Shadow walkers are comfortable in light, darkness, and the shadows in between. Fetchling rogues naturally gravitate toward becoming shadow walkers, but shadow walkers exist among other creatures both above and below the surface.
Expanded Sight (Su):
At 1st level, a shadow walker gains darkvision with a range of 30 feet. If she already has darkvision, the range of her darkvision increases by 10 feet. When the shadow walker reaches 3rd level, and every 2 rogue levels thereafter, the range of her darkvision increases by 10 feet. Also at 3rd level, the shadow walker loses the light sensitivity weakness, if she has it. If she has light blindness, she instead treats it as light sensitivity. This ability replaces skill specialty.
Illumination Control (Sp):
At 3rd level, a shadow walker can manipulate nearby illumination. At the start of each day, a shadow walker gains a number of illumination points equal to half her rogue level and can spend illumination points to use certain spell-like abilities. As long as she has at least 1 illumination point, she can cast light at will. She can spend 2 illumination points to cast darkness, and 3 illumination points to cast daylight, deeper darkness, or motes of dusk and dawn. These spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to the shadow walker’s rogue level. Using these spell-like abilities does not hamper the shadow walker’s vision; for example, she can see through the deeper darkness she creates, and does not take penalties for light sensitivity in the area of her own daylight. This ability replaces the rogue talent gained at 2nd level and the rogue's avoidances.
Favored Illumination (Su):
At 4th level, a shadow walker chooses one illumination level: bright light, normal light, dim light, or darkness (including supernatural darkness). While she is within her chosen illumination level, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Athletics, Perception, and Sleight of Hand skill checks, and can take 10 on any Stealth check attempted within that illumination level. When the shadow walker confirms a critical hit with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage while in her chosen illumination level, she regains 1 illumination point (to a maximum of half her rogue level). Confirming a critical hit on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the shadow walker’s character level doesn’t restore illumination points. When the shadow walker reaches 6th level, and every 3 rogue levels thereafter, the bonuses she gains within her chosen illumination level increase by 1. This ability replaces the instincts gained at 4th and 8th level.
Lurking Forces (Su):
At 4th level, a shadow walker summons an unseen force that lurks around her, and is capable of giving it mental commands as a free action. This force is an invisible, mindless entity that can perform simple tasks anywhere within 20 ft + 5 ft per 5 class levels of the shadow walker, such as lifting or moving items, opening doors, or lightly tapping someone on the shoulder. It can perform only one activity at a time, but may repeat an activity if desired. It has an effective strength score of 2, allowing it to lift 20 pounds and drag 100 pounds, moving any object it carries up to 30 ft per round. It can trigger traps and similar devices, if its strength is adequate to do so. It can’t perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 and is considered untrained in all skills. It cannot attack in any way, but also cannot be killed or destroyed, though it ceases to exist if you die, only reappearing if you are resurrected in some manner. In addition, you gain one unseen augmentation listed below. You gain an additional unseen augmentation at levels 8, 12, 16, and 20. This ability replaces the rogue talents gained at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level. In addition, a shadow walker does not gain debilitating injury until 10th level.
Unseen Augmentations:
You can only select any given unseen augmentation once.
Flicker of Intelligence: Your unseen force gains a skill point for each rogue level you possess, which may be invested into Craft, Disable Device, Perform, or Sleight of Hand, allowing it to perform relevant tasks with a bonus equal to its rank in that skill. Its ability modifiers are 0 for the purposes of these skills, and it has no class skills. However, it can perform skill checks with DCs higher than 10 if it has at least one skill point invested in that skill, and is considered trained in those skills
Forceful Presence: Your unseen force now has an effective Strength score of 10. It can use the Aid Another action to assist you or an adjacent creature with making any Strength check or Strength based skill check, and always succeeds on its Aid Another roll for such purposes.
Hungering Maw: Your unseen force can wrap itself around objects and swallow them, making them inaccessible until you command it to produce them. Items swallowed this way count against its carrying capacity normally, and it cannot store more than its heavy load this way. Your unseen force must pick up an unattended item before it can swallow it. Picking up an unattended item and swallowing it, or producing a swallowed item again takes it a full turn to perform. If you perish, all items swallowed this way appear in your square.
Reaching Fingers: Add 10 ft to your unseen force’s reach. In addition, it can slip through the thin cracks, reaching under doors and through keyholes without hampering its ability to perform tasks, though you still need to direct its actions appropriately.
Serpentine Coils: You can use your unseen force as a rope with a length equal to its reach. While in this form, your unseen force has hit points equal to your level, and hardness equal to your practitioner modifier. It can be broken with a Strength check (DC 20 + your practitioner modifier) or if used to tie up a creature, escaped with an Escape Artist check (DC 20 + half your class level + your practitioner modifier). It may automatically attach or release itself from any location within its reach suitable for a grappling hook. If broken or cut, your unseen force instantly reforms in your square, but cannot assume rope form until your next turn.
Twin Forces: You gain a second unseen force that is identical to the first, gaining any benefits from other unseen augmentations.
Umbral Ink: Your unseen force can silently etch smoking black lettering onto a surface as if it had a quill and an infinite supply of ink. It can create a transcript of any conversation you understand, or accurately copy images, patterns, or writing that you can see or that is adequately described to you. In addition, it can write on abnormal surfaces such as liquid or even in midair, though such writing only lasts a single round or until disturbed by motion before evaporating. In addition, it can use the Linguistics skill to create forgeries (but not any other purpose) untrained with a bonus equal to your class level, and can reach a DC higher than 10 with such a check.
Whispering Wraith: Your unseen force can make sounds issue anywhere within its reach, and can mimic sounds you have heard. A listener may make a Sense Motive check (DC 10 + your class level) to recognize the mimicry, though they suffer a -4 penalty if they are not familiar with the person or type of sounds mimicked. Your unseen force has a maximum volume equal to one normal human for each rogue level you possess.