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Blasters can summon special weapons known as arm cannons to fire destructive blasts.

Arm Cannon (Su)

At 1st level as her first bound weapon, the blaster binds a unique weapon known as the arm cannon, which counts in all ways as a bound weapon. This arcane construct covers most of one arm and could appear as anything from a cluster of levitating silk ribbons to a glimmering tube of metal or an oblong block of crystal. When summoned, the arm cannon occupies one hand and cannot be disarmed. The arm cannon is an exotic ranged weapon the blaster is proficient with that makes ranged touch attacks, and deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage +1d6 at 5th level and every four levels beyond 5th, regardless of size. The weapon has no range penalties, but has a maximum range of Close. In all other ways, the arm cannon counts as a destructive blast from the Destruction sphere with a caster level equal to the blaster’s level, but also as a ranged weapon that can be augmented by feats and abilities as usual such as Rapid Shot.

While the arm cannon is not directly tied to the blaster’s caster level, she may nonetheless augment her arm cannon with Destruction talents except for (blast shape) talents and Gather Energy. She must still spend any spell points required by the applied talents, and must spend those spell points for each attack. The Admixture talent may be applied as a full-round action or as part of a full-attack if the additional costs are paid for every attack to which it is applied. The arm cannon can gain enhancements as normal for a bound weapon. The blaster can bind additional arm cannons as additional bound equipment as normal. This ability alters the bound equipment class feature.


The blaster gains the Destruction sphere as a bonus sphere at 1st level. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, she gains a bonus talent from the Destruction sphere. This replaces the summon equipment class feature.

Efficient Assault

At level 20, the blaster may reduce the spell point cost of blast types applied to her arm cannon attacks by 1 (minimum 0). This replaces infinite arsenal.

Arsenal Tricks

The blaster gains exclusive access to the following arsenal tricks:


Cannon Shield: The blaster may treat her arm cannon as a buckler, gaining a shield bonus as appropriate. She does not lose this shield bonus when making attacks with her arm cannon and suffers no penalty to her attack rolls from wielding a buckler in the same hand as her arm cannon. The arm cannon and buckler act as a double weapon for the purposes of splitting enhancements or enhancing them separately.

Charged Shot: The blaster may spend a spell point to make a single powerful attack as a standard action, increasing her arm cannon’s base damage to one die per class level for that attack.

Destruction Trick: The blaster may select a Destruction talent as a bonus talent. She may take this trick more than once, each time gaining another Destruction talent.

Variable Barrel Geometry: Gain a (blast shape) talent other than Energy Strike. As a move action, the blaster may apply this or any other (blast shape) talent she knows other than Energy Strike to the next attack from her arm cannon, made before the end of her turn. Any spell point costs of the (blast shape) talent must be paid as normal.

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