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At second level and every even-numbered level thereafter the armorist gains an arsenal trick, representing the ways she has chosen to focus her study of equipment and its uses. Unless otherwise specified, an individual arsenal trick can only be gained once.


Additional Binding (requires bound equipment): You may bind an additional piece of equipment.

Ammunition Specialist: When you summon a ranged weapon or call a bound ranged weapon, you can summon up to 10gp per armorist level of specialist ammunition. This ammunition replaces pieces of normal ammunition  such that the summoned amount is still 50. This arsenal trick can be taken twice. If taken a second time, increase the value of summoned non-basic ammunition to 25gp per armorist level.

Arms of the Outer Planes: Add anarchic, axiomatic, holy, and unholy to the list of special qualities you may add to your bound and summoned weapons.

Battle Magician (requires Armorist level 4): Your staffs gain the exacting and meditation special abilities.

Bloody Equipment: All of your bound and summoned weapons gain the blood dowsing special ability. You add thirsty (+1) to the special abilities you can add to your bound and summoned weapons. Blood stored in a piece of bound equipment with either blood dowsing or thirsty perseveres even if the equipment is dismissed and resummoned.

Bonded Boost (requires Armorist level 10, boost equipment): You may boost your bound equipment. You may use the same action to both summon and boost a piece of bound equipment.

Bound Companion (requires Natural Materials or Horseman's Materials): You gain an animal, plant, or vermin companion, treating your armorist levels as druid levels for that purpose.

Bound Fang (Su): You may grow a natural weapon appropriate to your form. You may treat this natural weapon as a piece of bound equipment, using one of your instances of bound equipment. You may form and dismiss it as is usual for a bound or summoned weapon. You may form multiple natural weapons as bound weapons; each natural weapon occupies a piece of bound equipment. Additionally, add wild fang to the special qualities you may add to your bound and summoned weapons.

Chaotic Armament: Add chaos buffer to all bound and summoned armor and shields. Add wild critical to the properties you may add to your bound and summoned weapons.

Crafter: You gain an item creation feat of your choice. You must meet the prerequisites to gain an item creation feat in this manner. You may gain this arsenal trick multiple times. Each time it is selected, gain a different item creation feat.

Cut Magic: Add dispelling (+1), dispelling burst (+2), and skeptical (+1) to the list of special abilities you may grant your bound and summoned weapons. You can store your own spell points into weapons with dispelling or dispelling burst as part of the process of summoning them.

Cut Minds: Add conscription (+3) to the list of special abilities you may grant your bound and summoned weapons, and jamais vu (+2) to the list of special abilities you may grant your bound and summoned armor. If you are wielding this equipment, you may use your own Mind sphere DC in place of the DC listed in these special abilities.

Dancing: Add dancing (+4), flying (+5), and animated (+2) to the list of special qualities you may add to your bound and summoned weapon and shields respectively. A bound weapon or shield with the dancing, flying, or animated quality does not disappear until after it has finished its 4 rounds of independent action.

Dark Materials: Your bound and summoned weapons gain the tenebrous quality. Your bound and summoned armor gains the shaded and shadow qualities. You may choose to give your bound and summoned weapons the shade-hexed special ability.

Feat: You may select a combat or magic feat as a bonus feat. You must meet the prerequisites for this feat. This arsenal trick can be selected multiple times.

Extradimensional Storage (Sp): You gain the Extradimensional Storage sphere talent, even if you do not possess the Warp sphere. You may use your armorist level as your caster level for this ability if it is higher, and you may choose to summon items from your extradimensional storage with the same action and with the same rules (such as replacing one suit of armor with another) as your other summoned equipment. You may take this  arsenal trick twice, which upgrades your spell-like ability to have the effect of two purchases of Extradimensional Storage.

Greater Armor Training (requires Armorist level 3): Your armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (minimum 0) and increases its maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by your armor by 1. This arsenal trick may be taken multiple times; its effects stack with itself and the armor training class feature.

Group Summons: You may summon or boost multiple pieces of equipment at once; +1 per two armorist levels (minimum 1). You may summon or boost multiple pieces of equipment on the same creature or onto multiple creatures, but you must still be touching them to affect them. You may grant different benefits to each summoned or boosted piece of equipment but still spend a spell point for each summon or boost.

Heroic Equipment: You add sacrificial (+1) and selfless (+2) to the list of special abilities you can add to your summoned and bound armors.

Hide Equipment: All your bound and summoned gear gain the glamered special quality.

Horseman's Materials: Your bound and summoned armor gains the jousting and hosteling special abilities. Creatures contained within hosteling equipment are harmlessly ejected when the equipment is dismissed. In addition, you can summon or boost equipment for your mount with the same speed which you may use for your own equipment. You may even create bound equipment usable by your mount, although dismounting counts as the item leaving your hands, causing it to disappear one round later if you do not remount.

Hunter (requires Armorist 10): Add bane (+1) and defiant (+1) to the qualities you may add to your bound and summoned weapons and armor/shields respectively.

Imbued Arsenal (requires bound equipment): You can add your casting ability modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier to attack rolls when you are wielding a bound or summoned weapon.

Improved Equipment: Choose one piece of bound equipment you possess. That piece of equipment gains an additional +1 worth of special abilities, to a maximum total of +6. If you permanently dismiss this piece of bound equipment, you may transfer this bonus to another piece of bound equipment you possess. You may take this talent multiple times, but you cannot increase an individual item more than once with this arsenal trick.

Improved Materials (requires Armorist level 6): You may summon equipment or create bound equipment out of cold iron, silver, or mithril. At 10th level, you can summon equipment or create bound equipment out of adamantine or stable shadowstuff. This can also affect ammunition.

Lightning Weapon: Your bound and summoned weapons gain the crackling special ability.

Morphic Weapon (Su): When summoning a weapon or a bound weapon, as part of the action required to summon it you may merge that weapon with a limb capable of wielding a weapon as per the Graft Weapon trait of the Morphic Weapon Alteration talent.

Movement: Add the following special qualities to those you may grant to a suit of armor: +20 base movement speed (+1), waterbreathing (+1), 30 ft swim speed (+1), 30 ft climb speed (+1), 30 ft fly speed (maneuverability average, +2), 15 ft burrow speed (+2). You may grant movement-altering special qualities multiple times to the same suit of armor. When granting the same movement type multiple times, multiply the granted speed by the number of times given. The maneuverability of the fly speed increases by one step for every time chosen after the first.

Natural Materials: You may summon equipment or create bound equipment out of darkwood, darkleaf cloth, greenwood, or normal wood treated with the ironwood ritual. You add wild (+3) and green-touched (+1) to the special abilities you may add to your bound and summoned armor and shields and wild fang (+1) to those you may add to bound and summoned weapons. Additionally, you may make a natural attack you possess or your own unarmed strike into a bound weapon, granting it the bonuses associated with being a bound weapon. You may use boost equipment on unarmored creatures or on natural weapons and unarmed strikes.

Oiled Equipment: Your bound and summoned armors gain the creeping and slick special abilities.

Ranged Summons: You may summon or boost equipment directly onto a willing ally anywhere within 60ft as long as you have both line of sight and line of effect.

Rigorous Equipment: Your bound and summoned gear gains the impervious special ability.

Shadow Armory (Sp): You gain the Shadow Stash sphere talent, even if you do not possess the Dark sphere. You may use your armorist level as your caster level for this ability if it is higher. You may take this arsenal trick twice, which upgrades your spell-like ability to have the effect of two purchases of Shadow Stash.

Share Armory: You may cause a piece of summoned or bound equipment to appear on or in the possession of one of your Leadership sphere cohorts. The cohort must be within Close range and may be treated as the armorist for the purposes of maintaining the bound equipment in its possession.

Share Bond: You may cause a piece of summoned or bound equipment to appear on or in the possession of a Conjuration sphere companion that you have summoned. The companion must be within Close range and may be treated as the armorist for the purposes of maintaining the bound equipment in its possession. Additionally, if you possess the Variable Armaments feat, you may apply the benefits of any equipment tricks granting additional weapon property options to those available to your companion.

Shifting Weapon: All your bound and summoned weapons gain the transformative and adaptive special abilities. You may take this arsenal trick twice. Doing so grants your bound and summoned weapons the greater transformative special ability.

Skillful Implementation (requires Armorist 10): Your summoned and bound staves gain the erudite special ability.

Space-Bending Equipment: Your summoned and bound armors gain the collapsible special ability. You add intercepting (+1) to the list of special abilities you can add to summoned and bound shields, and add phasic (+2) to the list of special abilities you can add to summoned and bound weapons.

Store Magic: You add spell-stealing (+3) and spell-storing (+1) to the list of special abilities you can grant your bound and summoned weapons, and spell-storing (+1) to the list for your summoned and bound armor. You can store your own spells or sphere effects into weapons with spell storing as part of the process of summoning them.

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