The famine spirit is a terrible being, walking a path between life and death filled with nothing but hunger. These beasts consume all, eating not only flesh, but souls as well.
Fearsome Bite (Ex):
At 1st level, a famine spirit gains the Alteration and Death spheres as bonus magic talents. He does not gain an enhanced caster level with either sphere. This replaces shapeshifter.
Parched Tongue:
The famine spirit’s speech calls out to those who share his hunger. At 1st level, this ability functions as wild empathy, except it can be used only on undead with an Intelligence of 2 or less (including mindless undead). Undead typically have a starting attitude of hostile.
At 5th level, undead with an Intelligence of 2 or less do not attack you unless you move within 15 ft. of them or attack them, and you can use parched tongue on undead regardless of their Intelligence.
At 11th level, you can use parched tongue as a standard action against undead with an Intelligence of 2 or less.
At 15th level, undead with an Intelligence score of 2 or less do not notice you unless you attack them or target them with parched tongue. This alters wild empathy and replaces steal language, endless communication and boundless communication
Fearsome Bite (Ex):
At 3rd level, the famine spirit gains the bite bestial trait. The famine spirit’s bite attack also gains the grab special ability. This replaces endurance.
Enhanced Chomp (Su):
At 4th level, the famine spirit gains enhanced attacks, but only for his bite attack. In addition, anyone slain by a famine spirit’s bite attack becomes more difficult to bring back from the dead, as the famine spirit swallows a portion of their soul. The body comes under the effects of a curse with a caster level equal to the famine spirit’s class level; spellcasters attempting to bring a creature back from the dead must make an MSB check with a DC equal to 15 + the famine spirit’s class level or the sphere-effect or spell fails and any material component is wasted. Casting remove curse, using the Break Enchantment Life talent, or using another effect that removes curses the round before attempting to bring the creature back from the dead negates this chance. The DC to remove the curse is 10 + the famine spirit’s level. This alters enhanced attacks.
Infectious Maw (Su):
At 4th level, a famine spirit gains the swallow whole ability with his bite attack. Creatures he has swallowed take 1d6 acid damage per round + 1 per class level. Creatures who have suffered this damage come under the effects of a curse with a caster level equal to the famine spirit’s class level that urges them to consume flesh; similar to starvation damage, this damage cannot be recovered until 24 hours have passed or the target spends a full-round action consuming the corpse of a creature with Intelligence 3 or higher - until then, not even magic that restores hit points heals this damage.
He may use his class level as his base attack bonus for the purpose of grapple and swallow whole CMB and CMD checks; this stacks with base attack bonus gained from other sources as normal. He can swallow creatures up to his size category.
At 7th level, he can swallow creatures up to one size larger than his size category. The hit points needed for swallowed creatures to cut their way free increases by 10% (to 20% of total hit points, in most cases). In addition, if a creature dies in his stomach, he can reanimate that creature and regurgitate it into an unoccupied adjacent square by spending a spell point as a move action. This functions as the Death sphere ability, using his normal caster level.
At 13th level, he gains a +2 AC bonus to his interior. In addition, if a creature dies in his stomach with Hit Dice at least half his, he can spend a spell point as a move action to digest the creature, restoring hit points equal to twice the creature’s Hit Dice.
At 19th level, he can swallow creatures up to two sizes larger than his size category. He also gains the fast swallow ability with his bite attack, and the hit points needed for swallowed creatures to cut their way free increases by 10% again (to 30% of total hit points). This replaces lingering transformation and enhanced physicality.
Ravenous Bite (Ex):
At 8th level, he gains Vital Strike as a bonus feat. He can only use this feat in conjunction with his bite attack. His bite attack deals increased base damage, as shown on the table below:
Table: Bite Damage
At 11th level, he gains the benefit of Improved Vital Strike, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He can only use this feat in conjunction with his bite attack. Zombies and variant zombies he reanimates (such as plague zombies and fast zombies) gain a bite attack that deals damage (or their normal bite damage, whichever is greater) as the chart above instead of a slam attack.
At 16th level, he gains the benefit of Greater Vital Strike, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He can only use this feat in conjunction with his bite attack. This replaces extended transformation and greater transformation.
Insatiable Consumption (Su):
At 20th level, whenever a famine spirit uses Greater Vital Strike with a bite attack, it functions as a vorpal weapon. In addition, any creature that he decapitates with this ability or dies while swallowed whole has their soul consumed. A creature with its soul consumed cannot be resurrected until the famine spirit is slain, unless the caster first uses a wish spell, miracle spell, or similar magic to free the creature’s soul. This replaces second skin.