Many wizards form an arcane bond with an item, but for some this bond becomes a powerful mystic union.
Improved Arcane Bond (Sp):
A bonded wizard must select an item as his arcane bond. The bonded object's hit points and hardness increase by +1 per level the bonded wizard possesses. In addition, a bonded wizard can change the appearance and magical aura of his bonded item at will, as if using disguise self and magic aura, but affecting only the item; for the purpose of disguise self, the item’s item type (such as weapon or ring) is its creature type.
At 3rd level, a bonded wizard adds his Intelligence modifier to his CMD against attempts to sunder, disarm, steal, or otherwise attack his bonded item. He also add his Intelligence modifier to any saving throws his bonded item must make.
At 7th level, the bonded wizard chooses any three skills. As long as he is in possession of his bonded item, he gains a bonus to those skills equal to his Intelligence modifier.
At 10th level, a bonded wizard can repair his bonded item or turn it into another object once per day as a full-round action. Transforming it functions as polymorph any object, but does not alter the item’s magical properties (including its item slot), while repairing it functions as make whole. The wizard may also sacrifice a prepared spell in order to repair an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of the sacrificed spell.
At 14th level, a bonded wizard's bonded item can be used to cast an additional spell from his spellbook each day. This ability replaces Scribe Scroll and the arcane discoveries normally gained at 5th, and 15th level.