Rare are the elementalists that eschew a focus on channeling elemental power, but instead open themselves to the underlying forces fundamental to all magic, reading and manipulating them as naturally as another would call a stream of flame.
Casting Ability Modifier: The arcanophage uses Intelligence as his casting ability modifier and for all class features instead of Charisma.
Arcane Pulse:
An arcanophage's elemental pulses deal magical bludgeoning damage. This alters elemental pulse.
Spell Mimicry:
At 1st level, an arcanophage can intuitively understand magic that they see in practice. When he successfully identifies a sphere effect, as an immediate action he can gain knowledge of 1 + 1 per 3 class levels talents used in that effect, to a maximum of his Intelligence modifier, used in that effect. This knowledge is retained for 1 minute per class level. If the arcanophage would gain talents in excess of his Intelligence modifier through another use of this ability, he must choose which previously gained talents to lose until their total mimicked talents is reduced to his Intelligence modifier. An arcanophage cannot choose to lose a talent that is a prerequisite for another talent gained from this ability. Any sphere effects that use talents gained from this ability use the arcanophage’s class level in place of his caster level and increase their wild magic chance by 10% per talent. This caster level and wild magic chance stack with those gained from other sources. This ability replaces weave elements.
Stifle Spells:
At 3rd level, the arcanophage gains the Counterspell feat even if he does not meet the prerequisites and may use his spell mimicry ability to gain knowledge of any effects targeted by the counterspell as part of the action required to counterspell. At 9th level, the arcanophage gains the Improved Counterspell feat even if he does not meet the prerequisites and gains a +2 bonus to MSB when using Counterspell. At 15th level, the arcanophage gains the Greater Counterspell feat even if he does not meet the prerequisites and his bonus to MSB checks to dispel increases to +4. This replaces elemental defense.
Resist Magic:
At 4th level, an arcanophage gains a +1 bonus to saving throws against magic, spells, spell-like abilities, and sphere effects. This increases by one for every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. This replaces dodge bonus.
Arcane Specialization:
At 5th level, the arcanopulser masters his arcane pulse’s intrinsic magical qualities. He learns to make arcane pulses which deal force damage. Once per turn when using empowered arcane pulse, the arcanopulser may activate an (expunge) talent from the Mana sphere he knows as a free action on any target he successfully strikes, although they must still be within range of his expunge’s normal range. He must still pay the spell point cost that he may incur from using an expunge.
At 10th level, the arcanopulser’s vibrant arcane forces interfere with other magical auras. Any creature struck by an empowered arcane pulse must attempt a Fortitude save. On failure, all harmless magical effects that are on the creature are suppressed for 1 round. A creature struck by multiple attacks in the same round only needs to attempt one saving throw. This replaces elemental specialization.
Magic Form:
As long as the arcanopulser is ascended, he becomes resistant to magic. He gains spell resistance equal to 11 + his class level (which he can lower as a free action during his turn, or raise it as a free action that can be taken outside of his turn), and additionally he transcends the border between the Material world and the Ethereal world. He treats his arcane pulses and all of his equipment as if they possess the ghost touch special ability, and becomes capable of seeing invisible creatures as if they were visible normally. At 13th level, while ascended, the arcanopulser gains the effects of the True Seeing advanced Divination talent. This alters elemental form.
Mimic Master:
At 20th level, the arcanophage retains knowledge of talents gained from spell mimicry until replacing them with subsequent uses of the ability and ignores the increase to wild magic chance from using talents gained from spell mimicry. This replaces avatar of the elements.