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Totemist soul weavers are about creating balance not only among the spirits, but also among the living. By imprinting allies with symbols of various spirit totems, or simultaneously healing and harming, you can sway the side of combat into being in your favor.

Channel Balance (Su):

A totemist, like any other soul weaver, may channel spiritual energy that affects nearby creatures. Channeling balance causes a burst that affects all creatures differently in a 30-foot radius centered on the totemist. Creatures in the area who are wounded (at or below 1/2 maximum hit points) gain fast healing (for 1 minute). Creatures who are healthy or grazed (above 1/2 maximum hit points) take bleed damage (until they receive healing or a successful heal check). The amount of bleed damage and fast healing is 1, increasing by 1 for every two totemist levels beyond 1st (2 at 3rd, 3 at 5th, and so on).


Channeling balance is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A totemist can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. Channel balance counts as the channel energy class feature for the purpose of qualifying for and using channeling feats, and the totemist has an effective channel energy of 1d6 per bleed/fast healing. Channel balance also counts as both positive and negative channel energy for this purpose of meeting feat prerequisites. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier (minimum: 1). This replaces channel energy.

Master of Fate:

The totemist gains the Fate sphere as a bonus sphere at 1st level. This replaces master of life and death.


Spirit Totem (Su):

As the totemist gains levels, she learns new ways to call upon the spirits of nature to aid her allies in various tasks. The list of abilities she gains is as follows:

  • Totem-mark: A totemist may touch a target as a standard action and expend one use of Channel Balance to grant that target a totem-mark. This takes the form of either cicatrix or tattoo, and grants the creature a +2 sacred bonus to your choice of either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The totem-mark lasts 24 hours or until dispelled. A totemist may concentrate as a move action to pin-point all totem-marked creatures within Close range.

  • Diffuse: At 6th level, a totemist may expend a use of Channel Balance to dispel a totem-mark on a creature within Close range to grant them a temporary moral bonus to saving throws and AC equal to 1/2 her totemist level for a number of rounds equal to 3+ her Charisma modifier (minimum: 1 round).

  • Enshroud: At 10th level, a totemist may expend a use of Channel Balance to dispel a totem-mark on a creature within Close range to grant them partial concealment (a 20% chance attacks made against them will automatically miss) and DR/- equal to 1/2 her totemist level for 1 minute per caster level.

  • Truesight: At 14th level, the totemist may expend a use of Channel Balance to dispel a totem-mark on a creature within Close range, granting it the ability to see all things as they truly are to a range of Close for 1 round per totemist level. The target sees through magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by magic, sees exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, sees invisible creatures or objects normally, succeeds at all saving throws against illusions and sees through them naturally, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. This does not grant the ability to see through mundane disguises, non-magical means of hiding things, fog, or other such effects. This cannot be combined with other magic that enhances the senses, such as a crystal ball.

  • Transmogrify: At 18th level, the totemist may expend a use of Channel Balance to dispel a totem-mark on a creature within Close range, granting them a fly speed of 60 feet, a 50% chance to ignore critical hits and precision damage, regeneration 5/-, as well as the Stalwart and Evasion class features. These benefits last for 1 round per totemist level.

This replaces blessing/blight.

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