cloud: The eidolon’s body produces millions of tiny, toxic spores that it can unleash upon its foes. Upon selecting this evolution, the eidolon must choose one of the following inhaled toxins. As a standard action, the eidolon exhales a cloud of toxic spores laced with the chosen toxin in a 30-foot cone. Creatures within the area are subject to the corresponding poison listed below:

  • Mycotoxin – save Fort (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier); frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d6 Str damage; cure 2 saves.

  • Necrotoxin – save Fort (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier); frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d6 Dex damage; cure 2 saves.

  • Neurotoxin – save Fort (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier); frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d6 Wis damage; cure 2 saves.

The eidolon can use this ability once per day. The eidolon can gain additional uses of this ability by spending 2 evolution points per additional use (to a maximum of three total uses per day).

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