More akin to druids than summoners, beastmasters call forth animal allies to aid them.
Animal Focus:
A beastmaster can only use his summon monster ability to summon creatures from the bonus list granted by his eidolon. In addition, all creatures summoned by the beastmaster gain the benefits of a template dependant on his eidolon species. If the eidolon is an Aligned Animal, the beastmasters summons gain the Celestial, Entropic, Fiendish, or Resolute template dependant on the eidolon’s chosen alignment. If the eidolon is an Elemental Animal, the beastmaster’s summons gain the Aerial, Aqueous, Cthonic, or Fiery template dependant on the eidolon’s chosen element. If the eidolon is a Fey Animal, the beastmaster’s summons gain the Plane of Faerie Creature template. If the eidolon is a Shadow Animal, the beastmaster’s summons gain the Dark Creature template. This alters summon monster.
Animal Eidolon:
Animal eidolons are animals for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. An animal eidolon gains a number of skill ranks equal to 2 + its Intelligence modifier per Hit Dice, and as a result it gains only a single skill ranks at each level unless it has an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, at which point it gains skill ranks as normal instead of using the values on Table: Eidolon Base Statistics. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Eidolon Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for an animal eidolon: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Stealth (Dex), and Survival (Wis). Animal eidolons with a fly speed gain Fly (Dex) as a free class skill, even if they do not gain a fly speed until a later level. In addition, the summoner can choose four additional skills to be class skills for his animal eidolon. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Animal Species:
The summoner of an animal eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the animal species noted below. An animal eidolon’s choice of species functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except an animal eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice unless noted otherwise as a base evolution.
Aligned Animal
Aligned animals dwell on every Outer Plane that is associated with an alignment. Summoners favor aligned animal eidolons for their ability to smite foes with their home plane’s energy.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, or Neutral Good.
Eldritch Pact: Beastmastery(handle animal)
Summon List: Animal
Base Form:
Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim),
Avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]),
Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]),
Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]),
Serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions:
The base evolutions of an aligned animal eidolon depend on its alignment. When first summoning an aligned animal eidolon, the summoner must select chaotic, evil, good, or law. Once chosen, the choice cannot be changed. The eidolon gains the chosen alignment and alignment subtype as well as the following evolutions and abilities, which can vary depending on its alignment.
Starting at 1st level, chaotic aligned animals gain the resistance (acid) and resistance (fire) evolutions. Evil eidolons gain the resistance (cold) and resistance (fire) evolutions. Good eidolons gain the resistance (acid) and resistance (electricity) evolutions. Lawful eidolons gain the resistance (acid) and resistance (cold) evolutions.
At 4th level, aligned animal eidolons gain the smite special attack. As a swift action, the eidolon can add its Charisma bonus on attack rolls and gains a damage bonus equal to its Hit Dice against one target of a particular alignment. Chaotic aligned animal eidolons can smite lawful creatures. Evil aligned animal eidolons can smite good creatures. Good aligned animal eidolons can smite evil creatures. Lawful aligned animal eidolons can smite chaotic creatures. This effect persists until the target dies or the aligned animal eidolon rests or is dismissed. An aligned animal eidolon can use this ability once per day.
At 8th level, aligned animal eidolons can use their smite ability twice per day. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 12th level, all aligned animal eidolons can use their smite ability three times per day. They also gain damage reduction of a specific type, based upon their alignment subtype. Chaotic animal eidolons gain DR 5/lawful. Evil animal eidolons gain DR 5/good. Good animal eidolons gain DR 5/evil. Lawful animal eidolons gain DR 5/chaotic.
At 16th level, aligned animal eidolons treat their natural weapons, as well as any weapon they wield, as having its alignment for the purpose of overcome damage reduction. For example, good aligned animal eidolons treat their weapons as good weapons. This benefit only applies to attacks made against the target of their smite, and they can use smite four times per day. They also gain the spell resistance evolution.
At 20th level, aligned animal eidolons ignore all damage reduction that the target of their smite possesses and they can use smite five times per day. In addition, an aligned animal eidolon adds twice its Hit Dice as a damage bonus on the first attack it makes against the target of its smite if the target is an outsider with an alignment subtype that is opposed to the eidolon’s subtype.
Elemental Animal
Elementally-infused versions of nearly every animal roam the elemental planes, living as their Material counterparts do. Summoners often choose to bind elemental animal eidolons because they are easier to command than true elementals.
Alignment: Neutral.
Eldritch Pact: Beastmastery(handle animal)
Summon List: Animal
Base Form:
Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim),
Avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]),
Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]),
Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]),
Serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions:
The base evolutions of an elemental animal eidolon depend entirely on its chosen element. When first summoning an elemental animal eidolon, the summoner must select air, earth, fire, or water. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. The eidolon gains the following evolutions and abilities, which can vary depending upon its element.
At 1st level, air elemental animal eidolons gain the immunity (electricity) evolution. Earth elemental animal eidolons gain the immunity (acid) evolution. Fire elemental animal eidolons gain the immunity (fire) evolution. Water elemental eidolons gain the immunity (cold) evolution.
At 4th level, all elemental animal eidolons gain the elemental attacks evolution with the energy type that corresponds to their immunity evolution.
At 8th level, air elemental eidolons gain the flight evolution (using magic) with a speed equal to their base speed. Earth elemental animal eidolons gain the burrow evolution. Fire elemental animal eidolons deal 1d6 points of fire damage to any creature that hit it with a natural weapon, an unarmed strike, or a melee weapon without reach. Water elemental eidolons gain the gills and swim evolutions, addung 1 evolution point to their swim evolution of each of these evolutions that the eidolon already possesses.
At 12th level, elemental animal eidolons gain the ability increase (Constitution) evolution and increase their movement speed with all of their movement types by 10 feet.
At 16th level, all elemental animal eidolons increase the amount of additional damage inflicted by the energy attacks evolution to 2d6 points.
At 20th level, all elemental animal eidolons multiply the additional energy damage dealt by the energy attacks evolution by their weapon’s critical multiplier whenever they confirm a critical hit against an opponent.
Fey Animal
Born from the reality’s blueprints, fey animals represent bestial grace and power in its truest form. Summoners with close bonds to nature often befriend fey animal eidolons.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Eldritch Pact: Fallen Fey
Summon List: Animal
Base Form:
Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim),
Avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]),
Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]),
Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]),
Serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions:
At 1st level, fey animal eidolons gain the improved natural armor and skilled (Stealth) evolutions.
At 4th level, fey animal eidolons gain the ability to cast charm person and faerie fire as spell-like abilities once per day, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. They also gain 2 additional skill ranks per Hit Die they possess. These skill ranks aren’t modified by the eidolon’s Intelligence.
At 8th level, fey animal eidolons can inflict a death curse onto opponents that grievously wound them. Whenever a fey animal eidolon is critically hit or killed, the creature that critically hit or killed the eidolon becomes cursed with bad luck unless it makes a successful Will saving throw to resist the curse (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier). If it fails to resist, the victim takes a permanent –2 penalty on all attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws. The total penalty from multiple fey animal eidolon death curses stack, but the multiple death curses count as a single curse overall for the purpose of removing its effects.
At 12th level, fey animal eidolons gain DR 5/cold iron. They also gain the spell resistance evolution.
At 16th level, fey animal eidolons gain the ability to cast tree shape and transport via plants as spell-like abilities once per day using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. They also gain the flight evolution (using magic).
At 20th level, fey animal eidolons gain the ability to cast polymorph as a spell-like ability once per day using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level, and their damage reduction increases to DR 10/cold iron and magic.
Shadow Animal
Shadowy animals lurk the darkest pits of the Shadow Plane. Much as the Shadow Plane mocks all of the Material Plane’s creations, shadow animals appear as bleak renditions of normal animals. Shadow animal eidolons are favored by summoners in need of servants without agendas of their own.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Eldritch Pact: Dark
Summon List: Animal
Base Form:
Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim),
Avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]),
Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]),
Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]),
Serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions:
At 1st level, shadow animal eidolons gain the resistance (cold) and resistance (electricity) evolutions.
At 4th level, shadow animal eidolons gain the shadow blur ability, which grants them concealment (20% miss chance) in any illumination other than bright light. This ability can be suspended or resumed as a free action, and the concealment cannot be used to make Stealth checks.
At 8th level, shadow animal eidolons gain the energy attacks (cold) and the skilled (Stealth) evolutions.
At 12th level, shadow animal eidolons gain DR 5/magic. They also can use the concealment gained from their shadow blur ability to make Stealth checks.
At 16th level, shadow animal eidolons gain the spell resistance evolution and they add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 20th level, shadow animal eidolons increase the concealment gained from their shadow blend ability from 20% to 50% if they already have concealment while in an area of illumination other than bright light. They also increase their damage reduction from DR 5/magic to DR 10/magic.
The following evolutions are can be taken by eidolons from the Beastmaster archetype.
1-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 1 point from the eidolon’s evolution pool.
Jet (requires the Swim evolution): The eidolon can propel itself backwards as a full-round action, allowing it to move up to four times its swim speed while swimming. The eidolon must move in a straight line while using this ability and does not provoke attacks of opportunity while doing so.
Keen Scent: The eidolon has an enhanced sense of smell when swimming. The eidolon can notice other creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius underwater and can detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile.
Vermin: The eidolon takes the form of a skittering, scuttling vermin-like creature. The eidolon gains a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects.
2-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 2 points from the eidolon’s evolution pool.
Disease (requires Summoner level 7th and the Bite evolution): The eidolon causes disease in those it contacts. Whenever the eidolon hits an opponent with its bite attack, that opponent contracts the disease.
Eidolon Disease: injury; save Fort negates; onset 1d3 days, frequency 1/day, effect 1d4 Dex damage and 1d4 Con damage; cure 1 save.
The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier. The eidolon cannot infect an opponent with its disease more often than once per round.
Quill Defense: The eidolon is covered in bristly quills that damage those who touch it. Select one natural attack. Any creature that strikes the eidolon with a non-reach melee weapon, unarmed strike, or natural weapon takes damage equal to the weapon damage of the selected natural attack, plus the eidolon’s Strength modifier. Strength damage, Strength drain, and penalties to Strength don’t impact the amount of damage that the eidolon deals to attackers with this ability.
Quills (requires the Quill Defense evolution): The eidolon can launch a volley of quills at two separate opponents as a standard action. This ranged attack has a range of 300 feet with no range increment. The eidolon makes an attack roll against each target when using this ability, and all targets must be within 30 feet of each other. If the attack hits, the target takes damage from the eidolon’s quill defense evolution as if it had made a melee attack against it. Launched quills regrow in a single round, during which the eidolon’s quill defense evolution is unaffected. The eidolon can attack additional targets with this ability by spending 2 evolution points per additional target, up to a total of 4 quills per volley.
3-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 3 points from the eidolon’s evolution pool.
Attach (requires Summoner level 8th and the Grab evolution): The eidolon possesses a proboscis, latching jaws, or some other means to quickly grab hold of its foe. Select one of the following attacks: bite, slam, tail slap, or tentacle. When the eidolon hits an opponent with the selected attack, it automatically latches onto that opponent. The eidolon is considered grappling, but the target is not. The target can attack the eidolon as normal or break the attach with a successful grapple or Escape Artist check.
4-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 4 points from the eidolon’s evolution pool.
Blood Drain: The eidolon can sap the life waters of its victims. Whenever the eidolon ends its turn grappling a foe, that opponent takes 1 point of Constitution damage. This Constitution damage can be increased by one step for every 2 additional evolution points spent according to the following scale: 1/1d2/1d3/1d4/1d6/1d8/1d10.
Blood Frenzy: The smell of blood whips the eidolon into a frenzy. Whenever the eidolon takes damage in combat, it can fly into a frenzy as a free action in the following round. It gains +2 Strength and +2 Constitution but takes a –2 penalty to AC and cannot use any Dexterity-, Intelligence, or Charisma-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, and Ride) or any ability or evolution that requires patience or concentration. This frenzy lasts for 1 minute or until the combat ends, after which the eidolon becomes fatigued for 2 minutes. This ability is usable once per day. The eidolon can gain additional uses of this ability by spending 2 evolution points per additional use (to a maximum of five total uses per day).
Entrap (requires Summoner level 4th): The eidolon can restrict another creature’s movement using physical means such as ice, mud, lava, or webs as a standard action. The material used for the entrap attack is determined by the summoner; regardless of the material chosen, it has a number of hit points equal to 1/10th the eidolon’s total hit points and hardness equal to half the eidolon’s Hit Dice.
The target of the eidolon’s entrap attack must make a Fortitude save or become entangled for a number of rounds equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier). An entangled creature can make a Strength check or an Escape Artist check against the same DC as a full-round action to break free. If 6 additional evolution points are spent, targets that are already entangled by this ability that fail their saving throw against a second entrap attack become helpless on a failed save instead. A target made helpless by this ability is conscious but can take no physical actions (except attempting to escape) until the entrapping material is removed. The target can use spells with only verbal components or spell-like abilities if it succeeds on a DC 20 concentration check. For a helpless creature, the DC to escape the entrap attack is +5 greater. Destroying the entrapping material frees the creature.