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While all shifters have great control over their forms, some are infused with the very essence of chaos, able to take on radically different forms without study or practice.



At 1st level, a protean radiates an aura of chaos as a cleric of his class level.

Breadth of Form:

At 1st level, a protean may tap his inner connection to the primordial chaos to unlock forms he has never learned. As a standard action, a protean may grant himself the benefit of any one Alteration sphere magic talent he doesn’t possess. The protean must meet the prerequisites for any talent gained with this ability. This effect lasts for 1 minute. A protean may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 his class level (minimum 4). Multiple uses of this ability do not stack. If a protean uses this ability again before the previous duration has expired, it replaces the previous use.


At 5th level, a protean may use this ability to gain the benefits of two Alteration sphere talents at the same time. He may select one magic talent as a move action or two magic talents as a standard action. A protean may use one of these magic talents to meet a prerequisite of the second magic talent; doing so means that he cannot replace a talent currently fulfilling another’s prerequisite without also replacing those talents that require it. Each individual magic talent selected counts toward his daily uses of this ability.

At 9th level, a protean may gain the benefits of two Alteration sphere talents as a move action or one magic talent as a swift action.

At 13th level, a protean may use this ability to gain the benefits of three Alteration sphere talents at the same time. He may select one magic talent as a free action, two magic talents as a swift action, or three magic talents as a move action. A protean may use one of the magic talents to meet a prerequisite of the second and third magic talents and use the second magic talent to meet a prerequisite of the third magic talent. Each individual magic talent selected counts toward a daily uses of this ability.

At 17th level, a protean may gain the benefit of two Alteration sphere talents as a free action or three talents as a swift action. Each individual magic talent selected counts toward his daily uses of this ability. This replaces quick transformation, extended transformation, and greater transformation.

Quick Transformation:

At 3rd level the protean gains quick transformation as the shifter class feature. This replaces endurance.

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